AttachmentType Property

The attachment/overlay status of this link.

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: 2015.0.0.0 (2015.0.0.0)
Since: 2012


public AttachmentType AttachmentType { get; set; }
Visual Basic
Public Property AttachmentType As AttachmentType
Visual C++
property AttachmentType AttachmentType {
	AttachmentType get ();
	void set (AttachmentType value);

Field Value

AttachmentType.Overlay if this link is an overlay, AttachmentType.Attachment if this link is an attachment.


"Attachment" links are considered to be part of their parent link and will be brought along if their parent is linked into another document. "Overlay" links are only visible when their parent is open directly.

For example: A user has a file B which contains a link C, and they wish to link B into another file, A. If C is an overlay, C will not be loaded into A. If C is an attachment, then C will be loaded into A along with B.


Exception Condition
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException When setting this property: A value passed for an enumeration argument is not a member of that enumeration
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions InvalidOperationException When setting this property: This RevitLinkType is not a top-level link.

See Also