DetailElementOrderUtils Members

The DetailElementOrderUtils type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method Static member AreDetailElements
Indicates whether the given elements are all detail elements.
Public method Static member BringForward(Document, View, ElementId)
Moves the given detail instance one step closer to the front of all other detail instances in the view.
Public method Static member BringForward(Document, View, ICollection ElementId )
Moves the given detail instances one step closer to the front of all other detail instances in the view, while keeping the order of the given ones.
Public method Static member BringToFront(Document, View, ElementId)
Places the given detail instance in the front of all other detail instances in the view.
Public method Static member BringToFront(Document, View, ICollection ElementId )
Places the given detail instances in the front of all other detail instances in the view, while keeping the order of the given ones.
Public method Static member IsDetailElement
Indicates if the given element is a detail element.
Public method Static member SendBackward(Document, View, ElementId)
Moves the given detail instance one step closer to the back of all other detail instances in the view.
Public method Static member SendBackward(Document, View, ICollection ElementId )
Moves the given detail instances one step closer to the back with relation to all other detail instances in the view, while keeping the order of the given ones.
Public method Static member SendToBack(Document, View, ElementId)
Places the given detail instance behind all detail instances in the view.
Public method Static member SendToBack(Document, View, ICollection ElementId )
Places the given detail instances behind all other detail instances in the view, while keeping the order of the given ones.

See Also