CreateFromCurvesAndShape Method

OverloadĀ List

Name Description
Public method Static member CreateFromCurvesAndShape(Document, RebarShape, RebarBarType, RebarHookType, RebarHookType, Element, XYZ, IList Curve , RebarHookOrientation, RebarHookOrientation)
Creates a new instance of a shape driven Rebar element within the project. The instance will have the default shape parameters from the RebarShape. If the RebarShapeDefinesHooks flag in ReinforcementSettings has been set to true, then both the curves and hooks must match the RebarShape definition. Otherwise, the hooks can be different than the defaults specified in the RebarShape
Public method Static member CreateFromCurvesAndShape(Document, RebarShape, RebarBarType, RebarHookType, RebarHookType, Element, XYZ, IList Curve , RebarHookOrientation, RebarHookOrientation, Double, Double, ElementId, ElementId)
Creates a new instance of a shape driven Rebar element within the project. The instance will have the default shape parameters from the RebarShape. If the RebarShapeDefinesHooks flag in ReinforcementSettings has been set to true, then curves, hook types and hook rotation angles should match the rebar shape definition. Otherwise, the hooks can be different than the defaults specified in the RebarShape. If the RebarShapeDefinesEndTreatment flag in ReinforcementSettings has been set to true, then curves and end treatment types should match the rebar shape definition. Otherwise, the end treatment types can be different than the defaults specified in the RebarShape.

See Also