IExternalResourceUIServer Members

The IExternalResourceUIServer type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method GetDBServerId
Implement this method to return the id of the server which is associated with this UI server.
Public method GetDescription
Implement this method to return a description of the server.
(Inherited from IExternalServer .)
Public method GetName
Implement this method to return the name of the server.
(Inherited from IExternalServer .)
Public method GetServerId
Implement this method to return the id of the server.
(Inherited from IExternalServer .)
Public method GetServiceId
Implement this method to return the id of the service.
(Inherited from IExternalServer .)
Public method GetVendorId
Implement this method to return the id of the vendor of the server.
(Inherited from IExternalServer .)
Public method HandleBrowseResult
Implement this method to handle results from browsing external resources in the UI. It is recommended that the server only respond in the case of a critical error.
Public method HandleLoadResourceResults

See Also