Create Method

Creates a new DisplacementElement as a child of the specified parent DisplacementElement.

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
Since: 2014


public static DisplacementElement Create(
	Document document,
	ICollection<ElementId> elementsToDisplace,
	XYZ displacement,
	View ownerDBView,
	DisplacementElement parentDisplacementElement
Visual Basic
Public Shared Function Create ( _
	document As Document, _
	elementsToDisplace As ICollection(Of ElementId), _
	displacement As XYZ, _
	ownerDBView As View, _
	parentDisplacementElement As DisplacementElement _
) As DisplacementElement
Visual C++
static DisplacementElement^ Create(
	Document^ document, 
	ICollection<ElementId^>^ elementsToDisplace, 
	XYZ^ displacement, 
	View^ ownerDBView, 
	DisplacementElement^ parentDisplacementElement


Type: Autodesk.Revit.DB Document
The Document
Type: System.Collections.Generic ICollection ElementId
The elements to be displaced.
Type: Autodesk.Revit.DB XYZ
The translation to be applied to the graphics of the displaced elements.
Type: Autodesk.Revit.DB View
The 3D view which will own the DisplacementElement.
Type: Autodesk.Revit.DB DisplacementElement
An existing DisplacementElement that will be the parent of the one being created. It must be owned by ownerDBView. The relative transform of new DisplacementElement will be concatenated with the absolute transform of the parent DisplacementElement. If the elements specified by displacedElemIds are already displaced by another DisplacementElement, then this must be that element.

Return Value

The id of the new DisplacementElement.


Copy C#
public static void CreateDisplacementAndPath(Document doc, View view)
    // Find roof
    FilteredElementCollector fec = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);
    RoofBase roof = fec.FirstElement() as RoofBase;

    // Get a geometric reference for the path
    Reference edgeRef = GetHorizontalEdgeReference(roof);

    using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc, "CreateDisplacementAndPath"))
        // Create a new top level DisplacementElement
        DisplacementElement dispElem = DisplacementElement.Create(doc, new ElementId[] { roof.Id }, new XYZ(10, 0, 20), view, null);

        // Create the path associated to the element
        DisplacementPath.Create(doc, dispElem, edgeRef, 0.5);

private static Reference GetHorizontalEdgeReference(Element elem)
    //Find target edge from lower face of roof
    Options options = new Options();
    options.ComputeReferences = true;

    GeometryElement geomElem = elem.get_Geometry(options);

    foreach (var geomObj in geomElem)
        if (geomObj is Solid)
            Solid solid = geomObj as Solid;
            var faces = solid.Faces;

            foreach (Face face in faces)
                BoundingBoxUV box = face.GetBoundingBox();
                UV midpoint = (box.Min + box.Max) / 2.0;
                if (face.ComputeNormal(midpoint).Normalize().Z < -0.1) // Downward facing, this is good enough
                    var edgeLoops = face.EdgeLoops;
                    foreach (EdgeArray edgeArray in edgeLoops)
                        foreach (Edge edge in edgeArray)
                            // horizontal?
                            if (Math.Abs(edge.AsCurve().ComputeDerivatives(0.0, true).BasisX.DotProduct(XYZ.BasisZ)) - 1 <= 0.00001)
                                return edge.Reference;

    return null;
Public Shared Sub CreateDisplacementAndPath(doc As Document, view As View)
    ' Find roof
    Dim fec As New FilteredElementCollector(doc)
    Dim roof As RoofBase = TryCast(fec.FirstElement(), RoofBase)

    ' Get a geometric reference for the path
    Dim edgeRef As Reference = GetHorizontalEdgeReference(roof)

    Using t As New Transaction(doc, "CreateDisplacementAndPath")
        ' Create a new top level DisplacementElement
        Dim dispElem As DisplacementElement = DisplacementElement.Create(doc, New ElementId() {roof.Id}, New XYZ(10, 0, 20), view, Nothing)

        ' Create the path associated to the element
        DisplacementPath.Create(doc, dispElem, edgeRef, 0.5)
    End Using
End Sub

Private Shared Function GetHorizontalEdgeReference(elem As Element) As Reference
    'Find target edge from lower face of roof
    Dim options As New Options()
    options.ComputeReferences = True

    Dim geomElem As GeometryElement = elem.Geometry(options)

    For Each geomObj As GeometryObject In geomElem
        If TypeOf geomObj Is Solid Then
            Dim solid As Solid = TryCast(geomObj, Solid)
            Dim faces = solid.Faces

            For Each face As Face In faces
                Dim box As BoundingBoxUV = face.GetBoundingBox()
                Dim midpoint As UV = (box.Min + box.Max) / 2.0
                If face.ComputeNormal(midpoint).Normalize().Z < -0.1 Then
                    ' Downward facing, this is good enough
                    Dim edgeLoops = face.EdgeLoops
                    For Each edgeArray As EdgeArray In edgeLoops
                        For Each edge As Edge In edgeArray
                            ' horizontal?
                            If Math.Abs(edge.AsCurve().ComputeDerivatives(0.0, True).BasisX.DotProduct(XYZ.BasisZ)) - 1 <= 0.00001 Then
                                Return edge.Reference
                            End If
                End If
        End If

    Return Nothing
End Function


Exception Condition
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions ArgumentException #elementIds# contains no element ids. -or- ownerDBView is not a 3D view. -or- For each individual element in the set elementsToDisplace, isAllowedAsDisplacedElement must return true, and the elements must either not already be displaced in the specified view, or else they must all be displaced by the same displacement element in the view. -or- The DisplacementElement parentDisplacementElement in not owned by the view ownerDBView.
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions ArgumentNullException A non-optional argument was NULL

See Also