PickObjects Method

Prompts the user to select multiple objects.

OverloadĀ List

Name Description
Public method PickObjects(ObjectType)
Prompts the user to select multiple objects.
Public method PickObjects(ObjectType, ISelectionFilter)
Prompts the user to select multiple objects which pass a customer filter.
Public method PickObjects(ObjectType, String)
Prompts the user to select multiple objects while showing a custom status prompt string.
Public method PickObjects(ObjectType, ISelectionFilter, String)
Prompts the user to select multiple objects which pass a custom filter while showing a custom status prompt string.
Public method PickObjects(ObjectType, ISelectionFilter, String, IList Reference )
Prompts the user to select multiple objects which pass a custom filter while showing a custom status prompt string. A preselected set of objects may be supplied and will be selected at the start of the selection.

See Also