BuiltInFailures.SketchFailures Members

Provides a container of all Revit built-in FailureDefinitionId instances.

The BuiltInFailures SketchFailures type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Static member AreaLoadNoForce
Area Load can't have all force components equal to zero.
Public property Static member AxisNotSpecified
Axis of revolution not specified.
Public property Static member BadNosingProfile
Stairs nosing profile must have one loop. Wrong profile will not be shown in profiles list in Stairs Type properties.
Public property Static member BadRailingsProfile
Rail profile must have one closed loop. Wrong profile will not be shown in profiles list for rail definition.
Public property Static member BeamDirectionNotSpecified
Beam direction not specified.
Public property Static member BeamDirectionNotSpecifiedError
Beam direction not specified.
Public property Static member BentFabricSheetClosedLoopInSketch
The bend profile cannot contain a closed loop. Click Continue to correct the profile or Click Quit sketching to exit the bend profile editor.
Public property Static member BentFabricSheetEmptySketch
The bend profile requires at least one segment to be placed in a host. Click Continue to correct the profile or Click Quit sketching to exit the bend profile editor.
Public property Static member BentFabricSheetInvalidElementInSketch
Arcs in a bend profile must be separated from one another with a connected straight segment. The bend profile cannot start or end with an arc. Click Continue to correct the profile or Click Quit sketching to exit the bend profile editor.
Public property Static member BentFabricSheetLinesOverlapOrIntersect
Segments in a bend profile cannot overlap, intersect, or be collinearly contiguous. Click Continue to correct the profile or Click Quit sketching to exit the bend profile editor.
Public property Static member BentFabricSheetManyLoopsInSketch
The bend profile cannot contain two or more disconnected segments. Click Continue to correct the profile or Click Quit sketching to exit the bend profile editor.
Public property Static member BentFabricSheetTooShortSegments
A segment in the bend profile is too short to apply the wire bend diameter. The bent fabric sheet of the selected type cannot be placed in a host. Click Continue to correct the profile or Click Quit sketching to exit the bend profile editor.
Public property Static member BuildingPadNoSurface
A Pad can't extend beyond the edge of a Toposurface.
Public property Static member BuildingPadNoSurfaceError
A Pad can't extend beyond the edge of a Toposurface.
Public property Static member CannotChangeUserSketchPlane
Can't change plane of [Element Name] Sketch.
Public property Static member CannotChangeUserSketchPlaneError
Can't change plane of [Element Name] Sketch.
Public property Static member CannotChangeWorkplaneVisibility
Can't change Work Plane Visibility.
Public property Static member CannotComputeRailingsElevation
Can't compute Railings Elevation Profile.
Public property Static member CannotComputeRailingsElevationError
Can't compute Railings Elevation Profile.
Public property Static member CannotComputeRailingsElevationWarn
Can't compute Railings Elevation Profile
Public property Static member CannotConvertSketch
Can't convert Sketch to Rebar Shape.
Public property Static member CannotDrawExtrusionRoof
Can't make extruded roof.
Public property Static member CannotDrawProfileRoof
Can't make footprint roof.
Public property Static member CannotGetSketchReferences
Cannot find references to dimension sketch.
Public property Static member CannotHaveArcs
Sorry, we can't use arcs here.
Public property Static member CannotHaveArcsPath3d
Sorry, we can't use arcs here.
Public property Static member CircleMultiPlanarShapeInSketch
A circle can't be converted to multiplanar shape.
Public property Static member ClosedProfileRoof
Extrusion roof sketch must be open. The roof's thickness and material composition are defined in its type.
Public property Static member ConstantHeightNotParallel
Constant-height-defining lines must be parallel.
Public property Static member ConstantHeightNotParallelError
Constant-height-defining lines must be parallel.
Public property Static member ContainedInOtherLoops
When creating an opening, you cannot sketch loops within other loops. The highlighted loop(s) are contained within another loop.
Public property Static member ConvertSplineToLineFailed
Failed to convert spline to straight line
Public property Static member CurveFromPickedFailed
Can't create boundary from pick.
Public property Static member CurveIntersectsCutFace
The highlighted line intersects the boundary of the face being modified. To modify a cut face, use open loops that end on the existing boundary without intersecting or overlapping existing edges.
Public property Static member CurveIntersectsSplitFace
The highlighted line intersects the boundary of the face being split. To split a face at its border, use an open loop that ends on the boundary of the face.
Public property Static member CurveTooShort
Line is too short.
Public property Static member DifferentOffsets
Adjacent slope-defining lines must have identical eave heights; the highlighted lines do not. You can use the Align Eaves tool to have the eaves aligned for you.
Public property Static member ElementsSketchTooLarge
The sketch defining the highlighted element is too large.
Public property Static member ElevationSketchNotAllowed
Wall in a family can't have an elevation profile.
Public property Static member EndsNotOnCutFace
Ends of the sketched loop do not lie on the boundary of the face being modified.
Public property Static member EndsNotOnEdge
Ends of an open loop in sketch splitting face do not lie on an edge of the face to split.
Public property Static member FloorCannotAddDirectionCurve
Cannot add the direction curve in the floor sketch.
Public property Static member FloorCannotAddDirectionCurveError
Cannot add the direction curve in the floor sketch.
Public property Static member FloorDirectionNotSpecified
Structural floor span direction not specified.
Public property Static member FloorManyDirectionCurves
More than one span direction curve specified.
Public property Static member InvalidAreaLoadSketch
Area Load has invalid Sketch.
Public property Static member InvalidAreaLoadSketchError
Area Load has invalid Sketch.
Public property Static member InvalidCropAreaSketch
Crop area sketch can either be empty or include one closed, not self-intersecting loop.
Public property Static member InvalidCropAreaSketchRegen
Crop area sketch can either be empty or include one closed, not self-intersecting loop.
Public property Static member InvalidElevationSketch
Elevation Profile sketch is invalid.
Public property Static member InvalidElevationSketchError
Elevation Profile sketch is invalid.
Public property Static member InvalidProfile
One or more profiles are invalid. Make sure that every used profile is a closed loop of non-intersecting lines.
Public property Static member InvalidProfileError
One or more profiles are invalid. Make sure that every used profile is a closed loop of non-intersecting lines.
Public property Static member InvalidRoofCurveloop
Base sketch for roof is invalid.
Public property Static member InvalidRoofCurveloopError
Base sketch for roof is invalid
Public property Static member InvalidRoofCurveloopFailure
Base sketch for roof is invalid
Public property Static member InvalidSketch
Sketch is invalid.
Public property Static member InvalidSketchError
Sketch is invalid.
Public property Static member InvalidSketchForBuildingpad
Pad sketch is invalid.
Public property Static member InvalidSketchForCeiling
Ceiling sketch is invalid.
Public property Static member InvalidSketchForFloor
Floor sketch is invalid.
Public property Static member InvalidSketchForRoofsoffit
Roof Soffit sketch is invalid.
Public property Static member InvalidSketchPath3d
Sketch is invalid.
Public property Static member LandingNotEnoughBoundaryCurves
Sketch landing require boundaries
Public property Static member LandingTwoManyLoops
Sketch landing can only have one closed loop
Public property Static member LinesOverlap
Cannot have overlapping lines.
Public property Static member LinesOverlapError
Cannot have overlapping lines.
Public property Static member LinesOverlapPath3d
Cannot have overlapping lines.
Public property Static member LoopIntersect
Lines cannot intersect each other. The highlighted lines currently intersect.
Public property Static member LoopIntersectError
Lines cannot intersect each other. The highlighted lines currently intersect.
Public property Static member LoopIntersectPath3d
Lines cannot intersect each other. The highlighted lines currently intersect.
Public property Static member LoopsOutsideFaceSplit
Some of the lines drawn lie outside of the boundary of the face being split. All lines used to split a face must be contained within the face being split and cannot intersect or overlap any of the boundaries of that face.
Public property Static member LoopsOutsideFaceSplitterTooShort
Some of the lines drawn lie outside of the boundary of the face being split. All lines used to split a face must be contained within the face being split and cannot intersect or overlap any of the boundaries of that face.
Public property Static member ManyCCWLoops
Area defined by sketch must be connected.
Public property Static member ManyCCWLoopsError
Area defined by sketch must be connected.
Public property Static member ManyDirectionCurves
More than one direction curve specified.
Public property Static member ManyDirectionCurvesError
More than one direction curve specified.
Public property Static member MoreThanOneAxis
More than one axes of revolution.
Public property Static member MutipleStairsPathInOneRunFailure
Each stairs run can only have one stairs path.
Public property Static member NestedLoops
Cannot have nested loops.
Public property Static member NoLoops
Sketch is empty.
Public property Static member NoLoopsError
Sketch is empty.
Public property Static member NoLoopsPath3d
Sketch is empty.
Public property Static member NonMonotoneRoof
All parts of an extruded roof must face upward. Make sure that no part of the sketch lies below any other part of the sketch.
Public property Static member NoPlane
Highlighted geometry no longer determines a plane
Public property Static member NotOneCCWLoop
This sketch defines more than one footprint. Make sure the sketch contains only one outermost loop and that there are no loops inside inner loops.
Public property Static member NotOneCurve
More than one curve not allowed.
Public property Static member NotOneCurveError
More than one curve not allowed.
Public property Static member NotOneCurvePath3d
More than one curve not allowed.
Public property Static member NotOneLoop
More than one loop not allowed.
Public property Static member NotOneLoopPath3d
More than one loop not allowed.
Public property Static member OpenAreaLoadLoop
Area Load Sketch can't contain open loops.
Public property Static member OpenAreaLoadLoopError
Area Load Sketch can't contain open loops.
Public property Static member OpenLoop
Lines must be in closed loops. The highlighted lines are open on one end.
Public property Static member OpenLoopError
Lines must be in closed loops. The highlighted lines are open on one end.
Public property Static member OpenLoopPath3d
Lines must be in closed loops. The highlighted lines are open on one end.
Public property Static member PathCannotBeClosedLoop
Path cannot be a closed loop.
Public property Static member PathCannotBeClosedLoopPath3d
Path cannot be a closed loop.
Public property Static member PathReinforcementClosedLoop
Sketch contains a closed loop. Can't create Path Reinforcement.
Public property Static member PathReinforcementEmptySketch
Sketch is empty. Can't create Path Reinforcement.
Public property Static member PathReinforcementManyLoops
Sketch contains more than one chain. Can't create Path Reinforcement.
Public property Static member PlanarMultiPlanarShapeInSketch
The current shape is only bent in a single plane. A multi-planar definition is not required. Please redefine the shape on the top plane only.
Public property Static member RailingDoublyConnected
Railings hosted on Stairs must form a single, open, connected line.
Public property Static member RailingDoublyConnectedError
Railings hosted on Stairs must form a single, open, connected line.
Public property Static member RailingNotConnected
The Railing line must be a single connected Sketch. If you want separate pieces of Railing, create two or more separate Railings.
Public property Static member RailingNotConnectedError
The Railing line must be a single connected Sketch. If you want separate pieces of Railing, create two or more separate Railings.
Public property Static member RebarEmptySketch
Rebar Sketch is empty. Can't create Rebar.
Public property Static member RebarEmptySketchError
Rebar Sketch is empty. Can't create Rebar.
Public property Static member RebarManyLoops
Rebar Sketch contains more than one loop. Can't create Rebar.
Public property Static member RebarManyLoopsError
Rebar Sketch contains more than one loop. Can't create Rebar.
Public property Static member RebarSystemDirectionNotSpecified
Major direction not specified.
Public property Static member RebarSystemDirectionNotSpecifiedError
Major direction not specified.
Public property Static member RunInvalidSketch
Invalid sketch, can't create run by this sketch
Public property Static member RunNotEnoughBoundaryCurves
Sketch run require boundaries (chains of one or more Boundary Lines)
Public property Static member SculptingCurvesCannotFormClosedLoop
Curves cannot form a closed loop.
Public property Static member SculptingCurvesCrossAxis
The highlighted curves cross the axis.
Public property Static member SculptingCurvesTouchAxis
The highlighted curves touch the axis.
Public property Static member SculptingLoopsOnBothSidesOfAxis
All curves must be on the same side of the axis.
Public property Static member SculptingSingleLineLoopLiesOnAxis
The highlighted lines lie on the axis.
Public property Static member ShortCurveInSketch
The sketch contains an extremely short line.
Public property Static member ShortCurveInSketchRoof
The sketch contains an extremely short line.
Public property Static member SiteCannotDrawSurfaceBoundary
Cannot make surface with specified boundary.
Public property Static member SketchedRunInvalidPath
Invalid stair path. Stair path should connect both start and end riser, and cross all other risers.
Public property Static member SketchFailurePlanes
Sketch is no longer parallel to its defining plane
Public property Static member SketchingInTheWrongView
Detail sketch is only editable in [View Type].
Public property Static member SketchingInWrongView
Detail sketch is not editable in this view.
Public property Static member SketchOverconstrained
Sketch is overconstrained.
Public property Static member SketchOverconstrainedError
Sketch is overconstrained.
Public property Static member SketchOverconstrainedWarn
Sketch is overconstrained.
Public property Static member SketchTooLarge
Sketch is too large.
Public property Static member SketchWasDeleted
Sketch was deleted.
Public property Static member StairClosedBoundaries
Stairs Boundaries (chains of one or more Boundary Lines) should not form closed loops.
Public property Static member StairClosedBoundariesError
Stairs Boundaries (chains of one or more Boundary Lines) should not form closed loops.
Public property Static member StairNotEnoughBoundaryCurves
Stairs require boundaries (chains of one or more Boundary Lines) on each side of the Stair.
Public property Static member StairNotEnoughBoundaryCurvesError
Stairs require boundaries (chains of one or more Boundary Lines) on each side of the Stair.
Public property Static member StairNotEnoughRiserCurves
Boundaries (chains of one or more Boundary Lines) must be connected by at least two Riser Lines.
Public property Static member StairNotEnoughRiserCurvesError
Boundaries (chains of one or more Boundary Lines) must be connected by at least two Riser Lines.
Public property Static member StairOnlyOneConnectedBoundary
Stairs require no less than two boundaries (chains of one or more Boundary Lines)."
Public property Static member StairOnlyOneConnectedBoundaryError
Stairs require no less than two boundaries (chains of one or more Boundary Lines).
Public property Static member StairRiserDoesntIntersectBoundary
The line representing the top of a riser does not intersect one or both of the boundary lines.
Public property Static member StairRiserDoesntIntersectBoundaryError
The line representing the top of a riser does not intersect one or both of the boundary lines.
Public property Static member StairTooManyConnectedBoundaries
Stairs require no more than two boundaries (chains of one or more Boundary Lines).
Public property Static member StairTooManyConnectedBoundariesError
Stairs require no more than two boundaries (chains of one or more Boundary Lines).
Public property Static member SubregionNoHostSurf
A Subregion cannot be created outside the boundary of a Toposurface. A Subregion should be completely inside a Toposurface or overlap a Toposurface.
Public property Static member SuggestMakingFamilyNonParametric
Performance Warning: This family now contains both labeled dimensions and sketches with many segments. This may hurt performance. To improve performance, create elements that require complex sketches as nested families.
Public property Static member SuspendedSketchWarn
Highlighted element's sketch could not regenerate and has been suspended. Select the element and edit its sketch to fix the problem. The element will display in magenta until you fix the problem
Public property Static member TooFewParamsForSketch
The sketched Structural Rebar element has too many segments to be properly parameterized. Please reduce the number of segments.
Public property Static member TooManyElementsInSketch
This sketch is large. Performance will improve if constructed as several independent sketches.
Public property Static member TooManySlopes
There is more than one slope defined.
Public property Static member TooManySlopesError
There is more than one slope defined.
Public property Static member TrussClosedReference
Truss references (chains of one or more reference lines) should not form closed loops."
Public property Static member TrussCrossingReferences
Truss top and bottom references cannot cross.
Public property Static member TrussMissingReference
Trusses require both a top and a bottom chord reference (chain of one or more reference lines).
Public property Static member TrussOverlappingReference
Truss references (chains of one or more reference lines) cannot overlap themselves in the vertical direction.
Public property Static member TrussSegmentedReference
Truss reference must form a continuous chain of one or more sketch lines.
Public property Static member TrussShiftedReferences
Truss top and bottom references (chains of one or more reference lines) must overlap at least partially in the vertical direction.
Public property Static member TrussSwappedReferences
Truss top reference must be above the bottom reference.
Public property Static member UnsatisfiedSupportAssocProp
Constraint between a Line created with Pick Support and the Support is not satisfied.
Public property Static member UnsatisfiedWallAssocProp
Constraint between a Line created with Pick Wall and the Wall is not satisfied.
Public property Static member VarSketchFailure
Constraints defined by highlighted Lines and Dimensions can't be satisfied.
Public property Static member VarSketchInElementFailure
The constraints of the sketch defining the highlighted element cannot be satisfied.
Public property Static member WrongCutBoundaryLoops
Only open loops can be used for Edit Cut Profile. All open ends must lie on the boundary of the cut profile, and the loop may not touch the boundary anywhere except at its ends.
Public property Static member WrongFaceSplitterLoopTypesNum
Sketch for splitting the face is invalid. Faces may be split either by a single closed loop that is contained within the face or by one or more open loops whose ends lie on the boundary of the face. None of the lines in the sketch are allowed to overlap or intersect the boundaries of the face.

See Also