GetShortName Method

Implement this method to return the short name of the server.

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
Since: 2015


string GetShortName()
Visual Basic
Function GetShortName As String
Visual C++
String^ GetShortName()

Return Value

The short name of the server.


The name is a unique path prefix included in full paths to external resources provided by this server. It is recommended that the short name length is at least 3 characters to make it useful for users to identify the server easily.

To ensure the server can be registered successfully, the name should match restrictions below:

  • The name cannot be empty or consist of only whitespace characters.
  • The name should not include any invalid characters such as \/:*?"<>|.
  • The name cannot duplicate any other external resource server names.
  • The name should not duplicate a Revit reserved path prefix(case insensitive), including: RSN, A360, buzzsaw, vault, redspark, ftp, http, https, files, file.

See Also