Application Members

The Application type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method CopyModel
Copies an existing model to a new file. Overwriting a file of the same name is allowed.
Public method Dispose
Releases all resources used by the Application
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method ExtractPartAtomFromFamilyFile
Writes a PartAtom XML from the contents of a family file.
Public method Static member GetFailureDefinitionRegistry
Returns the instance of FailureDefinitionRegistry.
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetLibraryPaths
Returns path information identifying where Revit searches for content.
Public method GetRevitServerNetworkHosts
Gets the list of all Revit Server Network hosts in current session.
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetWorksharingCentralGUID
Gets the worksharing central GUID of the given server-based model.
Public method Static member IsValidThickness
Checks if the input value is valid to be supplied as a thickness (for an extrusion, or blend, or wall layer, or similar geometric construct).
Public method NewFamilyDocument
New family document, including family, titleblock, and annotation symbol
Public method NewProjectDocument(String)
New project document
Public method NewProjectDocument(UnitSystem)
Creates a new project document with no template file specified.
Public method NewProjectTemplateDocument
New project template document
Public method OpenBuildingComponentDocument
Opens a Building Component document from disk.
Public method OpenDocumentFile(String)
Opens a document from disk.
Public method OpenDocumentFile(ModelPath, OpenOptions)
Opens a document from disk.
Public method OpenIFCDocument(String)
Opens an IFC document from disk using default options.
Public method OpenIFCDocument(String, IFCImportOptions)
Opens an IFC document from disk using custom options.
Public method OpenSharedParameterFile
Enables access to shared parameter groups and definitions that are maintained on disk.
Public method PurgeReleasedAPIObjects
Explicitly purges all API objects that have been released but are still awaiting to be finalized
Public method Static member RegisterFailuresProcessor
Registers Revit application-wide instance of Failures Processor.
Public method SetLibraryPaths
Sets path information identifying where Revit searches for content.
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method UpdateRenderAppearanceLibrary
Updates the stored render appearance library, giving the Revit session access to any new RPC content.
Public method WriteJournalComment
Writes a comment to the Revit journal file.


Name Description
Public property ActiveAddInId
Retrieves the Id of the currently running external application.
Public property AllowNavigationDuringRedraw
Checks whether or not the navigation during redraw is enabled, and enable or disable it.
Public property AllUsersAddinsLocation
The folder location for .addin files for all users.
Public property AngleTolerance
Angle tolerance.
Public property Assets
Public property BackgroundColor
The background color to use for model views in this session.
Public property Cities
Returns a set of all the known city locations within Revit.
Public property Create
Provides an object that can be used to create new instances of Autodesk Revit API objects.
Public property CurrentRevitServerAccelerator
Current Revit Server accelerator.
Public property CurrentUserAddinsLocation
The folder location for .addin files for the current user.
Public property DefaultIFCProjectTemplate
Full path to the default template file for new IFC project documents. It may be empty, in which case the DefaultProjectTemplate should be used.
Public property DefaultProjectTemplate
Full path to the default template file for new project documents.
Public property DefaultViewDiscipline
The view discipline that will be applied to new views by default.
Public property Documents
Returns a set of documents within Revit.
Public property ExportIFCCategoryTable
Full path to the file that defines Revit category to IFC entity mappings for IFC export.
Public property FamilyTemplatePath
Default path for family template files.
Public property ImportIFCCategoryTable
Full path to the file that defines IFC entity to Revit category mappings for IFC import.
Public property IsArchitectureEnabled
Checks whether or not the architecture discipline is enabled, and enable or disable it.
Public property IsElectricalAnalysisEnabled
Checks whether or not electrical analysis is enabled, and enable or disable it.
Public property IsElectricalEnabled
Checks whether or not the electrical discipline is enabled, and enable or disable it.
Public property IsEnergyAnalysisEnabled
Checks whether or not energy analysis is enabled, and enable or disable it.
Public property Static member IsLoggedIn
Checks if the user is logged in from this session to their Autodesk account.
Public property IsMassingEnabled
Checks whether or not the massing and site tools are enabled, and enable or disable them.
Public property IsMechanicalAnalysisEnabled
Checks whether or not mechanical analysis is enabled, and enable or disable it.
Public property IsMechanicalEnabled
Checks whether or not the mechanical discipline is enabled, and enable or disable it.
Public property IsPipingAnalysisEnabled
Checks whether or not piping analysis is enabled, and enable or disable it.
Public property IsPipingEnabled
Checks whether or not the piping discipline is enabled, and enable or disable it.
Public property IsStructuralAnalysisEnabled
Checks whether or not the structural analysis is enabled, and enable or disable it.
Public property IsStructureEnabled
Checks whether or not the structure discipline is enabled, and enable or disable it.
Public property IsSubscriptionUpdate
True if this version of Revit is a subscription update.
Public property IsSystemsEnabled
Checks whether or not any systems disciplines (mechanical, electrical, or piping) are enabled.
Public property IsValidObject
Specifies whether the .NET object represents a valid Revit entity.
Public property Language
The language used in the current session of Revit.
Public property LoginUserId
The user id of the user currently logged in. The user id will be empty if the user is not logged in.
Public property Static member MinimumThickness
The minimum thickness allowed in Revit for a variety of geometric constructs. These include blends, extrusions, and wall layers.
Public property PointCloudsRootPath
Root path for point cloud files.
Public property Product
The product type for the current session of Revit.
Public property RecordingJournalFilename
Retrieve the name of the journal file the Revit is currently recording to.
Public property SharedParametersFilename
Contains the fully qualified path to a shared parameters file.
Public property ShortCurveTolerance
The enforced minimum length for any curve created by Revit.
Public property ShowGraphicalWarningCableTrayConduitDisconnects
Whether or not to show the graphical warnings for CTC disconnects.
Public property ShowGraphicalWarningDuctDisconnects
Whether or not to show the graphical warnings for duct disconnects.
Public property ShowGraphicalWarningElectricalDisconnects
Whether or not to show the graphical warnings for Electrical disconnects.
Public property ShowGraphicalWarningHangerDisconnects
Whether or not to show the graphical warnings for Fabrication Hanger disconnects.
Public property ShowGraphicalWarningPipeDisconnects
Whether or not to show the graphical warnings for Pipe disconnects.
Public property Username
Gets the user name for the current Revit session.
Public property VersionBuild
Returns the internal build number of the Autodesk Revit application.
Public property VersionName
Returns the name of the Revit application.
Public property VersionNumber
Return the primary version of the Revit application.
Public property VertexTolerance
Vertex tolerance.


Name Description
Public event ApplicationInitialized
Subscribe to this event to get notified after the Revit application has been initialized
Public event DocumentChanged
Subscribe to the DocumentChanged event to be notified when Revit document has changed.
Public event DocumentClosed
Subscribe to the DocumentClosing event to be notified when Revit is just about to close a document.
Public event DocumentClosing
Subscribe to the DocumentClosing event to be notified when Revit is just about to close a document.
Public event DocumentCreated
Subscribe to the DocumentCreated event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished creating a new document.
Public event DocumentCreating
Subscribe to the DocumentCreating event to be notified when Revit is just about to create a new document.
Public event DocumentOpened
Subscribe to the DocumentOpened event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished opening a document.
Public event DocumentOpening
Subscribe to the DocumentOpening event to be notified when Revit is just about to open a document.
Public event DocumentPrinted
Subscribe to the DocumentPrinted event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished printing a view or ViewSet of the document.
Public event DocumentPrinting
Subscribe to the DocumentPrinting event to be notified when Revit is just about to print a view or ViewSet of the document.
Public event DocumentSaved
Subscribe to the DocumentSaved event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished saving a document.
Public event DocumentSavedAs
Subscribe to the DocumentSavedAs event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished saving document with a new file name.
Public event DocumentSaving
Subscribe to the DocumentSaving event to be notified when Revit is just about to save a document.
Public event DocumentSavingAs
Subscribe to the DocumentSavingAs event to be notified when Revit is just about to save the document with a new file name.
Public event DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral
Subscribe to the DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished synchronizing a document with central model.
Public event DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral
Subscribe to the DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event to be notified when Revit is just about to synchronize a document with central model.
Public event DocumentWorksharingEnabled
Subscribe to the DocumentWorksharingEnabled event to be notified when a document has become workshared.
Public event ElementTypeDuplicated
Subscribe to the ElementTypeDuplicated event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished duplicating an element type.
Public event ElementTypeDuplicating
Subscribe to the ElementTypeDuplicating event to be notified when Revit is just about to duplicate an element type.
Public event FailuresProcessing
Subscribe to the FailuresProcessing event to be notified when failures are being processed at the end of transaction.
Public event FamilyLoadedIntoDocument
Subscribe to the FamilyLoadedInto event to be notified after Revit loaded a family into a document.
Public event FamilyLoadingIntoDocument
Subscribe to the FamilyLoadingInto event to be notified when Revit is just about to load a family into a document.
Public event FileExported
Subscribe to the FileExported event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished exporting files of formats supported by the API.
Public event FileExporting
Subscribe to the FileExporting event to be notified when Revit is just about to export files of formats supported by the API.
Public event FileImported
Subscribe to the FileImported event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished importing a file of format supported by the API.
Public event FileImporting
Subscribe to the FileImporting event to be notified when Revit is just about to import a file of format supported by the API.
Public event ProgressChanged
Subscribe to the ProgressChanged event to be notified when an operation in Revit has progress bar data available.
Public event ViewPrinted
Subscribe to the ViewPrinted event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished printing a view of the document.
Public event ViewPrinting
Subscribe to the ViewPrinting event to be notified when Revit is just about to print a view of the document.
Public event WorksharedOperationProgressChanged
Subscribe to the WorksharedOperationProgressChanged to be notified when progress has changed during Collaboration for Revit's workshared operations: open model and synchronize with central.

See Also