IExternalService Members

The IExternalService type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method Execute
Implement this method to execute the given server.
Public method GetDescription
Implement this method to return a description of the service.
Public method GetName
Implement this method to return the name of the service.
Public method GetServiceId
Implement this method to return the unique Id of the service.
Public method GetVendorId
Implement this method to return the vendor Id of the service.
Public method IsValidServer
Implement this method to check if the given instance represents a valid server of this service.
Public method OnServersChanged
Implement this method to handle situations when servers for the service have changed.
Public method OnServersDisparity
Implements this method to get notified that the servers in a just opened document differ from those currently set as active for the service.

See Also