BuiltInFailures.MassFailures Members

Provides a container of all Revit built-in FailureDefinitionId instances.

The BuiltInFailures MassFailures type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Static member AutoGlazingFailed
Failure in Auto-Glazing region computation.
Public property Static member AutoGlazingFailedError
Failure in Auto-Glazing region computation.
Public property Static member BooleanUnionFailed
Failed to merge overlapping solids
Public property Static member CannotIntegrate
In order to restore an element's 'Constrain to Massing' property to 'Dependent', it must be in the main model with the massing.
Public property Static member CannotMergeGeometry
The Mass contains geometry that cannot be combined. Mass Floors, volume, and surface area, won't be computed.
Public property Static member CannotMoveMassing
Can't move whole Massing. Move the elements within the Massing instead.
Public property Static member CreateCoreGeometryFailed
Failed to create core geometries.
Public property Static member DividePerimeterZoneFailed
Failed to divide perimeter zone.
Public property Static member FaceRegionCreationFailed
Failure in face region creation.
Public property Static member FaceSplitFailed
A face of a joined (i.e. one cuts another) mass could not be split into interior and exterior faces. Remove the cut to resolve.
Public property Static member FloorAreaFaceFailed
Failed to create a Mass Floor.
Public property Static member FloorMightLookWrong
Mass Floors may appear incorrect since the Mass contains mesh and solid geometry.
Public property Static member MinSkylightWidthImperial
The minimum skylight width is 8 inches.
Public property Static member MinSkylightWidthMetric
The minimum skylight width is 203.2 millimeters.
Public property Static member MultipleMassing
Can't complete operation. Massing can only exist in one Workset. Change Workset of Massing to match in Local and Central Models.
Public property Static member NoCurtainRoofsInMassing
Massing cannot be created with a curtain roof. Please change the default roof type and try again.
Public property Static member NonOccupiableMassZone
For mass zone, if the bottom level ref does not intersect, then this zone is going to be "not occupiable" and a warning is posted for it.
Public property Static member NoSolidInMass
Mass contains no solid geometry. Mass Floors, volume, and surface area, won't be computed.
Public property Static member OpenAndSolidGeometry
Mass contains both solid and mesh geometry. Mass Floors, volume, and surface area, may appear incorrect.
Public property Static member OpenGeometryOnly
Mass contains only mesh geometry, which can't be used to compute Mass Floors, volume, or surface area.
Public property Static member OverlappingSolids
Found volumetric overlap between solids. They will be merged into one
Public property Static member SketchCurveNotModelable
This action cannot be completed. An element created by massing has a sketch line that cannot be modeled.
Public property Static member SplitFacesByGroundPlaneCrashed
Failed to split face by ground plane.
Public property Static member SplitFacesByGroundPlaneFailed
Failed to split face by ground plane.
Public property Static member SplitOverlappingFacesFailed
Failed to resolve all overlaps between faces of the same Mass Energy Analytical Model.
Public property Static member TooManyGeometries
The geometry in this Mass instance is too complex to take advantage of the capabilities a Mass provides. Please break it down into multiple Mass and family instances that are less complex.
Public property Static member UpgradedMassingWarning
Your document contained a Massing element which has been upgraded to a Mass instance. Please review the documentation on the new enhanced Mass capabilities to understand the implications of this change.

See Also