BuiltInFailures.WallJoinRoofFailures Members

Provides a container of all Revit built-in FailureDefinitionId instances.

The BuiltInFailures WallJoinRoofFailures type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Static member NoFromRoofForWall
Highlighted wall is set to be "From roof", however there is no roof below it that can be used.
Public property Static member NotCoveredAtAllByTarget
Highlighted walls are attached to, but miss, the highlighted targets.
Public property Static member NoUptoRoofForWall
Highlighted wall is set to be "Up to roof", however there is no roof above it that can be used.
Public property Static member WallMeetsRoofTangentially
The highlighted wall cannot be joined to the highlighted roof because the wall meets the roof tangentially.
Public property Static member WallNotCoveredByRoof
The highlighted wall(s) cannot be joined to the highlighted roof because the roof does not entirely cover the wall(s).

See Also