Document Properties

The Document type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property ActiveProjectLocation
Retrieve the active project location.
Public property ActiveView
The document's active view.
Public property Application
Returns the Application in which the Document resides.
Public property Create
An object that can be used to create new instances of Autodesk Revit API elements within a project.
Public property DisplayUnitSystem
Provides access to display unit type with in the document.
Public property FamilyCreate
An object that can be used to create new instances of Autodesk Revit API elements within a family document.
Public property FamilyManager
The family manager object provides access to family types and parameters.
Public property IsDetached
Identifies if a workshared document is detached. Also, see IsWorkshared
Public property IsFamilyDocument
Identifies if the current document is a family document.
Public property IsLinked
Identifies if a document is a linked RVT.
Public property IsModelInCloud
Identifies if document is stored on Autodesk cloud services.
Public property IsModifiable
The document's state of modifiability.
Public property IsModified
The state of changes made to the document.
Public property IsReadOnly
Identifies if the document is read-only or can possibly be modified.
Public property IsReadOnlyFile
Signals whether the document was opened from a read-only file.
Public property IsValidObject
Specifies whether the .NET object represents a valid Revit entity.
Public property IsWorkshared
Identifies if worksharing (i.e. editing permissions and multiple worksets) have been enabled in the document. Also, see IsDetached
Public property MassDisplayTemporaryOverride
This setting controls temporary display in views of objects with mass category or subcategories.
Public property MullionTypes
This property is used to retrieve all the mullion types in current system.
Public property OwnerFamily
Get the Family of this Family Document.
Public property PanelTypes
Retrieves a set of PanelType objects that contains all the panel types that are currently loaded into the project.
Public property ParameterBindings
Retrieves an object from which mappings between parameter definitions and categories can be found.
Public property PathName
The fully qualified path of the document's disk file.
Public property Phases
Retrieves all the object that represent phases within the project.
Public property PlanTopologies
Get the PlanTopologies of the current project in the last phase.
Public property PlanTopologies Phase
Gets the PlanTopologies of the current project in a given phase.
Public property PlanTopology Level
Get the PlanTopology of a given level in the last phase.
Public property PlanTopology Level, Phase
Get the PlanTopology of a given level in a given phase.
Public property PrintManager
Retrieve the PrintManager of current project.
Public property ProjectInformation
Return the Project Information of the current project.
Public property ProjectLocations
Retrieve all the project locations associated with this project
Public property ReactionsAreUpToDate
Reports if the analytical model has regenerated in a document with reaction loads.
Public property Settings
Provides access to general application settings, such as Categories.
Public property SiteLocation
Returns the site location information.
Public property Title
The document's title.
Public property TypeOfStorage
Get the storage type of the specified BuiltInParameter.
Public property WorksharingCentralGUID
The central GUID of the server-based model.

See Also