PartUtils Members

The PartUtils type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method Static member AreElementsValidForCreateParts
Identifies if the given elements can be used to create parts.
Public method Static member ArePartsValidForDivide
Identifies if provided members are valid for dividing parts.
Public method Static member ArePartsValidForMerge
Identifies whether Part elements may be merged.
Public method Static member CreateMergedPart
Create a single merged part which represents the Parts specified by partsToMerge.
Public method Static member CreateParts(Document, ICollection ElementId )
Creates a new set of parts out of the original elements.
Public method Static member CreateParts(Document, ICollection LinkElementId )
Creates a new set of parts out of the original elements.
Public method Static member DivideParts
Creates divided parts out of parts.
Public method Static member FindMergeableClusters
Segregates a set of elements into subsets which are valid for merge.
Public method Static member GetAssociatedPartMaker(Document, ElementId)
Gets associated PartMaker for an element.
Public method Static member GetAssociatedPartMaker(Document, LinkElementId)
Gets associated PartMaker for an element.
Public method Static member GetAssociatedParts(Document, ElementId, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns all Parts that are associated with the given element.
Public method Static member GetAssociatedParts(Document, LinkElementId, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns all Parts that are associated with the given element
Public method Static member GetChainLengthToOriginal
Calculates the length of the longest chain of divisions/merges to reach to an original non-Part element that is the source of the tested part.
Public method Static member GetMergedParts
Retrieves the element ids of the source elements of a merged part.
Public method Static member GetPartMakerMethodToDivideVolumeFW
Obtains the object allowing access to the divided volume properties of the PartMaker.
Public method Static member GetSplittingCurves(Document, ElementId)
Identifies the curves that were used to create the part.
Public method Static member GetSplittingCurves(Document, ElementId, Plane )
Identifies the curves that were used to create the part and the plane in which they reside.
Public method Static member GetSplittingElements
Identifies the elements ( reference planes, levels, grids ) that were used to create the part.
Public method Static member HasAssociatedParts(Document, ElementId)
Checks if an element has associated parts.
Public method Static member HasAssociatedParts(Document, LinkElementId)
Checks if an element has associated parts.
Public method Static member IsMergedPart
Is the Part the result of a merge.
Public method Static member IsPartDerivedFromLink
Is the Part derived from link geometry.
Public method Static member IsValidForCreateParts
Identifies if the given element can be used to create parts.

See Also