BuiltInFailures.EditingFailures Members

Provides a container of all Revit built-in FailureDefinitionId instances.

The BuiltInFailures EditingFailures type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Static member AllInvisibleInPlanViewWarn
None of the created elements are visible in [View Type] View. You may want to check the active view, its Parameters, and Visibility settings, as well as any Plan Regions and their settings.
Public property Static member AllInvisibleInViewWarn
None of the created elements are visible in [View Type] View. You may want to check the active view, its Parameters, and Visibility settings.
Public property Static member BorrowElementsAtRisk
Can't obtain permission to edit the element: The Central Model is inaccessible. You can check out worksets at risk, but consider carefully!
Public property Static member CannotBorrowBusyContention
Can't obtain permission to edit the element. The Central Model is busy.
Public property Static member CannotCheckoutWorksets
Can't make workset editable. User '[Borrowers]' has already checked it out.
Public property Static member CannotDeleteEditedElement
Can't delete element that is being edited.
Public property Static member CannotDeleteEditedElementError
Can't delete element that is being edited.
Public property Static member CannotDeletePredefinedFamilyElement
Element is a built-in part of the family definition and cannot be deleted or added to groups.
Public property Static member CannotDrawInCurrentView
Can't draw because Work Plane is at a very sharp angle in this view. Go to another view or redefine the Work Plane.
Public property Static member CannotDuplicateType
Cannot Duplicate Type
Public property Static member CannotEditDeletedElements
Can't edit the element. It was deleted in the Central Model.
Public property Static member CannotEditDeletedWorkset
This action has caused deletion of non-editable Workset ' [Name] '.
Public property Static member CannotEditEditingElements
Can't obtain permission to edit the element: The Central Model is inaccessible and another user is editing the element.
Public property Static member CannotEditElements
Workset is editable, but you can't edit the element until '[Borrowers]' resaves the element to central and relinquishes it and you Reload Latest.
Public property Static member CannotEditRenamedWorkset
Can't edit workset ' [Name] '.
Public property Static member CannotMirrorInView
Must specify Work Plane to mirror in a 3d View.
Public property Static member CannotMoveElement
Can't move element.
Public property Static member CannotMoveElementWarn
Can't move element.
Public property Static member CannotMoveElementWithoutWorkplane
Element(s) need a workplane to be moved in. There's no workplane defined in this view.
Public property Static member CannotMoveHereInViewError
Can't move here at this view angle. Set another Work Plane or adjust the view.
Public property Static member CannotMoveInView
Can't move element because the move plane is seen at a very sharp angle in this View
Public property Static member CannotMoveInViewError
Can't move element because the move plane is seen at a very sharp angle in this View
Public property Static member CannotMoveLocked
Can't move pinned element.
Public property Static member CannotMoveTogether
Can't move these elements at the same time. One of them is restricted to moving in one direction while the other is restricted to moving in a conflicting direction.
Public property Static member CannotPickHereInCurrentView
Can't pick here at this view angle. Set another Work Plane or adjust the view.
Public property Static member CannotRotateLocked
Can't rotate pinned element.
Public property Static member CannotScaleInView
Can't scale because Move Plane is at a very sharp angle in this view. Change view angle or go to another view.
Public property Static member DeletedRequestedWarn
You have deleted elements that other users requested.
Public property Static member DeleteElementsError
Public property Static member DeleteElementsWarn
Public property Static member DeletePreventedByGroup
Grouped elements can only be deleted when the group is being edited. To delete a member select the group and then click the Edit Group button on the toolbar, then delete the member.
Public property Static member ElementNotEditable
One or more elements are not editable.
Public property Static member ElementReversed
Element is reversed.
Public property Static member ElementsDeleted
Elements were deleted.
Public property Static member ElementsDeletedPastedToKeep
Elements were deleted. Use Edit Pasted Elements to keep them.
Public property Static member ElementsNotInPlane
Elements don't lie on the same plane.
Public property Static member ElementsWillBeDeleted
Elements in [Design Option] will be deleted
Public property Static member ExtendToOtherCrash
Can't keep [Type Name] extended to [Type Name].
Public property Static member ExtendToOtherWarn
Can't keep [Type Name] extended to [Type Name].
Public property Static member GeneratedByMassing
Selected element(s) produced from Massing shape. Once deleted, the selected element(s) will not be regenerated
Public property Static member HaveNoPermissionToEdit
You do not have permission to edit the element.
Public property Static member HiddenBeamsEditingWarning
The beam join being modified contains beam that are not visible. Geometry of visible beams may be affected by hidden beams.
Public property Static member InvalidArrayObject
Some or all of the selected objects can't be created in an Array (for example, a Camera object for a 3D View).
Public property Static member InvalidElemsInSelection
Can't scale elements together.
Public property Static member LockedDeleted
Pinned objects deleted.
Public property Static member LockedDeletedWarn
Pinned objects deleted.
Public property Static member MirrorProjectSuccess
[Action] command has successfully processed [Number] elements
Public property Static member NElementsDeleted
[Number] elements were deleted
Public property Static member NElementsWrongPosition
Review [Number] elements for correct position and shape
Public property Static member NoRotateMirrorZ
Element cannot be mirrored or rotated in a manner that changes its angle relative to the ground.
Public property Static member NoRotateMirrorZError
Element cannot be mirrored or rotated in a manner that changes its angle relative to the ground.
Public property Static member OutOfDateElements
Workset is editable, but you must Reload Latest before editing the element.
Public property Static member OwnedByOther
Can't edit the element until '[Partition Name]' resaves the element to central and relinquishes it and you Reload Latest.
Public property Static member OwnElementsOutOfDate
You now own the element, but your file is out of date. You must Reload Latest before editing the element.
Public property Static member PinnedObjectHostDeleted
Some pinned objects were deleted because their parent or host object was deleted.
Public property Static member PinnedObjectNotDeleted
Pinned objects were not deleted. To delete them, unpin them before using delete.
Public property Static member PinnedObjectSomeDeleted
Some pinned objects were deleted while others were not.
Public property Static member PressShowToSee
Press Show to see the element(s); then Ignore or Cancel
Public property Static member ReloadBeforeMakeEditable
You must Reload Latest before editing the element.
Public property Static member ReloadNoGood
You must Reload Latest before editing the element, but the Central Model is inaccessible or being accessed by another user.
Public property Static member SourceInEditMode
Can't transfer project standards while source document is in an edit mode. Please exit all edit modes(In-Place Family Edit Mode, Group Edit Mode, Sketch Edit Mode, etc.) and try again.
Public property Static member TargetInEditMode
Can't transfer project standards while target document is in an edit mode. Please exit all edit modes(In-Place Family Edit Mode, Group Edit Mode, Sketch Edit Mode, etc.) and try again.
Public property Static member TemporaryChangesOutOfDate
You must Reload Latest before editing the element. Changes will be temporary, and will not be saved.
Public property Static member TemporaryChangesTransparentPermissions
Permission to edit the element cannot be obtained. Changes will be temporary, and will not be saved.
Public property Static member TooManyElementsToCheckout
Too many elements were attempted to be marked as editable, prompt user to mark workset(s) editable instead
Public property Static member UnableFilletSpecifiedRadius
Unable to create Fillet with the specified radius.
Public property Static member UnableToMakeSourceWorksetEditable
Unable to make the necessary Workset ([Name]) editable in the Linked File in order to change the Shared Coordinates.
Public property Static member UnableToTransformElement
Attempted an invalid element rotate, mirror, or move.
Public property Static member UnableToTransformElementError
Attempted an invalid element rotate, mirror, or move.
Public property Static member WorksetHasChangedInCentralFile
This workset has changed in the Central Model. Please Reload Latest before making this workset editable.

See Also