PathType Property

The type of path the link uses.

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: 2015.0.0.0 (2015.0.0.0)
Since: 2014


public PathType PathType { get; set; }
Visual Basic
Public Property PathType As PathType
Visual C++
property PathType PathType {
	PathType get ();
	void set (PathType value);


You cannot change the PathType to or from PathType.Server. The path type will change automatically if you call RevitLinkType.LoadFrom with a Revit Server path.

Links from external resource servers are considered to have no path type. Attempts to access this property for an external server link will result in an exception.


Exception Condition
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException When setting this property: A value passed for an enumeration argument is not a member of that enumeration
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions InvalidOperationException The PathType of the Revit link cannot be determined (or set), because it was not loaded from a local disk drive or from Revit Server. -or- When setting this property: The PathType for the link is not valid. PathType.Content is never valid for a Revit link. To change the type to or from PathType.Server, use RevitLinkType.LoadFrom and pick a server or file path.

See Also