ScheduleDefinition Members

The ScheduleDefinition type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method AddEmbeddedSchedule
Adds an embedded ScheduleDefinition.
Public method AddField(SchedulableField)
Adds a regular field at the end of the list.
Public method AddField(ScheduleFieldType)
Adds a regular field at the end of the list.
Public method AddField(ScheduleFieldType, ElementId)
Adds a regular field at the end of the list.
Public method AddFilter
Adds a new filter at the end of the list.
Public method AddSortGroupField
Adds a new sorting/grouping field at the end of the list.
Public method CanFilter
Checks whether filters can be added to this ScheduleDefinition.
Public method CanFilterByParameterExistence
Checks whether a field can be used with a HasParameter filter.
Public method CanFilterBySubstring
Checks whether a field can be used with a substring-based filter.
Public method CanFilterByValue
Checks whether a field can be used with a value-based filter.
Public method CanHaveEmbeddedSchedule
Indicates if this ScheduleDefinition can have an embedded ScheduleDefinition added.
Public method CanIncludeLinkedFiles
Checks whether the schedule is a type that supports including elements from linked files.
Public method CanSortByField
Checks whether a field can be used for sorting/grouping.
Public method ClearFields
Removes all fields.
Public method ClearFilters
Removes all filters.
Public method ClearSortGroupFields
Removes all sorting/grouping fields.
Public method Dispose
Releases all resources used by the ScheduleDefinition
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetField(Int32)
Gets a field.
Public method GetField(ScheduleFieldId)
Gets a field.
Public method GetFieldCount
Gets the number of fields in this ScheduleDefinition.
Public method GetFieldId
Converts a field index to the corresponding field ID.
Public method GetFieldIndex
Converts a field ID to the corresponding field index.
Public method GetFieldOrder
Gets the IDs of the current list of fields in order.
Public method GetFilter
Gets a filter.
Public method GetFilterCount
Gets the number of filters in this ScheduleDefinition.
Public method GetFilters
Gets all filters in this ScheduleDefinition.
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetSchedulableFields
Gets a list of all non-calculated/non-combined fields that are eligible to be included in this schedule.
Public method GetSortGroupField
Gets a sorting/grouping field.
Public method GetSortGroupFieldCount
Gets the number of sorting/grouping fields in this ScheduleDefinition.
Public method GetSortGroupFields
Gets all sorting/grouping fields in this ScheduleDefinition.
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetValidCategoriesForEmbeddedSchedule
Get all categories that can be used for an embedded ScheduleDefinition in this ScheduleDefinition.
Public method InsertField(SchedulableField, Int32)
Adds a regular field at the specified position in the list.
Public method InsertField(ScheduleFieldType, Int32)
Adds a regular field at the specified position in the list.
Public method InsertField(ScheduleFieldType, ElementId, Int32)
Adds a regular field at the specified position in the list.
Public method InsertFilter
Adds a new filter at the specified position in the list.
Public method InsertSortGroupField
Adds a new sorting/grouping field at the specified position in the list.
Public method IsSchedulableField
Checks whether a non-calculated/non-combined field is eligible to be included in this schedule.
Public method IsValidCategoryForEmbeddedSchedule
Indicates if a category can be used for an embedded ScheduleDefinition in this ScheduleDefinition.
Public method IsValidFieldId
Checks whether a ScheduleFieldId is the ID of a field in this ScheduleDefinition.
Public method IsValidFieldIndex
Checks whether an integer is a valid zero-based field index in this ScheduleDefinition.
Public method RemoveEmbeddedSchedule
Removes the embedded ScheduleDefinition.
Public method RemoveField(Int32)
Removes a field.
Public method RemoveField(ScheduleFieldId)
Removes a field.
Public method RemoveFilter
Removes a filter.
Public method RemoveSortGroupField
Removes a sorting/grouping field.
Public method SetFieldOrder
Reorders the fields in the schedule.
Public method SetFilter
Replaces a filter.
Public method SetFilters
Replaces all filters in this ScheduleDefinition.
Public method SetSortGroupField
Replaces a sorting/grouping field.
Public method SetSortGroupFields
Replaces all sorting/grouping fields in this ScheduleDefinition.
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object .)


Name Description
Public property AreaSchemeId
In an area schedule, the ID of the area scheme to display.
Public property CategoryId
The category ID of elements appearing in the schedule.
Public property EmbeddedDefinition
The embedded ScheduleDefinition.
Public property FamilyId
In a note block schedule, the ID of the Generic Annotation family displayed by the schedule.
Public property GrandTotalTitle
The title name is used to display at the grand total row. The name is "Grand total", expressed in the Revit session language, by default.
Public property HasEmbeddedSchedule
Indicates if this ScheduleDefinition has an embedded ScheduleDefinition.
Public property IncludeLinkedFiles
Indicates if the schedule includes elements from linked files.
Public property IsEmbedded
Indicates if this is an embedded ScheduleDefinition.
Public property IsItemized
Indicates if the schedule displays each element on a separate row or combines multiple grouped elements onto the same row.
Public property IsKeySchedule
Indicates if the schedule is a key schedule.
Public property IsMaterialTakeoff
Indicates if the schedule is a material takeoff.
Public property IsValidObject
Specifies whether the .NET object represents a valid Revit entity.
Public property ShowGrandTotal
Indicates if a grand total row should be displayed at the bottom of the schedule.
Public property ShowGrandTotalCount
Indicates if the grand total row should display a count of elements in the schedule.
Public property ShowGrandTotalTitle
Indicates if the grand total row should display a title.

See Also