ExporterIFCUtils Members

The ExporterIFCUtils type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method Static member AddClippingsToBaseExtrusion
Public method Static member AddValueString
Adds a string value to a built-in parameter.
Public method Static member AreSolidsEqual
Determines whether two solids are identical, potentially offset from each other.
Public method Static member CanExportWallGeometryAsExtrusion
Identifies if the base geometry of the wall can be represented as an extrusion.
Public method Static member CollectGeometryInfo(ExporterIFC, IFCGeometryInfo, GeometryObject, XYZ, Boolean)
Collects all the target geometry from the input geometry object and adds it as IFC handles to the IFCInfo.
Public method Static member CollectGeometryInfo(ExporterIFC, IFCGeometryInfo, GeometryObject, XYZ, Boolean, Transform)
Collects all the target geometry from the input geometry object and adds it as IFC handles to the IFCInfo.
Public method Static member ComputeAreaOfCurveLoops
Public method Static member ComputeRoofProjectedArea
Returns the projected area of the room, unscaled.
Public method Static member ComputeSubcomponents
Splits a roof or floor element composed of planar surfaces into a set of roughly vertical extruded loops of uniform depth if possible.
Public method Static member CreateAlternateGUID
Creates a GUID for the given element.
Public method Static member CreateGUID
Creates a randomized GUID.
Public method Static member CreateProjectLevelGUID Obsolete.
Creates a GUID from Revit project for given GUIDType.
Public method Static member CreateSubElementGUID
Creates a consistent GUID for an IFC entity related to a Revit element. A "related" sub-element is one that is unique for a given type of element, and can therefore by identified by a simple index value (e.g. PSet_Wall_Common property set for a wall.) The index value 0 is reserved, as this would generate the GUID of the element itself. A listing of known sub-elements is contained in IFCSubElementEnums.cs; it is expected that this list would be maintained up-to-date, instead of passing arbitrary values into this function.
Public method Static member EndExportInternal
Use the internal Revit implementation to relate elements at the end of export.
Public method Static member ExportExtrudedSlabOpenings
Public method Static member ExportSlabAsExtrusion
Public method Static member GetAttachedColumns
Obtains a list of columns known to Revit as intersecting with this wall.
Public method Static member GetConnectedWalls
Obtains the IFC-specific information regarding the connections between this wall and other elements.
Public method Static member GetDoor2DArcsFromFamily
Gets the arcs associated with the plan view of a door.
Public method Static member GetElevationProfile
Obtains the curve loops which bound the wall's elevation profile.
Public method Static member GetGeometryFromInplaceWall
Obtains a special snapshot of the geometry of an in-place wall element suitable for export.
Public method Static member GetGlobal2DDirectionHandles
Obtains the handles representing the cardinal directions in 2D.
Public method Static member GetGlobal2DOriginHandle
Obtains the handle representing the 2D origin.
Public method Static member GetGlobal3DDirectionHandles
Obtains the handles representing the cardinal directions in 3D.
Public method Static member GetGlobal3DOriginHandle
Obtains the handle representing the 3D origin.
Public method Static member GetIFCClassName
Obtains the IFC class name associated to the given element for the current export.
Public method Static member GetIFCClassNameByCategory
Obtains the IFC class name associated to a given category id for the current export.
Public method Static member GetIFCType
Obtains the IFC type associated to the given element for the current export.
Public method Static member GetInstanceCutoutFromWall
Gets the curve loop corresponding to the hole in the wall made by the instance.
Public method Static member GetLegacyCurtainSubElements
Gets the sub elements from a legacy curtain element.
Public method Static member GetLegacyStairOrRampComponents
Gets the components of a stair or ramp.
Public method Static member GetLegacyStairsProperties
Returns one or more properties for legacy (created in R2012 or before) Stairs.
Public method Static member GetLevelIdByHeight
Gets the level if by the height of the element.
Public method Static member GetLoopsFromTopBottomFace
Gets the curve loop(s) that represent the bottom or top face of the wall, usable to create an extrusion for the wall geometry.
Public method Static member GetMinSymbolHeight
Obtains the minimum height of the given FamilySymbol.
Public method Static member GetMinSymbolWidth
Obtains the minimum width of the given FamilySymbol.
Public method Static member GetNumBuildingStoreys
Returns the number of non-empty, non-duplicate building stories in the file.
Public method Static member GetOpeningData
Gets the openings data from the element.
Public method Static member GetOriginalSymbol
Returns the original family symbol of this family instance, before the instance is modified by joins, cuts, coping, extensions, or other post-processing.
Public method Static member GetRelativeLocalPlacementOffsetTransform
Obtains the relative transform between two IfcLocalPlacement handles.
Public method Static member GetRoofComponents
Gets the components of roof slabs.
Public method Static member GetRoomBoundaryAsCurveLoopArray
Obtains the spatial element boundary curves as an array of CurveLoops, needed for processing into IFC-specific elements later.
Public method Static member GetTransformForDoorOrWindow
Obtains the transform for the door or window instance.
Public method Static member GetUnscaledTransform
Obtains the unscaled transform from an IfcLocalPlacement handle.
Public method Static member GetWallBaseOffset
Obtains the base offset of the wall.
Public method Static member GetWallTrimmedCurve
Obtains the curve of the wall trimmed or extended according to the end conditions of the wall.
Public method Static member HasElevationProfile
Identifies if the wall has a sketched elevation profile.
Public method Static member IsCurveFromOtherElementSketch
Identifies if the given curve element is generated by another element's sketch, or if it represents an independent curve element accessible directly by the user.
Public method Static member IsCurveLoopConvexWithOpenings
Checks if the region bounded by the input curve loop can be represented as the subtraction of 0 or more convex polygons from a base convex polygon.
Public method Static member IsWallBaseRectangular
Identifies if the wall's base can be represented by a direct thickening of the wall's base curve.
Public method Static member IsWallCompletelyClipped
Determines if the input wall is completely removed by interaction with other elements within the given range.
Public method Static member IsWallJoinedToTop
Checks if wall is joined to top.
Public method Static member SetGlobal2DDirectionHandles
Sets the handles representing the cardinal directions in 2D.
Public method Static member SetGlobal2DOriginHandle
Sets the handle representing the 2D origin.
Public method Static member SetGlobal3DDirectionHandles
Sets the handles representing the cardinal directions in 3D.
Public method Static member SetGlobal3DOriginHandle
Sets the handle representing the 3D origin.
Public method Static member SortCurveLoops
Public method Static member TransformAndScalePoint
Converts a point from global Revit coordinates to current IFC coordinates, including scale.
Public method Static member TransformAndScaleVector
Converts a vector from global Revit coordinates to current IFC coordinates, including scale.
Public method Static member UsesInstanceGeometry
Identifies if the family instance has its own geometry, or uses the symbol's geometry with a transform.
Public method Static member ValidateCurveLoops

See Also