MechanicalUtils Members

The MechanicalUtils type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method Static member ConnectAirTerminalOnDuct
Connects an air terminal to a duct directly (without the need for a tee or takeoff).
Public method Static member ConnectDuctPlaceholdersAtCross(Document, ElementId, ElementId)
Connects a pair of placeholders that can intersect in a Cross connection.
Public method Static member ConnectDuctPlaceholdersAtCross(Document, ElementId, ElementId, ElementId)
Connects a trio of placeholders that can intersect in a Cross connection.
Public method Static member ConnectDuctPlaceholdersAtCross(Document, Connector, Connector, Connector, Connector)
Connects a group of placeholders that can intersect in a Cross connection.
Public method Static member ConnectDuctPlaceholdersAtElbow(Document, Connector, Connector)
Connects a pair of placeholders that can intersect in an Elbow connection.
Public method Static member ConnectDuctPlaceholdersAtElbow(Document, ElementId, ElementId)
Connects a pair of placeholders that can intersect in an Elbow connection.
Public method Static member ConnectDuctPlaceholdersAtTee(Document, ElementId, ElementId)
Connects a pair of placeholders that can intersect in a Tee connection.
Public method Static member ConnectDuctPlaceholdersAtTee(Document, Connector, Connector, Connector)
Connects a trio of placeholders that can intersect in a Tee connection.
Public method Static member ConvertDuctPlaceholders
Converts a collection of duct placeholder elements into duct elements.

See Also