RebarContainerItem Members

The RebarContainerItem type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method CanApplyPresentationMode
Checks if a presentation mode can be applied for this rebar in the given view.
Public method CanUseHookType
Checks if the specified RebarHookType id is of a valid RebarHookType for the Rebar's RebarBarType
Public method ClearPresentationMode
Sets the presentation mode for this rebar set to the default (either for a single view, or for all views).
Public method ComputeDrivingCurves
Compute the driving curves.
Public method Dispose
Releases all resources used by the RebarContainerItem
Public method DoesBarExistAtPosition
Checks whether a bar exists at the specified position.
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method FindMatchingPredefinedPresentationMode
Determines if there is a matching RebarPresentationMode for the current set of selected hidden and unhidden bars assigned to the given view.
Public method GetBarPositionTransform
Return a transform representing the relative position of any individual bar in the set.
Public method GetBendData
Gets the RebarBendData, containing bar and hook information, of the instance.
Public method GetCenterlineCurves(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
A chain of curves representing the centerline of the rebar.
Public method GetCenterlineCurves(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, MultiplanarOption)
A chain of curves representing the centerline of the rebar.
Public method GetDistributionPath
The distribution path of a rebar set.
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetHookOrientation
Returns the orientation of the hook plane at the start or at the end of the rebar with respect to the orientation of the first or the last curve and the plane normal.
Public method GetHookTypeId
Get the id of the RebarHookType to be applied to the rebar.
Public method GetPresentationMode
Gets the presentaion mode for this rebar set when displayed in the given view.
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method HasPresentationOverrides
Identifies if this rebar set has overridden default presentation settings for the given view.
Public method IsBarHidden
Identifies if a given bar in this rebar set is hidden in this view.
Public method IsRebarInSection
Identifies if this rebar set is shown as a cross-section in the given view.
Public method SetBarHiddenStatus
Sets the bar in this rebar set to be hidden or unhidden in the given view.
Public method SetFromCurves
Set an instance of a RebarContainerItem element according to the parameters list.
Public method SetFromCurvesAndShape
Set an instance of a RebarContainerItem element according to the parameters list. The instance will have the default shape parameters from the RebarShape. If the RebarShapeDefinesHooks flag in ReinforcementSettings has been set to true, then both the curves and hooks must match the RebarShape definition. Otherwise, the hooks can be different than the defaults specified in the RebarShape
Public method SetFromRebar
Set an instance of a RebarContainerItem element according to a Rebar parameters.
Public method SetFromRebarShape
Set an instance of a RebarContainerItem element, as an instance of a RebarShape. The instance will have the default shape parameters from the RebarShape, and its location is based on the bounding box of the shape in the shape definition. Hooks are removed from the shape before computing its bounding box. If appropriate hooks can be found in the document, they will be assigned arbitrarily.
Public method SetHookOrientation
Defines the orientation of the hook plane at the start or at the end of the rebar with respect to the orientation of the first or the last curve and the plane normal.
Public method SetHookTypeId
Set the id of the RebarHookType to be applied to the rebar.
Public method SetLayoutAsFixedNumber
Sets the Layout Rule property of rebar set to FixedNumber.
Public method SetLayoutAsMaximumSpacing
Sets the Layout Rule property of rebar set to MaximumSpacing
Public method SetLayoutAsMinimumClearSpacing
Sets the Layout Rule property of rebar set to MinimumClearSpacing
Public method SetLayoutAsNumberWithSpacing
Sets the Layout Rule property of rebar set to NumberWithSpacing
Public method SetLayoutAsSingle
Sets the Layout Rule property of rebar set to Single.
Public method SetPresentationMode
Sets the presentation mode for this rebar set when displayed in the given view.
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object .)


Name Description
Public property ArrayLength
Identifies the distribution path length of rebar set.
Public property BarsOnNormalSide
Identifies if the bars of the rebar set are on the same side of the rebar plane indicated by the normal.
Public property BarTypeId
The identifier of the rebar bar type.
Public property BaseFinishingTurns
For a spiral, the number of finishing turns at the lower end of the spiral.
Public property Height
For a spiral, the overall height.
Public property IncludeFirstBar
Identifies if the first bar in rebar set is shown.
Public property IncludeLastBar
Identifies if the last bar in rebar set is shown.
Public property IsValidObject
Specifies whether the .NET object represents a valid Revit entity.
Public property ItemIndex
The index of this item in its associated RebarContainer.
Public property LayoutRule
Identifies the layout rule of rebar set.
Public property MaxSpacing
Identifies the maximum spacing between rebar in rebar set.
Public property MultiplanarDepth
For a multiplanar rebar, the depth of the instance.
Public property Normal
A unit-length vector normal to the plane of the rebar
Public property NumberOfBarPositions
The number of potential bars in the set.
Public property Pitch
For a spiral, the pitch, or vertical distance traveled in one rotation.
Public property Quantity
Identifies the number of bars in rebar set.
Public property RebarShapeId
The RebarShape element that defines the shape of the rebar.
Public property TopFinishingTurns
For a spiral, the number of finishing turns at the upper end of the spiral.
Public property TotalLength
The length of an individual bar multiplied by Quantity.
Public property Volume
The volume of an individual bar multiplied by Quantity.

See Also