ParameterUtils Members

The ParameterUtils type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method Static member GetAllBuiltInGroups
Gets the identifiers of all built-in parameter groups.
Public method Static member GetAllBuiltInParameters
Gets the identifiers of all built-in parameters.
Public method Static member GetBuiltInParameter Obsolete.
Gets the BuiltInParameter value corresponding to built-in parameter identified by the given ForgeTypeId.
Public method Static member GetBuiltInParameterGroup Obsolete.
Gets the BuiltInParameterGroup value corresponding to built-in parameter group identified by the given ForgeTypeId.
Public method Static member GetParameterGroupTypeId Obsolete.
Gets the ForgeTypeId identifying the built-in parameter group corresponding to BuiltInParameterGroup value.
Public method Static member GetParameterTypeId Obsolete.
Gets the ForgeTypeId identifying the built-in parameter corresponding to the given BuiltInParameter value.
Public method Static member IsBuiltInGroup
Checks whether a ForgeTypeId identifies a built-in parameter group.
Public method Static member IsBuiltInParameter
Checks whether a ForgeTypeId identifies a built-in parameter.

See Also