An enumerated type listing all of the data type interpretation that Autodesk Revit supports.
(in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
C# |
Visual Basic |
Visual C++ |
Member name | Description |
Invalid | The parameter type is invalid. This value should not be used. |
Text | The parameter data should be interpreted as a string of text. |
Integer | The parameter data should be interpreted as a whole number, positive or negative. |
Number | The parameter data should be interpreted as a real number, possibly including decimal points. |
Length | The parameter data represents a length. |
Area | The parameter data represents an area. |
Volume | The parameter data represents a volume. |
Angle | The parameter data represents an angle. |
URL | A text string that represents a web address. |
Material | The value of this property is considered to be a material. |
YesNo | A boolean value that will be represented as Yes or No. |
Force | The data value will be represented as a force. |
LinearForce | The data value will be represented as a linear force. |
AreaForce | The data value will be represented as an area force. |
Moment | The data value will be represented as a moment. |
NumberOfPoles | A parameter value that represents the number of poles, as used in electrical disciplines. |
FixtureUnit | A parameter value that represents the fixture units, as used in piping disciplines. |
FamilyType | A parameter used to control the type of a family nested within another family. |
LoadClassification | A parameter value that represents the load classification units, as used in electrical disciplines. |
Image | The value of this parameter is the id of an image. |
MultilineText | The value of this parameter will be represented as multiline text. |
HVACDensity | The data value will be represented as a HVACDensity. |
HVACEnergy | The data value will be represented as a HVACEnergy. |
HVACFriction | The data value will be represented as a HVACFriction. |
HVACPower | The data value will be represented as a HVACPower. |
HVACPowerDensity | The data value will be represented as a HVACPowerDensity. |
HVACPressure | The data value will be represented as a HVACPressure. |
HVACTemperature | The data value will be represented as a HVACTemperature. |
HVACVelocity | The data value will be represented as a HVACVelocity. |
HVACAirflow | The data value will be represented as a HVACAirflow. |
HVACDuctSize | The data value will be represented as a HVACDuctSize. |
HVACCrossSection | The data value will be represented as a HVACCrossSection. |
HVACHeatGain | The data value will be represented as a HVACHeatGain. |
ElectricalCurrent | The data value will be represented as an ElectricalCurrent. |
ElectricalPotential | The data value will be represented as an ElectricalPotential. |
ElectricalFrequency | The data value will be represented as an ElectricalFrequency. |
ElectricalIlluminance | The data value will be represented as an ElectricalIlluminance. |
ElectricalLuminousFlux | The data value will be represented as an ElectricalLuminousFlux. |
ElectricalPower | The data value will be represented as an ElectricalPower. |
HVACRoughness | The data value will be represented as a HVACRoughness. |
ElectricalApparentPower | The data value will be represented as an ElectricalApparentPower. |
ElectricalPowerDensity | The data value will be represented as an ElectricalPowerDensity. |
PipingDensity | The data value will be represented as a PipingDensity. |
PipingFlow | The data value will be represented as a PipingFlow. |
PipingFriction | The data value will be represented as a PipingFriction. |
PipingPressure | The data value will be represented as a PipingPressure. |
PipingTemperature | The data value will be represented as a PipingTemperature. |
PipingVelocity | The data value will be represented as a PipingVelocity. |
PipingViscosity | The data value will be represented as a PipingViscosity. |
PipeSize | The data value will be represented as a PipeSize. |
PipingRoughness | The data value will be represented as a PipingRoughness. |
Stress | The data value will be represented as a Stress. |
UnitWeight | The data value will be represented as a UnitWeight. |
ThermalExpansion | The data value will be represented as a ThermalExpansion. |
LinearMoment | The data value will be represented as a LinearMoment. |
ForcePerLength | The data value will be represented as a ForcePerLength. |
ForceLengthPerAngle | The data value will be represented as a ForceLengthPerAngle. |
LinearForcePerLength | The data value will be represented as a LinearForcePerLength. |
LinearForceLengthPerAngle | The data value will be represented as a LinearForceLengthPerAngle. |
AreaForcePerLength | The data value will be represented as an AreaForcePerLength. |
PipingVolume | The data value will be represented as a PipingVolume. |
HVACViscosity | The data value will be represented as a HVACViscosity. |
HVACCoefficientOfHeatTransfer | The data value will be represented as a HVACCoefficientOfHeatTransfer. |
HVACAirflowDensity | The data value will be represented as a HVACAirflowDensity. |
Slope | The data value will be represented as a Slope. |
HVACCoolingLoad | The data value will be represented as a HVACCoolingLoad. |
HVACCoolingLoadDividedByArea | The data value will be represented as a HVACCoolingLoadDividedByArea. |
HVACCoolingLoadDividedByVolume | The data value will be represented as a HVACCoolingLoadDividedByVolume. |
HVACHeatingLoad | The data value will be represented as a HVACHeatingLoad. |
HVACHeatingLoadDividedByArea | The data value will be represented as a HVACHeatingLoadDividedByArea. |
HVACHeatingLoadDividedByVolume | The data value will be represented as a HVACHeatingLoadDividedByVolume. |
HVACAirflowDividedByVolume | The data value will be represented as a HVACAirflowDividedByVolume. |
HVACAirflowDividedByCoolingLoad | The data value will be represented as a HVACAirflowDividedByCoolingLoad. |
HVACAreaDividedByCoolingLoad | The data value will be represented as a HVACAreaDividedByCoolingLoad. |
WireSize | The data value will be represented as a WireSize. |
HVACSlope | The data value will be represented as a HVACSlope. |
PipingSlope | The data value will be represented as a PipingSlope. |
Currency | The data value will be represented as a Currency. |
ElectricalEfficacy | The data value will be represented as an ElectricalEfficacy. |
ElectricalWattage | The data value will be represented as an ElectricalWattage. |
ColorTemperature | The data value will be represented as a ColorTemperature. |
ElectricalLuminousIntensity | The data value will be represented as an ElectricalLuminousIntensity. |
ElectricalLuminance | The data value will be represented as an ElectricalLuminance. |
HVACAreaDividedByHeatingLoad | The data value will be represented as a HVACAreaDividedByHeatingLoad. |
HVACFactor | The data value will be represented as a HVACFactor. |
ElectricalTemperature | The data value will be represented as a ElectricalTemperature. |
ElectricalCableTraySize | The data value will be represented as a ElectricalCableTraySize. |
ElectricalConduitSize | The data value will be represented as a ElectricalConduitSize. |
ReinforcementVolume | The data value will be represented as a ReinforcementVolume. |
ReinforcementLength | The data value will be represented as a ReinforcementLength. |
ElectricalDemandFactor | The data value will be represented as a ElectricalDemandFactor. |
HVACDuctInsulationThickness | The data value will be represented as a HVACDuctInsulationThickness. |
HVACDuctLiningThickness | The data value will be represented as a HVACDuctLiningThickness. |
PipeInsulationThickness | The data value will be represented as a PipeInsulationThickness. |
HVACThermalResistance | The data value will be represented as a HVACThermalResistance. |
HVACThermalMass | The data value will be represented as a HVACThermalMass. |
Acceleration | The data value will be represented as an Acceleration. |
BarDiameter | The data value will be represented as a BarDiameter. |
CrackWidth | The data value will be represented as a CrackWidth. |
DisplacementDeflection | The data value will be represented as a DisplacementDeflection. |
Energy | The data value will be represented as an Energy. |
StructuralFrequency | The data value will be represented as a StructuralFrequency. |
Mass | The data value will be represented as a Mass. |
MassPerUnitLength | The data value will be represented as a MassPerUnitLength. |
MomentOfInertia | The data value will be represented as a MomentOfInertia. |
SurfaceArea | The data value will be represented as a SurfaceArea. |
Period | The data value will be represented as a Period. |
Pulsation | The data value will be represented as a Pulsation. |
ReinforcementArea | The data value will be represented as a ReinforcementArea. |
ReinforcementAreaPerUnitLength | The data value will be represented as a ReinforcementAreaPerUnitLength. |
ReinforcementCover | The data value will be represented as a ReinforcementCover. |
ReinforcementSpacing | The data value will be represented as a ReinforcementSpacing. |
Rotation | The data value will be represented as a Rotation. |
SectionArea | The data value will be represented as a SectionArea. |
SectionDimension | The data value will be represented as a SectionDimension. |
SectionModulus | The data value will be represented as a SectionModulus. |
SectionProperty | The data value will be represented as a SectionProperty. |
StructuralVelocity | The data value will be represented as a StructuralVelocity. |
WarpingConstant | The data value will be represented as a WarpingConstant. |
Weight | The data value will be represented as a Weight. |
WeightPerUnitLength | The data value will be represented as a WeightPerUnitLength. |
HVACThermalConductivity | The data value will be represented as a HVACThermalConductivity. |
HVACSpecificHeat | The data value will be represented as a HVACSpecificHeat. |
HVACSpecificHeatOfVaporization | The data value will be represented as a HVACSpecificHeatOfVaporization. |
HVACPermeability | The data value will be represented as a HVACPermeability. |
ElectricalResistivity | The data value will be represented as a ElectricalResistivity. |
MassDensity | The data value will be represented as a MassDensity. |
MassPerUnitArea | The data value will be represented as a MassPerUnitArea. |
PipeDimension | The value of this parameter will be a Pipe Dimension |
PipeMass | The value of this parameter will be the Pipe Mass |
PipeMassPerUnitLength | The value of this parameter will be the Pipe Mass per Unit Length |
HVACTemperatureDifference | The data value will be represented as a HVACTemperatureDifference. |
PipingTemperatureDifference | The data value will be represented as a PipingTemperatureDifference. |
ElectricalTemperatureDifference | The data value will be represented as an ElectricalTemperatureDifference. |