ReinforcementBarOrientation Enumeration

Describes the bar orientation at Path Reinforcement.

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
Since: 2016
Since: 2016


public enum ReinforcementBarOrientation
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration ReinforcementBarOrientation
Visual C++
public enum class ReinforcementBarOrientation


Member name Description
TopOrExterior The major segment of the bar is on the top face (of a floor/slab) or the exterior face (of a wall).
NearSide The major segment of the bar is on the side edge near to the Path Reinforcement sketch line.
BottomOrInterior The major segment of the bar is on the bottom face (of a floor/slab) or the interior face (of a wall).
FarSide The major segment of the bar is on the side edge far from the Path Reinforcement sketch line.

See Also