CurveProjectionType Enumeration

This attribute indicates how the curve will be projected to the surface if the curve is sketched on the surface.

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
Since: 2011


public enum CurveProjectionType
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration CurveProjectionType
Visual C++
public enum class CurveProjectionType


Member name Description
FromTopDown Projects curve in a direction parallel to the height of the project or family (projects in an upwardly or downwardly direction). For example, would be used to project curves to a surface that represented a roof or site, where the goal was for the curves to look from above as they were sketched, even though they are being mapped to the surface.
ParallelToLevel The curves are projected to their target surface in a projection direction that is parallel to level. The exact vector of projection also considers the endpoints of the curve being projected or endpoints in a loop of curves it belongs to (if any). But the vector is always parallel to the level. This is used to create curves on the building that retain a particular sketched shape based on elevation perspective, regardless of target surface contours. Sketching windows is an example where this is useful.
FollowSurfaceUV The curve is generated on to lie on the surface based on its endpoints/control points on the surface, its curve type, and depending on the surface type, either projecting to the surface based on projecting tessellation points of the curve to the target surface, or by interpreting the equation produced by the curve type and user defined control points in the surface uv. In some ways, this is the most robust way to generate the curve on the surface, but for some surface shapes, it can make it difficult to obtain the desired appearance from a particular perspective in the model.

See Also