BoundaryConditions Class

An object that represents a force applied across an area.

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: 2015.0.0.0 (2015.0.0.0)


public class BoundaryConditions : Element
Visual Basic
Public Class BoundaryConditions _
	Inherits Element
Visual C++
public ref class BoundaryConditions : public Element


Copy C#
public void GetInfo_BoundaryConditions(BoundaryConditions boundaryConditions)
    string message = "BoundaryConditions : ";

    switch (boundaryConditions.GetBoundaryConditionsType())
        case BoundaryConditionsType.Point:
            XYZ point = boundaryConditions.Point;
            message += "\nThis BoundaryConditions is a Point Boundary Conditions.";
            message += "\nLocation point: (" + point.X + ", "
                        + point.Y + ", " + point.Z + ")";
        case BoundaryConditionsType.Line:
            message += "\nThis BoundaryConditions is a Line Boundary Conditions.";
            Curve curve = boundaryConditions.get_Curve(0);
            // Get curve start point
            message += "\nLocation Line: start point: (" + curve.GetEndPoint(0).X + ", "
                    + curve.GetEndPoint(0).Y + ", " + curve.GetEndPoint(0).Z + ")";
            // Get curve end point
            message += ";  end point:(" + curve.GetEndPoint(1).X + ", "
                    + curve.GetEndPoint(1).Y + ", " + curve.GetEndPoint(1).Z + ")";
        case BoundaryConditionsType.Area:
            message += "\nThis BoundaryConditions is an Area Boundary Conditions.";
            for (int i = 0; i < boundaryConditions.NumCurves; i++)
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.Curve areaCurve = boundaryConditions.get_Curve(i);
                // Get curve start point
                message += "\nCurve start point:(" + areaCurve.GetEndPoint(0).X + ", "
                        + areaCurve.GetEndPoint(0).Y + ", " + areaCurve.GetEndPoint(0).Z + ")";
                // Get curve end point
                message += "; Curve end point:(" + areaCurve.GetEndPoint(1).X + ", "
                        + areaCurve.GetEndPoint(1).Y + ", " + areaCurve.GetEndPoint(1).Z + ")";

Public Sub GetInfo_BoundaryConditions(boundaryConditions As BoundaryConditions)
    Dim message As String = "BoundaryConditions : "

    Select Case boundaryConditions.GetBoundaryConditionsType()
        Case BoundaryConditionsType.Point
            Dim point As XYZ = boundaryConditions.Point
            message += vbLf & "This BoundaryConditions is a Point Boundary Conditions."
            message += ((vbLf & "Location point: (" + point.X & ", ") + point.Y & ", ") + point.Z & ")"
            Exit Select
        Case BoundaryConditionsType.Line
            message += vbLf & "This BoundaryConditions is a Line Boundary Conditions."
            Dim curve As Curve = boundaryConditions.Curve(0)
            ' Get curve start point
            message += ((vbLf & "Location Line: start point: (" + curve.GetEndPoint(0).X & ", ") + curve.GetEndPoint(0).Y & ", ") + curve.GetEndPoint(0).Z & ")"
            ' Get curve end point
            message += ((";  end point:(" + curve.GetEndPoint(1).X & ", ") + curve.GetEndPoint(1).Y & ", ") + curve.GetEndPoint(1).Z & ")"
            Exit Select
        Case BoundaryConditionsType.Area
            message += vbLf & "This BoundaryConditions is an Area Boundary Conditions."
            For i As Integer = 0 To boundaryConditions.NumCurves - 1
                Dim areaCurve As Autodesk.Revit.DB.Curve = boundaryConditions.Curve(i)
                ' Get curve start point
                message += ((vbLf & "Curve start point:(" + areaCurve.GetEndPoint(0).X & ", ") + areaCurve.GetEndPoint(0).Y & ", ") + areaCurve.GetEndPoint(0).Z & ")"
                ' Get curve end point
                message += (("; Curve end point:(" + areaCurve.GetEndPoint(1).X & ", ") + areaCurve.GetEndPoint(1).Y & ", ") + areaCurve.GetEndPoint(1).Z & ")"
            Exit Select
        Case Else
            Exit Select
    End Select

    TaskDialog.Show("Revit", message)
End Sub

Inheritance Hierarchy

System Object
Autodesk.Revit.DB Element
Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure BoundaryConditions

See Also