ReferenceIntersector Constructor

OverloadĀ List

Name Description
Public method ReferenceIntersector(View3D)
Constructs a ReferenceIntersector which is set to return intersections from all elements and representing all reference target types.
Public method ReferenceIntersector(ElementFilter, FindReferenceTarget, View3D)
Constructs a ReferenceIntersector which is set to return intersections from any element which passes an input filter.
Public method ReferenceIntersector(ElementId, FindReferenceTarget, View3D)
Constructs a ReferenceIntersector which is set to return intersections from a single target element only.
Public method ReferenceIntersector(ICollection ElementId , FindReferenceTarget, View3D)
Constructs a ReferenceIntersector which is set to return intersections from any of a set of target elements.

See Also