BuiltInFailures.AutoRouteFailures Members

Provides a container of all Revit built-in FailureDefinitionId instances.

The BuiltInFailures AutoRouteFailures type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Static member AttemptToConnectNonSlopingElementToSlopedPipeError
You have specified that sloped pipe be drawn, but are trying to connect to an element that doesn't support sloping connections.
Public property Static member AttemptToConnectNonSlopingElementToSlopedPipeWarning
You have specified that sloped pipe be drawn, but are trying to connect to an element that doesn't support sloping connections.
Public property Static member DesignOptionConflictError
The solution is failing to do the elements are not in the same Design Option.
Public property Static member DesignOptionConflictWarning
The solution is failing to do the elements are not in the same Design Option.
Public property Static member DistributionTypeInvalid
Selected distribution system type is invalid!
Public property Static member ElementHasFlowCalculation
This element has an open connection. This may not be an error, but for flow calculations to work correctly all connections should be sealed with an end cap.
Public property Static member ElementHasOpenConnection
This element has an open connection. This may not be an error, but all open connections should be sealed with an end cap.
Public property Static member FailedDowngradeCrossToElbow
Failed to downgrade tee type to elbow type.
Public property Static member FailedDowngradeCrossToTee
Failed to downgrade cross type to tee type.
Public property Static member FailedDowngradeTeeToCross
Failed to upgrade tee type to cross type.
Public property Static member FailToDoCompatiblePhaseError
The solution is failing to do the elements Phases are compatible.
Public property Static member FailToDoCompatiblePhaseWarning
The solution is failing to do the elements Phases are compatible.
Public property Static member FailToIntersectParallelSegmentsError
The solution is failing to do segments which are parallel and should intersect.
Public property Static member FailToIntersectParallelSegmentsWarning
The solution is failing to do segments which are parallel and should intersect.
Public property Static member FittingParamsCauseGeometryToFailError
The one of parameters for the fitting is causing the geometry to fail.
Public property Static member FittingParamsCauseGeometryToFailWarning
The one of parameters for the fitting is causing the geometry to fail.
Public property Static member HighlightedElementDisconnected
The highlighted element has been disconnected.
Public property Static member InappropriateSlopeForPipe
The slope that you specified could not be applied to this pipe. Please check the items that it is connected to and make sure that they aren't constraining the slope of them.
Public property Static member MismatchedSystemClassificationHasSystemWarning
The selected fixture is part of a system with different classification. System calculations (e.g. flow analysis) are not possible between systems with different classifications.
Public property Static member MismatchedSystemClassificationNoSystemWarning
The selected fixture is assigned to a system with different classification.
Public property Static member MismatchedSystemTypeWarning
The selected fixture is part of a different system. You may want to edit the system type and merge two systems.
Public property Static member NoAutoRouteSolutionFoundError
No auto-route solution was found.
Public property Static member NoAutoRouteSolutionFoundWarning
No auto-route solution was found.
Public property Static member NoFittingInProjectError
The routing solution failed because there is no default fitting type specified or the fitting cannot be found in the project. Ensure the fitting is loaded in the project and try again.
Public property Static member NoFittingInProjectWarning
The routing solution failed because there is no default fitting type specified or the fitting cannot be found in the project. Ensure the fitting is loaded in the project and try again.
Public property Static member NoFittingInRoutingError
The fitting that is converted to was not defined. Please assign one in the routing preference.
Public property Static member NoFittingLoadedInProjectError
The fitting that is converted to was not defined. Please load one fitting family and assign it in the routing preference.
Public property Static member NoSolutionInView
There is no solution for this view. All the elements have been filtered for this view, select another view, and select solutions.
Public property Static member NotAllPartsWereConvertedCannotAddPlaceholderWarning
Not all parts were converted. Placeholders could not be added to fill the gap (the gap was too small). Check the fabrication service definition for the system.
Public property Static member NotAllPartsWereConvertedPlaceholdersWereAddedWarning
Not all parts were converted. Placeholders were added to fill the gaps. Check the fabrication service definition for the system.
Public property Static member NotEnoughRoomForFittingsError
There was not enough room to place the required fittings. Consider increasing the length of the segments, or moving them farther apart to generate a solution.
Public property Static member NotEnoughRoomForFittingsWarning
There was not enough room to place the required fittings. Consider increasing the length of the segments, or moving them farther apart to generate a solution.
Public property Static member NoValidSolutionAtSelectedPoint
No valid auto-route solution at selected point.
Public property Static member OverrideFabricationPartFailed
The fabrication part cannot be overridden. The button code you specified does not match the fabrication service. Please specify a different button code or check the fabrication service and try again.
Public property Static member SegmentDrawnFromWrongSideError
The segment is being drawn from the wrong side to connect to the location you indicated.
Public property Static member SegmentDrawnFromWrongSideWarning
The segment is being drawn from the wrong side to connect to the location you indicated.
Public property Static member SegmentsAngleTooGreatError
The resulting angle between the segments is too great.
Public property Static member SegmentsAngleTooGreatWarning
The resulting angle between the segments is too great.
Public property Static member SolutionIsOppositeToConnectionError
The solution is in the opposite direction of the connection direction.
Public property Static member SolutionIsOppositeToConnectionWarning
The solution is in the opposite direction of the connection direction.
Public property Static member SpecifiedAnglesNotCompatibleWithLayoutError
The specified angles are not compatible with current layout.
Public property Static member SpecifiedAnglesNotCompatibleWithLayoutWarning
The specified angles are not compatible with current layout.
Public property Static member UnableToMakeConnectionInDirection
The application is unable to make a connection in that direction. If the connectors are pointing up, make sure that the elevations of the segments (ducts and pipes) are above them. If the connectors are pointing down, make sure that the elevations of the segments (ducts and pipes) are below them.
Public property Static member UtilizationCoefficientOutOfRange
The value for Coefficient of Utilization must be between 0 and 1.
Public property Static member ZeroLengthSegmentError
The solution is failing to do segments which are zero length.
Public property Static member ZeroLengthSegmentWarning
The solution is failing to do segments which are zero length.

See Also