BuiltInFailures.AssemblyFailures Members

Provides a container of all Revit built-in FailureDefinitionId instances.

The BuiltInFailures AssemblyFailures type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Static member AddedElementsNotSamePhaseAsAssembly
Selected Element(s) cannot be added to the assembly. Elements must have the same phases as the assembly to be included in the assembly.
Public property Static member AssemblyDeleteTypeWarn
Edits to these assemblies changed the naming category and name of these assemblies.
Public property Static member AssemblyDidNotMatchRequestedTypeWarn
Assembly was changed to a new type, but did not match the type. Geometry could have been changed due to a join condition.
Public property Static member AssemblyDisassembleInstanceWarn
Edits to these assemblies changed the naming category and name of these assemblies.
Public property Static member AssemblyInheritTypeWarn
Edits to these assemblies do not match existing types, new type will be created.
Public property Static member AssemblyInvalidMember
Some elements became ineligible to be included in an assembly and were removed.
Public property Static member AssemblyNewTypeWarn
Edits to these assemblies match existing type and will inherit that name.
Public property Static member AssemblyRenameTypeWarn
Edits to these assemblies changed the naming category and name of these assemblies.
Public property Static member CouldNotAcquireAssemblyViews
The assembly instance could not acquire the assembly views.
Public property Static member CouldNotChangeTypeOfAssembly
Assembly cannot be changed to selected type.
Public property Static member DeleteAssemblyInstWithViewsWarn
Deleting this assembly will remove the assembly from the project and any views associated with that assembly.
Public property Static member DeleteShopDrawingsWarn
The assembly instance has associated views and cannot be merged with assembly type '%1!s!'. Delete the views to continue.\n\nViews:%2!s!
Public property Static member ElementsNotAllowedAreNotAddedToAssembly
Elements not allowed in Assembly were not added to it, but only in the document
Public property Static member IneligibleElementsInAssembly
Ineligible elements in assembly.
Public property Static member MixedPhasesInAssembly
Assembly cannot be created. All elements must have the same phases to be included in an assembly.
Public property Static member NoElementsAddedtoNewAssembly
No elements were added to the assembly. No assembly will be created.
Public property Static member NoElementsLeftInExistingAssembly
There are no elements left in the assembly. It will be disassembled.
Public property Static member NoEligibleElementsInAssembly
No eligible elements in assembly.
Public property Static member SomeElementsPreventAssemblyTypeChange
Assembly cannot be changed to selected type. Some elements in the target assembly prevent the type change from occurring. These tend to be parts and nested elements such as mullion, curtain panels, and members of trusses.

See Also