Rebar Members

The Rebar type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method ArePhasesModifiable
Returns true if the properties CreatedPhaseId and DemolishedPhaseId can be modified for this Element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method CanApplyPresentationMode
Checks if a presentation mode can be applied for this rebar in the given view.
Public method CanBeHidden
Indicates if the element can be hidden in the view.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method CanBeLocked
Identifies if the element can be locked.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method CanDeleteSubelement
Checks if given subelement can be removed from the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method CanHaveAnalyticalModel
Indicates whether the Element can have an Analytical Model.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method CanHaveTypeAssigned
Identifies if the element can have a type assigned.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method CanSuppressFirstOrLastBar
Checks if the first or last bar in rebar set can be hidden in the given view.
Public method CanUseHookType
Checks if the specified RebarHookType id is of a valid RebarHookType for the Rebar's RebarBarType
Public method ChangeTypeId(ElementId)
Changes the type of the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method ClearPresentationMode
Sets the presentation mode for this rebar set to the default (either for a single view, or for all views).
Public method ComputeDrivingCurves Obsolete.
Compute the driving curves.
Public method ConstraintsCanBeEdited

For ShapeDriven Rebar: returns true, if the Rebar element's external constraints are available for editing using the RebarConstraintsManager class. Examples of where this method would return false are: Rebar in Groups (which do not have constraints), or legacy, sketch-based Rebar elements created before the introduction of RebarShape families in version 2009.

For FreeForm rebar: constraints can be edited if there is a valid external server Guid assigned to that Rebar

Public method Static member ContainsValidArcRadiiForStyleAndBarType
Checks that all arcs in the chain of curves have radii that are not less than minimum bend radius for bar type and style
Public method Static member CreateFreeForm(Document, Guid, RebarBarType, Element)
Creates a free form rebar that can have constraints.
Public method Static member CreateFreeForm(Document, RebarBarType, Element, IList CurveLoop , RebarFreeFormValidationResult )
Creates a free form rebar that will be unconstrained. Constraints can't be added later to this rebar.
Public method Static member CreateFreeForm(Document, RebarBarType, Element, IList IList Curve , RebarFreeFormValidationResult )
Creates a free form rebar that will be unconstrained. Constraints can't be added later to this rebar.
Public method Static member CreateFromCurves
Creates a new instance of a shape driven Rebar element within the project.
Public method Static member CreateFromCurvesAndShape
Creates a new instance of a shape driven Rebar element within the project. The instance will have the default shape parameters from the RebarShape. If the RebarShapeDefinesHooks flag in ReinforcementSettings has been set to true, then both the curves and hooks must match the RebarShape definition. Otherwise, the hooks can be different than the defaults specified in the RebarShape
Public method Static member CreateFromRebarShape
Creates a new shape driven Rebar, as an instance of a RebarShape. The instance will have the default shape parameters from the RebarShape, and its location is based on the bounding box of the shape in the shape definition. Hooks are removed from the shape before computing its bounding box. If appropriate hooks can be found in the document, they will be assigned arbitrarily.
Public method DeleteEntity
Deletes the existing entity created by %schema% in the element
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method DeleteSubelement
Removes a subelement from the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method DeleteSubelements
Removes the subelements from the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method Dispose (Inherited from Element .)
Public method DoesBarExistAtPosition
Checks whether a bar exists at the specified position.
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method FindMatchingPredefinedPresentationMode
Determines if there is a matching RebarPresentationMode for the current set of selected hidden and unhidden bars assigned to the given view.
Public method GetAnalyticalModel
Retrieves writeable Analytical Model for Element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetAnalyticalModelId
Retrieves the Element Id of the Analytical Model Element for this Element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetBarPositionTransform Obsolete.
Return a transform representing the relative position of any individual bar in the set.
Public method GetBendData
Gets the RebarBendData, containing bar and hook information, of the instance.
Public method GetCenterlineCurves
A chain of curves representing the centerline of the rebar.
Public method GetCouplerId
Get the id of the Rebar Coupler that is applied to the rebar at the specified end.
Public method GetDependentElements
Get all elements that, from a logical point of view, are the children of this Element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetDistributionPath Obsolete.
The distribution path of a rebar set.
Public method GetEndTreatmentTypeId
Get the id of the EndTreatmentType to be applied to the rebar.
Public method GetEntity
Returns the existing entity corresponding to the Schema if it has been saved in the Element, or an invalid entity otherwise.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetEntitySchemaGuids
Returns the Schema guids of any Entities stored in this element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetExternalFileReference
Gets information pertaining to the external file referenced by the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetExternalResourceReference
Gets the ExternalResourceReference associated with a specified external resource type.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetExternalResourceReferences
Gets the full map of the external resource references referenced by the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetFreeFormAccessor
Returns an interface providing access to free-form properties and methods for this Rebar element.
Public method GetFullGeometryForView
Generates full geometry for the Rebar for a specific view.
Public method GetGeneratingElementIds
Returns the ids of the element(s) that generated the input geometry object.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetGeometryObjectFromReference
Retrieve one geometric primitive contained in the element given a reference.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetHookOrientation
Returns the orientation of the hook plane at the start or at the end of the rebar with respect to the orientation of the first or the last curve and the plane normal.
Public method GetHookTypeId
Get the id of the RebarHookType to be applied to the rebar.
Public method GetHostId
The element that contains the rebar.
Public method GetMaterialArea
Gets the area of the material with the given id.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetMaterialIds
Gets the element ids of all materials present in the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetMaterialVolume
Gets the volume of the material with the given id.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetMonitoredLinkElementIds
Provides the link instance IDs when the element is monitoring.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetMonitoredLocalElementIds
Provides the local element IDs when the element is monitoring.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetOrderedParameters
Gets the parameters associated to the element in order.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetParameterFormatOptions
Returns a FormatOptions override for the element Parameter, or a default FormatOptions if no override exists.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetParameters
Retrieves the parameters from the element via the given name.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetParameterValueAtIndex
Get the parameter value for a bar at the specified index. The parameter Id. The bar index in the rebar distribution. Accepts only values between 0 and NumberOfBarPositions-1. The ParameterValue for given parameterId and barPositionIndex. Throws exception if barPositionIndex is outside boundaries.
Public method GetPhaseStatus
Gets the status of a given element in the input phase
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetPresentationMode
Gets the presentation mode for this rebar set when displayed in the given view.
Public method GetRebarConstraintsManager
Returns an object for managing the external constraints on the Rebar element
Public method GetReinforcementRoundingManager
Returns an object for managing reinforcement rounding override settings.
Public method GetShapeDrivenAccessor
Returns an interface providing access to shape-driven properties and methods for this Rebar element.
Public method GetShapeId
Returns the id of the RebarShape element that defines the shape of the rebar.
Public method GetSubelements
Returns the collection of element subelements.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetTypeId
Returns the identifier of this element's type.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetValidTypes
Obtains a set of types that are valid for this element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method HasPhases
Returns true if this Element has the properties CreatedPhaseId and DemolishedPhaseId.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method HasPresentationOverrides
Identifies if this Rebar has overridden default presentation settings for the given view.
Public method HookAngleMatchesRebarShapeDefinition
Checks that the hook angle of the specified RebarHookType matches the hook angle used in the Rebar's RebarShape at the specified end of the bar.
Public method IsBarHidden
Identifies if a given bar in this rebar set is hidden in this view.
Public method IsExternalFileReference
Determines whether this Element represents an external file.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method IsHidden
Identifies if the element has been permanently hidden in the view.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method IsMonitoringLinkElement
Indicate whether an element is monitoring any elements in any linked models.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method IsMonitoringLocalElement
Indicate whether an element is monitoring other local elements.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method IsPhaseCreatedValid
Returns true if createdPhaseId is an allowed value for the property CreatedPhaseId in this Element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method IsPhaseDemolishedValid
Returns true if demolishedPhaseId is an allowed value for the property DemolishedPhaseId in this Element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method IsRebarFreeForm
Returns true if the rebar is free form and false if shape driven.
Public method IsRebarInSection
Identifies if this Rebar is shown as a cross-section in the given view.
Public method IsRebarShapeDriven
Returns true if the rebar is shape driven and false if free form.
Public method IsSolidInView
Checks if this rebar element is shown solidly in a 3D view.
Public method IsUnobscuredInView
Checks if this rebar element is shown unobscured in a view.
Public method IsValidType(ElementId)
Checks if given type is valid for this element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method LookupParameter
Attempts to find a parameter on the element which has the given name.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method Static member RebarShapeMatchesCurvesAndHooks
Checks if rebarShape matches curves and hooks. If the RebarShapeDefinesHooks flag in ReinforcementSettings has been set to false, then this method will only check the curves argument, and will ignore the hook information.
Public method RefersToExternalResourceReference
Determines whether this Element uses external resources associated with a specified external resource type.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method RefersToExternalResourceReferences
Determines whether this Element uses external resources.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method ScaleToBox Obsolete.
Move and resize the bar to fit within a specified box. The arguments are interpreted as an arbitrary rectangle in 3D with vertices: origin, origin+xVec, origin+xVec+yVec, origin+yVec. The algorithm then proceeds as follows. First the bar is given the default values of the shape parameters from the shape definition. Then, if it is possible to do so without violating the shape definition, the parameter values are scaled so that the width and height of the shape (including bar thickness) match the lengths of xVec and yVec. If there is no way to do this within the shape definition due to overconstraining, a compromise is attempted, such as scaling the whole shape until either the width or the height is correct. Finally the shape is rotated to match the coordinate system of the box. The algorithm is the same one used in one-click placement.
Public method ScaleToBoxFor3D Obsolete.
Move and resize a spiral or multiplanar instance to fit within a specified box. The arguments are interpreted as an arbitrary rectangle in 3D with vertices: origin, origin+xVec, origin+xVec+yVec, origin+yVec. One end of the rebar shape is inscribed in this rectangle following the procedure described for the ScaleToBox method. The other end is placed in the parallel plane at distance (center-to-center) given by the height argument, in the direction of (xVec x yVec). Note that spiral shapes interpret the input arguments using a different convention than multiplanar shapes. For spiral shapes, the spiral start will be placed in the rectangle defined by origin, xVec, yVec, and the end of the spiral will be placed in the parallel plane. For multiplanar shapes, the rebar is placed with its primary shape definition located in the parallel plane defined by the height argument, and its connector segments extending in the direction opposite (xVec x yVec). This method replaces ScaleToBoxForSpiral() from prior releases.
Public method SetBarHiddenStatus
Sets the bar in this rebar set to be hidden or unhidden in the given view.
Public method SetEntity
Stores the entity in the element. If an Entity described by the same Schema already exists, it is overwritten.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method SetHookOrientation
Defines the orientation of the hook plane at the start or at the end of the rebar with respect to the orientation of the first or the last curve and the plane normal.
Public method SetHookTypeId
Set the id of the RebarHookType to be applied to the rebar.
Public method SetHostId
The element that contains the rebar.
Public method SetLayoutAsFixedNumber Obsolete.
Sets the Layout Rule property of rebar set to FixedNumber.
Public method SetLayoutAsMaximumSpacing Obsolete.
Sets the Layout Rule property of rebar set to MaximumSpacing
Public method SetLayoutAsMinimumClearSpacing Obsolete.
Sets the Layout Rule property of rebar set to MinimumClearSpacing
Public method SetLayoutAsNumberWithSpacing Obsolete.
Sets the Layout Rule property of rebar set to NumberWithSpacing
Public method SetLayoutAsSingle Obsolete.
Sets the Layout Rule property of rebar set to Single.
Public method SetPresentationMode
Sets the presentation mode for this rebar set when displayed in the given view.
Public method SetSolidInView
Sets this rebar element to be shown solidly in a 3D view.
Public method SetUnobscuredInView
Sets this rebar element to be shown unobscured in a view.
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object .)


Name Description
Public property ArrayLength Obsolete.
Identifies the distribution path length of rebar set.
Public property AssemblyInstanceId
The id of the assembly instance to which the element belongs.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property BarsOnNormalSide Obsolete.
Identifies if the bars of the rebar set are on the same side of the rebar plane indicated by the normal.
Public property BaseFinishingTurns Obsolete.
For a spiral, the number of finishing turns at the lower end of the spiral.
Public property BoundingBox
Retrieves a box that circumscribes all geometry of the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property Category
Retrieves a Category object that represents the category or sub category in which the element resides.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property CreatedPhaseId
Id of a Phase at which the Element was created.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property DemolishedPhaseId
Id of a Phase at which the Element was demolished.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property DesignOption
Returns the design option to which the element belongs.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property DistributionType
The type of rebar distribution(also known as Rebar Set Type).
Public property Document
Returns the Document in which the Element resides.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property Geometry
Retrieves the geometric representation of the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property GroupId
The id of the group to which an element belongs.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property Height Obsolete.
For a spiral, the overall height.
Public property Id
A unique identifier for an Element in an Autodesk Revit project.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property IncludeFirstBar
Identifies if the first bar in rebar set is shown.
Public property IncludeLastBar
Identifies if the last bar in rebar set is shown.
Public property IsTransient
Indicates whether an element is transient or permanent.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property IsValidObject
Specifies whether the .NET object represents a valid Revit entity.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property LayoutRule
Identifies the layout rule of rebar set.
Public property LevelId
The id of the level associated with the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property Location
This property is used to find the physical location of an element within a project.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property MaxSpacing
Identifies the maximum spacing between rebar in rebar set.
Public property MultiplanarDepth Obsolete.
For a multiplanar rebar, the depth of the instance.
Public property Name
A human readable name for the Element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property Normal Obsolete.
A unit-length vector normal to the plane of the rebar
Public property NumberOfBarPositions
The number of potential bars in the set.
Public property OwnerViewId
The id of the view that owns the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property Parameter Guid
Retrieves a parameter from the element given a GUID for a shared parameter.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property Parameter BuiltInParameter
Retrieves a parameter from the element given a parameter id.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property Parameter Definition
Retrieves a parameter from the element based on its definition.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property Parameters
Retrieves a set containing all of the parameters that are contained within the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property ParametersMap
Retrieves a map containing all of the parameters that are contained within the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property Pinned
Identifies if the element has been pinned to prevent changes.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property Pitch Obsolete.
For a spiral, the pitch, or vertical distance traveled in one rotation.
Public property Quantity
Identifies the number of bars in rebar set.
Public property ReadOnlyParameters
When set to true, Rebar will report all its parameters as read only. For example, the method Parameter::IsReadOnly() for all Rebar Parameters will return true. When set to false, the return value of Parameter::IsReadOnly() will not be affected.
Public property RebarShapeId Obsolete.
The RebarShape element that defines the shape of the rebar.
Public property ScheduleMark
The Schedule Mark parameter. On creation, the Schedule Mark is set to a value that is unique to the host, but it can be set to any value.
Public property TopFinishingTurns Obsolete.
For a spiral, the number of finishing turns at the upper end of the spiral.
Public property TotalLength
The length of an individual bar multiplied by Quantity.
Public property UniqueId
A stable unique identifier for an element within the document.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property ViewSpecific
Identifies if the element is owned by a view.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public property Volume
The volume of an individual bar multiplied by Quantity.
Public property WorksetId
Get Id of the Workset which owns the element.
(Inherited from Element .)

See Also