AdaptiveComponentInstanceUtils Members

The AdaptiveComponentInstanceUtils type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method Static member CreateAdaptiveComponentInstance
Creates a FamilyInstance of Adaptive Component Family.
Public method Static member GetInstancePlacementPointElementRefIds
Gets Placement Adaptive Point Element Ref ids to which the instance geometry adapts.
Public method Static member GetInstancePointElementRefIds
Gets Adaptive Point Element Ref ids to which the instance geometry adapts.
Public method Static member GetInstanceShapeHandlePointElementRefIds
Gets Shape Handle Adaptive Point Element Ref ids to which the instance geometry adapts.
Public method Static member HasAdaptiveFamilySymbol
Verifies if a FamilyInstance has an Adaptive Family Symbol.
Public method Static member IsAdaptiveComponentInstance
Verifies if a FamilyInstance is an Adaptive Component Instance.
Public method Static member IsAdaptiveFamilySymbol
Verifies if a FamilySymbol is a valid Adaptive Family Symbol.
Public method Static member IsInstanceFlipped
Gets the value of the flip parameter on the adaptive instance.
Public method Static member MoveAdaptiveComponentInstance
Moves Adaptive Component Instance by the specified transformation.
Public method Static member SetInstanceFlipped
Sets the value of the flip parameter on the adaptive instance.

See Also