BuiltInFailures.CopyPasteFailures Members

Provides a container of all Revit built-in FailureDefinitionId instances.

The BuiltInFailures CopyPasteFailures type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Static member CannotCopyAttachedType
Cannot copy attached detail group type without copying the model group type it refers to.
Public property Static member CannotCopyAttachedTypeWarn
Cannot copy attached detail group type without copying the model group type it refers to.
Public property Static member CannotCopyBetweenFamilyAndProjectCorruption
Can't copy between Family and Project.
Public property Static member CannotCopyBetweenFamilyAndProjectError
Can't copy between Family and Project.
Public property Static member CannotCopyCurtainWallGridLines
Curtain wall grid lines currently cannot be copied.
Public property Static member CannotCopyDependentView
Dependent views cannot be copied.
Public property Static member CannotCopyDetails
Can't copy some or all of the detailing with the view.
Public property Static member CannotCopyDueToBackgroundCalculation
Cannot copy dragged elements while background calculations are in progress.
Public property Static member CannotCopyDuplicates
Can't paste duplicate types. Only non duplicate types will be pasted.
Public property Static member CannotCopyElevationArrow
To duplicate Elevations, copy the elevation symbol in a plan view.
Public property Static member CannotCopyElevationArrowWarn
To duplicate Elevations, copy the elevation symbol in a plan view.
Public property Static member CannotCopyFamilyName
Can't [Action] because Family '[Family Name]' is different in the two documents. Update the documents to contain the same version of the Family.
Public property Static member CannotCopyFromProjectAndLink
Can't Copy to Clipboard elements from the project and a link instance at the same time. Only elements from the project will be copied.
Public property Static member CannotCopyGridLines
Curtain grid lines cannot be copied. If you are trying to copy the curtain wall, try using tab to select entire wall.
Public property Static member CannotCopyGridLinesWarn
Curtain grid lines cannot be copied. If you are trying to copy the curtain wall, try using tab to select entire wall.
Public property Static member CannotCopyImportInstancesAcrossProjects
Linked Imported Files cannot be copied across projects. All non-RVT linked files will be pasted as imports instead.
Public property Static member CannotCopyIncompleteElement
Can't copy part of element
Public property Static member CannotCopyIncompleteElementWarn
Can't copy part of element
Public property Static member CannotCopyJoinedGeometry
Joined solid geometry cannot be copied as a whole. Instead, select the individual extrusions, etc., using Pick box or Ctrl-select and copy them.
Public property Static member CannotCopyJoinedGeometryWarn
Joined solid geometry cannot be copied as a whole. Instead, select the individual extrusions, etc., using Pick box or Ctrl-select and copy them.
Public property Static member CannotCopyLocked
Can't copy pinned element.
Public property Static member CannotCopyLockedWarn
Can't copy pinned element.
Public property Static member CannotCopyMassing
A massing cannot be copied. Copy the elements within the massing instead.
Public property Static member CannotCopyMassingWarn
A massing cannot be copied. Copy the elements within the massing instead.
Public property Static member CannotCopyMullions
Mullions and panels cannot be copied without copying the entire curtain wall.
Public property Static member CannotCopyMullionsError
Mullions and panels cannot be copied without copying the entire curtain wall.
Public property Static member CannotCopyMullionsWarn
Mullions and panels cannot be copied without copying the entire curtain wall.
Public property Static member CannotCopyMultipleSketchParents
Copying elements from unrelated Workplanes together is not supported in families. Try copying elements separately.
Public property Static member CannotCopyMustBeUnique
Element must be unique.
Public property Static member CannotCopyMustBeUniqueViewport
Multiple instances of the same view in sheets not supported.
Public property Static member CannotCopyMustBeUniqueViewportWarn
Multiple instances of the same view in sheets not supported.
Public property Static member CannotCopyMustBeUniqueWarn
Element must be unique.
Public property Static member CannotCopyNestedLinks
To copy a nested link, use Copy to Clipboard or Move Copy.
Public property Static member CannotCopyNoAttachedParent
Attached Detail Group can't be copied without its Model Group
Public property Static member CannotCopyNoAttachedParentWarn
Attached Detail Group can't be copied without its Model Group
Public property Static member CannotCopyNoParents
Can't Copy to Clipboard because of relationships between Elements
Public property Static member CannotCopyNoReferences
Elements can't be copied because they will lose their References.
Public property Static member CannotCopyRevolveAxis
The axis cannot be copied.
Public property Static member CannotCopyRevolveAxisWarn
The axis cannot be copied.
Public property Static member CannotCopySelectedPick
The element being dragged can't be copied.
Public property Static member CannotCopySelection
Cannot copy selection.[Description]
Public property Static member CannotCopySketchGrid
Work Planes cannot be copied.
Public property Static member CannotCopySketchGridWarn
Work Planes cannot be copied.
Public property Static member CannotCopySunAndShadowSettings
SunAndShadowSettings cannot be copied.
Public property Static member CannotCopySunAndShadowSettingsWarn
SunAndShadowSettings cannot be copied.
Public property Static member CannotCopyWallPanels
Cannot copy wall panels unless their parent wall is also being copied.
Public property Static member CannotCopyWallPanelsWarn
Cannot copy wall panels unless their parent wall is also being copied.
Public property Static member CannotCopyZone
A Zone cannot be copied.
Public property Static member CannotCopyZoneWarn
A Zone cannot be copied.
Public property Static member CannotDuplicate
Elements can't be duplicated
Public property Static member CannotDuplicateDesignOption
Can't duplicate Design Option.
Public property Static member CannotDuplicateInOption
Elements can't be duplicated in a secondary Option
Public property Static member CannotDuplicateInOptionWarn
Elements can't be duplicated in a secondary Option
Public property Static member CannotDuplicateType
Cannot Duplicate Type.
Public property Static member CannotDuplicateWarn
Elements can't be duplicated
Public property Static member CannotFinalizeClusterInconsistency
Can't finalize because dependent element failed to finalize.
Public property Static member CannotFinalizeOrphanSerf
Can't finalize Group member without finalizing the entire Group.
Public property Static member CannotPasteAlignedAny
Can't Paste Aligned.
Public property Static member CannotPasteAlignedCorruption
Can't Paste Aligned these elements in this view.
Public property Static member CannotPasteAlignedError
Can't Paste Align these elements in this view.
Public property Static member CannotPasteAlignedSomeLevels
Can't Paste Aligned to some views.
Public property Static member CannotPasteAssemblyView
Can't paste assembly view because its associated assembly instance is not available.
Public property Static member CannotPasteCircularLinks
The pasted selection includes a linked instance of this file '[Name]'. A file cannot link itself, so the link was not pasted.
Public property Static member CannotPasteCurtainGridLine
Can't paste Curtain Grid Line.
Public property Static member CannotPasteDifferentViewSpecificElements
Cannot paste view-specific elements from different views.
Public property Static member CannotPasteElemInViewError
Cannot paste the contents into %1!s! view. Attempt to paste into an appropriate view.
Public property Static member CannotPasteInSketch
Can't paste elements into sketch.
Public property Static member CannotPasteInView
Cannot paste the contents into %1!s! view. Attempt to paste into an appropriate view.
Public property Static member CannotPasteInViewError
Cannot paste the contents into %1!s! view. Attempt to paste into an appropriate view.
Public property Static member CannotPasteModelPlusViewSpecificElementsIntoView
Cannot paste view-specific model plus into view.
Public property Static member CannotPasteNoLevelAbove
Can't paste these elements at this height because there is no Level above to Reference.
Public property Static member CannotPasteNoLevelBelow
Can't paste these elements at this height because there is no Level below to reference.
Public property Static member CannotPasteNoWorkplane
Can't paste because there is no corresponding Work Plane. Set workplane or switch to view with appropriate workplane.
Public property Static member CannotPasteRoomsInNonPlanViews
[Rooms] can only be pasted in Plan or Ceiling Plan views.
Public property Static member CannotPasteToSheet
Elements copied to Sheets can only be copied from other Sheets.
Public property Static member CannotPasteViewSpecElemsFromDiffViews
Cannot paste view-specific elements from different views.
Public property Static member CannotPasteViewSpecificElementsIntoPerspectiveView
Can't paste view specific elements into perspective view.
Public property Static member CannotTransferProjectStandards
These Project Standards cannot be transferred.[Description]
Public property Static member CantCopyBetweenModelAndAnnotFam
Can't copy element(s) between Model and Annotation families.
Public property Static member CantCopyElemsToInplaceFam
Can't copy element(s) to In Place family.
Public property Static member CantCopyFrom2dTo3dFam
Can't copy 2D element(s) into a 3D family.
Public property Static member CantCopyFrom3dTo2dFam
Can't copy 3D element(s) into a 2D family.
Public property Static member CantCopyFromDetailToProfileFam
Can't copy Detail element(s) into a Profile family.
Public property Static member CantCopyLevelsOrRefPlanesToNonMassFamily
Can't copy levels or reference planes to families that are not Mass families.
Public property Static member CantCopyStairsLevelHeightNotMatchInMS
Can't copy stairs in Multistory Stairs due to level height doesn't match.
Public property Static member CantCopySymbolicElementToSelfOrientingFamily
Cannot copy symbolic elements sketched in non-horizontal planes.
Public property Static member CopingColumnBeamFailure
The support order for a beam/column connection has been changed. When a beam is supported by a column that same beam cannot be coped by the column. The existing coping has been removed.
Public property Static member CopyImposterContentError
Cannot copy Render Appearance.
Public property Static member CopyImposterContentWarn
Cannot copy Render Appearance.
Public property Static member CopyImposterLightError
Light source cannot be copied!
Public property Static member CopyImposterLightWarn
Light source cannot be copied!
Public property Static member ElementRenamedOnPaste
The loaded type "[Name]" has been renamed to "[New Name]" to avoid conflicts with the existing type.
Public property Static member FinalizedElementsWillBeDeleted
Can't find new hosts for this Element.\nIt will be deleted on Finish Paste unless repositioned or rehosted.
Public property Static member FinalizedElementsWillBeDeletedWarn
Can't find new hosts for this Element.\nIt will be deleted on Finish Paste unless repositioned or rehosted.
Public property Static member FinalizedElementsWillBeModified
Can't find some new hosts for this Element.\nIt will lose references on Finish Paste unless repositioned or rehosted.
Public property Static member FinalizedElementsWillBeModifiedWarn
Can't find some new hosts for this Element.\nIt will lose references on Finish Paste unless repositioned or rehosted.
Public property Static member LostReference
A relationship between Elements in [Option Name] and [Reference Option Name] has been deleted. There is no corresponding relationship in the Primary [New Primary Option Name].
Public property Static member NoSketchPlane
Can't paste because no Work Plane is defined in the View.
Public property Static member PasteInvisibleInView
Selection is invisible in this view.
Public property Static member SomeElementsNotCopiedWarn
Some elements were not copied.[Description]

See Also