BuiltInFailures.DimensionFailures Members

Provides a container of all Revit built-in FailureDefinitionId instances.

The BuiltInFailures DimensionFailures type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Static member AngularDimensionRegenFailed
Can't form Angular Dimension.
Public property Static member ArcAlignmentRegenFailed
Can't form arc alignment.
Public property Static member ArcLengthDimensionNoReferencesOnArc
None of the segment references of this Arc Length Dimension intersects the bounded arc of the arc reference.
Public property Static member ArcLengthDimensionReferencesNotIntersect
One or more dimension references of this Arc Length dimension no longer intersect the circle needed for arc length computation.
Public property Static member AssocpropNeedJog
Need to add jog in order to satisfy constraints
Public property Static member CannotConstrainBasePointAlignments
Alignments to base points cannot be constrained.
Public property Static member CannotConstrainBasePointDimensions
Dimensions to base points cannot be constrained.
Public property Static member CannotCreateDimensionNotParallel
Can't create dimension. Highlighted references are not parallel to first selection.
Public property Static member CannotDragWitnessLine
Moving the Witness Line conflicts with other Constraints in the Sketch.
Public property Static member CannotLockThisDimension
Can't lock this Dimension because it breaks formulas
Public property Static member CannotToggleDimensionEquality
Toggling the dimension's equality constraint would overconstrain the sketch.
Public property Static member ChangeDimensionSegmentFailed
Can't change dimension segment to this value.
Public property Static member ChangeSpotElevationFailed
Can't change Spot Elevation to the desired value.
Public property Static member DifferentLabelsInMultiSegmentDim
All segments of a multi-segment dimension must be labeled the same.
Public property Static member DimensionOverconstrained
The Dimension would overconstrain the Sketch.
Public property Static member DimensionOverconstrainedError
The Dimension would overconstrain the Sketch.
Public property Static member DimensionOverrideNearByIsLost
The dimension segment containing the override(s) shown below has been removed. The override text will no longer appear. [Description]
Public property Static member DimensionPerpendicularToView
The Dimension is perpendicular to the current view, and no longer valid.
Public property Static member DimensionReferencesInvalid
One or more dimension references are or have become invalid.
Public property Static member DimensionUnequaled
Dimension had to be unlocked and un-EQed in order to remove sketch over-constraining.
Public property Static member DimensionUnlocked
Dimension had to be un-EQed in order to remove sketch over-constraining.
Public property Static member DimensionUnlockedAndUnequaled
Dimension had to be unlocked in order to remove sketch over-constraining.
Public property Static member DimLabeledAndEQ
Labeled and constrained dimensions between same references are not allowed.
Public property Static member EqualityConstraintsUnsatisfied
Equality constraints are not satisfied. The action either violates a locked constraint or tries to modify a sketch based object outside of the sketch mode.
Public property Static member EqualityConstraintsUnsatisfiedWarn
Equality constraints are not satisfied. The action either violates a locked constraint or tries to modify a sketch based object outside of the sketch mode.
Public property Static member ForbiddenGroupConstraint
You may not create sketch or family constraints between group members and elements which are not members of the same group.
Public property Static member LabelingDimWithGroupReferences
Labeled constraints cannot participate in groups.
Public property Static member LabelingMultiSegmentWithReporting
Cannot label multi-segment dimensions with reporting parameters.
Public property Static member LabelOverconstrained
Labeling this dimension would overconstrain the sketch.
Public property Static member LinearConstraintBadDirection
Bad direction vector in dimension element.
Public property Static member LinearConstraintNotParallel
The References of the highlighted Dimension are no longer parallel.
Public property Static member LinearDimensionReferenceNotOrthogonalToView
The planes of one or more references are not exactly orthogonal to this view. The dimension to these reference cannot be created.
Public property Static member LockOverconstrained
Locking this dimension would overconstrain the sketch.
Public property Static member LockOverconstrainedAlignment
Locking this alignment would overconstrain the sketch.
Public property Static member LooseLabeledDimensionRegenFailure
Failed to Regenerate Family
Public property Static member MoreThanOneDimsLabelToOneReportingParameter
Reporting parameters can only exist on a single dimension/constraint.
Public property Static member NoConstraintsInProperSketch
You are creating a constraint inside the sketch of a property line. Constraints inside a sketch can only drive elements within the sketch. Usually you do not want property lines driven by other elements. If you would like to constrain other elements to the property lines, you should add the constraints outside of sketch mode.
Public property Static member NoConstraintsToLinks
Constraints may not be created to linked instances using Shared Locations.
Public property Static member RadialDimensionCannotProjectToArc
Cannot form radial dimension.
Public property Static member RadialDimensionChangeRadiusFailed
Can't change radius.
Public property Static member RegenConstraintUnsatisfied
Constraints are not satisfied
Public property Static member RegenConstraintUnsatisfiedWarn
Constraints are not satisfied
Public property Static member ReportingParamAlreadyLabelsToAnotherDim
Cannot label multi-dimensions to one reporting parameter.
Public property Static member SomeDimensionsLostOnPaste
Some Dimensions were not copied because some References were lost.
Public property Static member SomeDimensionsLostWitnessLines
Some Dimensions lost some of their References on paste.
Public property Static member SomeSpotDimensionsLostOnPaste
Some Spot Dimensions were not copied because some References were lost.
Public property Static member SpotDimensionFloatingPointError
Some spot dimensions contain invalid floating-point values.
Public property Static member SpotDimensionFormerSetMoribundCall
One or more Spot Dimension references are no longer valid.
Public property Static member SpotDimensionReferencesNoLongerHorizontal
One or more Spot Dimension references are no longer valid. Spot Dimensions can generally reference only those references which have valid coordinates in the view.
Public property Static member SpotElevationLostEdgeReferences
Some Spot Dimensions lost their References. Those Spot Dimensions will be deleted.
Public property Static member SpotElevationMissesReference
Spot Dimension does not lie on its reference.
Public property Static member SpotSlopeReferenceIsVertical
The highlighted Spot Slope references an element that is vertical.
Public property Static member SpotSlopeReferencePointIsSingular
The highlighted Spot Slope references an element point that is singular.
Public property Static member WrongConstraintInGridChainSketch
Curve in a GridChain sketch cannot be constrained to a sub-grid
Public property Static member WrongConstraintInJoistSystemSketch
Structural Beam System sketch can't be constrained to its beam.
Public property Static member WrongConstraintInSkeletonSketch
Reference Lines can only be constrained to Reference Planes, Levels, Family Host, and other Reference Lines.
Public property Static member WrongConstraintInTrussSketch
Structural Truss sketch can't be constrained to its members.

See Also