ElementTransformUtils Members

The ElementTransformUtils type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method Static member CanMirrorElement
Determines whether element can be mirrored.
Public method Static member CanMirrorElements
Determines whether elements can be mirrored.
Public method Static member CopyElement
Copies an element and places the copy at a location indicated by a given transformation.
Public method Static member CopyElements(Document, ICollection ElementId , XYZ)
Copies a set of elements and places the copies at a location indicated by a given translation.
Public method Static member CopyElements(Document, ICollection ElementId , Document, Transform, CopyPasteOptions)
Copies a set of elements from source document to destination document.
Public method Static member CopyElements(View, ICollection ElementId , View, Transform, CopyPasteOptions)
Copies a set of elements from source view to destination view.
Public method Static member GetTransformFromViewToView
Returns a transformation that is applied to elements when copying from one view to another view.
Public method Static member MirrorElement
Creates a mirrored copy of an element about a given plane.
Public method Static member MirrorElements
Mirrors a set of elements about a given plane.
Public method Static member MoveElement
Moves one element by a given transformation.
Public method Static member MoveElements
Moves a set of elements by a given transformation.
Public method Static member RotateElement
Rotates an element about the given axis and angle.
Public method Static member RotateElements
Rotates a set of elements about the given axis and angle.

See Also