BuiltInFailures.LinkFailures Members

Provides a container of all Revit built-in FailureDefinitionId instances.

The BuiltInFailures LinkFailures type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Static member CannotModifyLinkedFile
Shared Sites in the link ""%1!s!"" cannot be modified.
Public property Static member CannotOpenLinkedFileServerFound
Cannot open the linked model using Open and Unload because the plugin [name] provided by [vendor] experienced an error. For more information please contact [vendor].
Public property Static member CannotOpenLinkedFileServerNotFound
Cannot open the linked model using Open and Unload because the plugin [name] cannot be accessed. Please check plugin [name], which has server Id [serverId]
Public property Static member CannotPublishSharedCoordinatesToMirroredNonRevitLinks
Shared coordinates cannot be published to mirrored, non Revit, links.
Public property Static member CannotReloadFile
Can't reload file.
Public property Static member CannotUnlinkFile
Can't unlink file.
Public property Static member DataDictionaryDifferentInLink
Linked file [Name] was last saved in a previous version of Revit. Changes to it cannot be saved until it is upgraded.
Public property Static member DeleteLinkSymbolPrompt
All instances of Linked Model '[Name]' have been deleted, but the file itself is still loaded. Remove the Linked File using Manage Links dialog to save memory unless you are going to reuse it in this project. Removing the Link cannot be undone.
Public property Static member LinkedFileOpenInOtherDoc
Linked file cannot be reloaded because it is loaded into another open document.
Public property Static member LinkInstanceNeedsReconcile
Instance of linked .rvt file needs Coordination Review
Public property Static member ModifiedLinkedFile
Shared Sites in the link have been modified, use move instance to reset the change.
Public property Static member ModifyingLinkedFile
Shared Locations in the Linked Model '[Name]' have been modified, but not saved back to the Linked File. Upon reopening, instances of the Linked Model will return to their last Saved Positions. You can Save the Linked Model later via the Manage Links dialog.
Public property Static member MultipleLinks
Can't complete operation. Linked Files have the same name.
Public property Static member NoConstraintsToLinks1
Constraints may not be created to linked instances using Shared Locations. Constraints will be removed.
Public property Static member SourceFileDrivenByOtherTarget
Linked Model's Shared Coordinates have been modified via another host model in this session. In order to be able to change the Linked File via the active host model, Save and open it again in a new session.
Public property Static member WatchedLinkMoved
Monitored Link moved.

See Also