PromptForFamilyInstancePlacement Method (FamilySymbol)

Prompts the user to place instances of the specified FamilySymbol.

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.UI
Assembly: RevitAPIUI (in RevitAPIUI.dll) Version: 2015.0.0.0 (2015.0.0.0)
Since: 2011


public void PromptForFamilyInstancePlacement(
	FamilySymbol familySymbol
Visual Basic
Public Sub PromptForFamilyInstancePlacement ( _
	familySymbol As FamilySymbol _
Visual C++
void PromptForFamilyInstancePlacement(
	FamilySymbol^ familySymbol


Type: Autodesk.Revit.DB FamilySymbol
The FamilySymbol.


This method opens its own transaction, so it's not permitted to be invoked in an active transaction. In a single invocation, the user can place multiple instances of the input family type until they finish the placement (with Cancel or ESC or a click elsewhere in the UI). The user will not be permitted to change the type to be placed. Users are not permitted to change the active view during this placement operation (the operation will be completed).

This method differs from PostRequestForElementTypePlacement(ElementType) in that it will execute immediately within the current API context and return to the application when the user completes or cancels the operation. However, it does not allow the user access to user interface options and settings related to the placement.


Exception Condition
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions InvalidOperationException Thrown when this API method is invoked in an active transaction, or this document is not active, or this is a family document and the instances of this family symbol can not exist in the current family, or this family symbol has no command to create instance, or the command to create instance is disabled in active view.

See Also