Format Method (Units, UnitType, Double, Boolean, Boolean)

Formats a number with units into a string.

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (17.0.484.0)
Since: 2014


public static string Format(
	Units units,
	UnitType unitType,
	double value,
	bool maxAccuracy,
	bool forEditing
Visual Basic
Public Shared Function Format ( _
	units As Units, _
	unitType As UnitType, _
	value As Double, _
	maxAccuracy As Boolean, _
	forEditing As Boolean _
) As String
Visual C++
static String^ Format(
	Units^ units, 
	UnitType unitType, 
	double value, 
	bool maxAccuracy, 
	bool forEditing


Type: Autodesk.Revit.DB Units
The units formatting settings, typically obtained from Document.GetUnits() .
Type: Autodesk.Revit.DB UnitType
The unit type of the value to format.
Type: System Double
The value to format, in Revit's internal units.
Type: System Boolean
True if the value should be rounded to an increased accuracy level appropriate for editing or understanding the precise value stored in the model. False if the accuracy specified by the FormatOptions should be used, appropriate for printed drawings.
Type: System Boolean
True if the formatting should be modified as necessary so that the formatted string can be successfully parsed, for example by suppressing digit grouping. False if unmodified settings should be used, suitable for display only.

Return Value

The formatted string.


Copy C#
void DisplayDensityOfMaterial(Material material)
    double density = 0;
    // get structural asset of material in order to get the density
    ElementId strucAssetId = material.StructuralAssetId;
    if (strucAssetId != ElementId.InvalidElementId)
        PropertySetElement pse = material.Document.GetElement(strucAssetId) as PropertySetElement;
        if (pse != null)
            StructuralAsset asset = pse.GetStructuralAsset();

            density = asset.Density;
            // convert the density value to a user readable string that includes the units
            Units units = material.Document.GetUnits();
            // false for maxAccuracy means accuracy specified by the FormatOptions should be used
            // false for forEditing since this will be for display only and no formatting modifications are necessary
            string strDensity = UnitFormatUtils.Format(units, UnitType.UT_UnitWeight, density, false, false);
            string msg = string.Format("Raw Value: {0}\r\nFormatted Value: {1}", density, strDensity);
            TaskDialog.Show("Material Density", msg);
Private Sub DisplayDensityOfMaterial(material As Material)
   Dim density As Double = 0
   ' get structural asset of material in order to get the density
   Dim strucAssetId As ElementId = material.StructuralAssetId
   If strucAssetId <> ElementId.InvalidElementId Then
      Dim pse As PropertySetElement = TryCast(material.Document.GetElement(strucAssetId), PropertySetElement)
      If pse IsNot Nothing Then
         Dim asset As StructuralAsset = pse.GetStructuralAsset()

         density = asset.Density
         ' convert the density value to a user readable string that includes the units
         Dim units As Units = material.Document.GetUnits()
         ' false for maxAccuracy means accuracy specified by the FormatOptions should be used
         ' false for forEditing since this will be for display only and no formatting modifications are necessary
         Dim strDensity As String = UnitFormatUtils.Format(units, UnitType.UT_UnitWeight, density, False, False)
         Dim msg As String = String.Format("Raw Value: {0}" & vbCr & vbLf & "Formatted Value: {1}", density, strDensity)
         TaskDialog.Show("Material Density", msg)
      End If
   End If
End Sub


Exception Condition
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions ArgumentException unitType is an invalid unit type. See UnitUtils.IsValidUnitType() and UnitUtils.GetValidUnitTypes(). -or- The given value for value is not finite
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions ArgumentNullException A non-optional argument was NULL
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException A value passed for an enumeration argument is not a member of that enumeration

See Also