UnitTypeId Members

The UnitTypeId type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Static member Acres
Public property Static member Amperes
Public property Static member Atmospheres
Public property Static member Bars
Public property Static member BritishThermalUnits
British thermal units.
Public property Static member BritishThermalUnitsPerDegreeFahrenheit
British thermal units per degree Fahrenheit.
Public property Static member BritishThermalUnitsPerHour
British thermal units per hour.
Public property Static member BritishThermalUnitsPerHourCubicFoot
British thermal units per hour cubic foot.
Public property Static member BritishThermalUnitsPerHourFootDegreeFahrenheit
British thermal units per hour foot degree Fahrenheit.
Public property Static member BritishThermalUnitsPerHourSquareFoot
British thermal units per hour square foot.
Public property Static member BritishThermalUnitsPerHourSquareFootDegreeFahrenheit
British thermal units per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit.
Public property Static member BritishThermalUnitsPerPound
British thermal units per pound.
Public property Static member BritishThermalUnitsPerPoundDegreeFahrenheit
British thermal units per pound degree Fahrenheit.
Public property Static member BritishThermalUnitsPerSecond
British thermal units per second.
Public property Static member BritishThermalUnitsPerSquareFootDegreeFahrenheit
British thermal units per square foot degree Fahrenheit.
Public property Static member Calories
Public property Static member CaloriesPerSecond
Calories per second.
Public property Static member Candelas
Public property Static member CandelasPerSquareFoot
Candelas per square foot.
Public property Static member CandelasPerSquareMeter
Candelas per square meter.
Public property Static member Celsius
Public property Static member CelsiusInterval
Celsius interval.
Public property Static member Centimeters
Public property Static member CentimetersPerMinute
Centimeters per minute.
Public property Static member CentimetersToTheFourthPower
Centimeters to the fourth power.
Public property Static member CentimetersToTheSixthPower
Centimeters to the sixth power.
Public property Static member Centipoises
Public property Static member CubicCentimeters
Cubic centimeters.
Public property Static member CubicFeet
Cubic feet.
Public property Static member CubicFeetPerHour
Cubic feet per hour.
Public property Static member CubicFeetPerKip
Cubic feet per kip.
Public property Static member CubicFeetPerMinute
Cubic feet per minute.
Public property Static member CubicFeetPerMinuteCubicFoot
Cubic feet per minute cubic foot.
Public property Static member CubicFeetPerMinutePerBritishThermalUnitPerHour
Cubic feet per minute per British thermal unit per hour.
Public property Static member CubicFeetPerMinuteSquareFoot
Cubic feet per minute square foot.
Public property Static member CubicFeetPerMinuteTonOfRefrigeration
Cubic feet per minute ton of refrigeration.
Public property Static member CubicFeetPerPoundMass
Cubic feet per pound mass.
Public property Static member CubicInches
Cubic inches.
Public property Static member CubicMeters
Cubic meters.
Public property Static member CubicMetersPerHour
Cubic meters per hour.
Public property Static member CubicMetersPerHourCubicMeter
Cubic meters per hour cubic meter.
Public property Static member CubicMetersPerHourSquareMeter
Cubic meters per hour square meter.
Public property Static member CubicMetersPerKilogram
Cubic meters per kilogram.
Public property Static member CubicMetersPerKilonewton
Cubic meters per kilonewton.
Public property Static member CubicMetersPerSecond
Cubic meters per second.
Public property Static member CubicMetersPerWattSecond
Cubic meters per watt second.
Public property Static member CubicMillimeters
Cubic millimeters.
Public property Static member CubicYards
Cubic yards.
Public property Static member Currency
Public property Static member CurrencyPerBritishThermalUnit
Cost per British thermal unit.
Public property Static member CurrencyPerBritishThermalUnitPerHour
Cost per British thermal unit per hour.
Public property Static member CurrencyPerSquareFoot
Cost per square foot.
Public property Static member CurrencyPerSquareMeter
Cost per square meter.
Public property Static member CurrencyPerWatt
Cost per watt.
Public property Static member CurrencyPerWattHour
Cost per watt hour.
Public property Static member Custom
Unrecognized custom unit.
Public property Static member CyclesPerSecond
Cycles per second.
Public property Static member Decimeters
Public property Static member Degrees
Public property Static member DegreesMinutes
Degrees minutes seconds.
Public property Static member DekanewtonMeters
Dekanewton meters.
Public property Static member DekanewtonMetersPerMeter
Dekanewton meters per meter.
Public property Static member Dekanewtons
Public property Static member DekanewtonsPerMeter
Dekanewtons per meter.
Public property Static member DekanewtonsPerSquareMeter
Dekanewtons per square meter.
Public property Static member Fahrenheit
Public property Static member FahrenheitInterval
Fahrenheit interval.
Public property Static member Feet
Public property Static member FeetFractionalInches
Feet and fractional inches.
Public property Static member FeetOfWater39_2DegreesFahrenheit
Feet of water (39.2 °F).
Public property Static member FeetOfWater39_2DegreesFahrenheitPer100Feet
Feet of water (39.2 °F) per 100 feet.
Public property Static member FeetPerKip
Feet per kip.
Public property Static member FeetPerMinute
Feet per minute.
Public property Static member FeetPerSecond
Feet per second.
Public property Static member FeetPerSecondSquared
Feet per second squared.
Public property Static member FeetToTheFourthPower
Feet to the fourth power.
Public property Static member FeetToTheSixthPower
Feet to the sixth power.
Public property Static member Fixed
Public property Static member Footcandles
Public property Static member Footlamberts
Public property Static member FractionalInches
Fractional inches.
Public property Static member General
Public property Static member Gradians
Public property Static member GrainsPerHourSquareFootInchMercury
Grains per hour square foot inch mercury.
Public property Static member Hectares
Public property Static member Hertz
Public property Static member Horsepower
Public property Static member Hours
Public property Static member HourSquareFootDegreesFahrenheitPerBritishThermalUnit
Hour square foot degrees Fahrenheit per British thermal unit.
Public property Static member Inches
Public property Static member InchesOfMercury32DegreesFahrenheit
Inches of mercury (32 °F).
Public property Static member InchesOfWater60DegreesFahrenheit
Inches of water (60 °F).
Public property Static member InchesOfWater60DegreesFahrenheitPer100Feet
Inches of water (60 °F) per 100 feet.
Public property Static member InchesPerSecondSquared
Inches per second squared.
Public property Static member InchesToTheFourthPower
Inches to the fourth power.
Public property Static member InchesToTheSixthPower
Inches to the sixth power.
Public property Static member InverseDegreesCelsius
Inverse degrees Celsius.
Public property Static member InverseDegreesFahrenheit
Inverse degrees Fahrenheit.
Public property Static member InverseKilonewtons
Inverse kilonewtons.
Public property Static member InverseKips
Inverse kips.
Public property Static member Joules
Public property Static member JoulesPerGram
Joules per gram.
Public property Static member JoulesPerGramDegreeCelsius
Joules per gram degree Celsius.
Public property Static member JoulesPerKelvin
Joules per Kelvin.
Public property Static member JoulesPerKilogramDegreeCelsius
Joules per kilogram degree Celsius.
Public property Static member JoulesPerSquareMeterKelvin
Joules per square meter Kelvin.
Public property Static member Kelvin
Public property Static member KelvinInterval
Kelvin interval.
Public property Static member Kiloamperes
Public property Static member Kilocalories
Public property Static member KilocaloriesPerSecond
Kilocalories per second.
Public property Static member KilogramForceMeters
Kilogram force meters.
Public property Static member KilogramForceMetersPerMeter
Kilogram force meters per meter.
Public property Static member Kilograms
Public property Static member KilogramsForce
Kilograms force.
Public property Static member KilogramsForcePerMeter
Kilograms force per meter.
Public property Static member KilogramsForcePerSquareMeter
Kilograms force per square meter.
Public property Static member KilogramsPerCubicMeter
Kilograms per cubic meter.
Public property Static member KilogramsPerHour
Kilograms per hour.
Public property Static member KilogramsPerKilogramKelvin
Kilograms per kilogram kelvin.
Public property Static member KilogramsPerMeter
Kilograms per meter.
Public property Static member KilogramsPerMeterHour
Kilograms per meter hour.
Public property Static member KilogramsPerMeterSecond
Kilograms per meter second.
Public property Static member KilogramsPerMinute
Kilograms per minute.
Public property Static member KilogramsPerSecond
Kilograms per second.
Public property Static member KilogramsPerSquareMeter
Kilograms per square meter.
Public property Static member Kilojoules
Public property Static member KilojoulesPerKelvin
Kilojoules per Kelvin.
Public property Static member KilojoulesPerSquareMeterKelvin
Kilojoules per square meter Kelvin.
Public property Static member KilometersPerHour
Kilometers per hour.
Public property Static member KilometersPerSecondSquared
Kilometers per second squared.
Public property Static member KilonewtonMeters
Kilonewton meters.
Public property Static member KilonewtonMetersPerDegree
Kilonewton meters per degree.
Public property Static member KilonewtonMetersPerDegreePerMeter
Kilonewton meters per degree per meter.
Public property Static member KilonewtonMetersPerMeter
Kilonewton meters per meter.
Public property Static member Kilonewtons
Public property Static member KilonewtonsPerCubicMeter
Kilonewtons per cubic meter.
Public property Static member KilonewtonsPerMeter
Kilonewtons per meter.
Public property Static member KilonewtonsPerSquareCentimeter
Kilonewtons per square centimeter.
Public property Static member KilonewtonsPerSquareMeter
Kilonewtons per square meter.
Public property Static member KilonewtonsPerSquareMillimeter
Kilonewtons per square millimeter.
Public property Static member Kilopascals
Public property Static member KilovoltAmperes
Kilovolt amperes.
Public property Static member Kilovolts
Public property Static member KilowattHours
Kilowatt hours.
Public property Static member Kilowatts
Public property Static member KipFeet
Kip feet.
Public property Static member KipFeetPerDegree
Kip feet per degree.
Public property Static member KipFeetPerDegreePerFoot
Kip feet per degree per foot.
Public property Static member KipFeetPerFoot
Kip feet per foot.
Public property Static member Kips
Public property Static member KipsPerCubicFoot
Kips per cubic foot.
Public property Static member KipsPerCubicInch
Kips per cubic inch.
Public property Static member KipsPerFoot
Kips per foot.
Public property Static member KipsPerInch
Kips per inch.
Public property Static member KipsPerSquareFoot
Kips per square foot.
Public property Static member KipsPerSquareInch
Kips per square inch.
Public property Static member Liters
Public property Static member LitersPerHour
Liters per hour.
Public property Static member LitersPerMinute
Liters per minute.
Public property Static member LitersPerSecond
Liters per second.
Public property Static member LitersPerSecondCubicMeter
Liters per second cubic meter.
Public property Static member LitersPerSecondKilowatt
Liters per second kilowatt.
Public property Static member LitersPerSecondSquareMeter
Liters per second square meter.
Public property Static member Lumens
Public property Static member LumensPerWatt
Lumens per watt.
Public property Static member Lux
Public property Static member MeganewtonMeters
Meganewton meters.
Public property Static member MeganewtonMetersPerMeter
Meganewton meters per meter.
Public property Static member Meganewtons
Public property Static member MeganewtonsPerMeter
Meganewtons per meter.
Public property Static member MeganewtonsPerSquareMeter
Meganewtons per square meter.
Public property Static member Megapascals
Public property Static member Meters
Public property Static member MetersCentimeters
Meters and centimeters.
Public property Static member MetersOfWaterColumn
Meters of water column.
Public property Static member MetersOfWaterColumnPerMeter
Meters of water column per meter.
Public property Static member MetersPerKilonewton
Meters per kilonewton.
Public property Static member MetersPerSecond
Meters per second.
Public property Static member MetersPerSecondSquared
Meters per second squared.
Public property Static member MetersToTheFourthPower
Meters to the fourth power.
Public property Static member MetersToTheSixthPower
Meters to the sixth power.
Public property Static member MicroinchesPerInchDegreeFahrenheit
Microinches per inch degree Fahrenheit.
Public property Static member MicrometersPerMeterDegreeCelsius
Micrometers per meter degree Celsius.
Public property Static member MilesPerHour
Miles per hour.
Public property Static member MilesPerSecondSquared
Miles per second squared.
Public property Static member Milliamperes
Public property Static member Millimeters
Public property Static member MillimetersOfMercury
Millimeters of mercury.
Public property Static member MillimetersOfWaterColumn
Millimeters of water column.
Public property Static member MillimetersOfWaterColumnPerMeter
Millimeters of water column per meter.
Public property Static member MillimetersToTheFourthPower
Millimeters to the fourth power.
Public property Static member MillimetersToTheSixthPower
Millimeters to the sixth power.
Public property Static member Milliseconds
Public property Static member Millivolts
Public property Static member Minutes
Public property Static member NanogramsPerPascalSecondSquareMeter
Nanograms per pascal second square meter.
Public property Static member NewtonMeters
Newton meters.
Public property Static member NewtonMetersPerMeter
Newton meters per meter.
Public property Static member Newtons
Public property Static member NewtonSecondsPerSquareMeter
Newton seconds per square meter.
Public property Static member NewtonsPerMeter
Newtons per meter.
Public property Static member NewtonsPerSquareMeter
Newtons per square meter.
Public property Static member NewtonsPerSquareMillimeter
Newtons per square millimeter.
Public property Static member OhmMeters
Ohm meters.
Public property Static member OneToRatio
1 : Ratio.
Public property Static member Pascals
Public property Static member PascalSeconds
Pascal seconds.
Public property Static member PascalsPerMeter
Pascals per meter.
Public property Static member Percentage
Public property Static member PerMille
Per mille.
Public property Static member Pi
Multiples of π.
Public property Static member PoundForceFeet
Pound force feet.
Public property Static member PoundForceFeetPerFoot
Pound force feet per foot.
Public property Static member PoundForceSecondsPerSquareFoot
Pound force seconds per square foot.
Public property Static member PoundsForce
Pounds force.
Public property Static member PoundsForcePerCubicFoot
Pounds force per cubic foot.
Public property Static member PoundsForcePerFoot
Pounds force per foot.
Public property Static member PoundsForcePerSquareFoot
Pounds force per square foot.
Public property Static member PoundsForcePerSquareInch
Pounds force per square inch.
Public property Static member PoundsMass
Pounds mass.
Public property Static member PoundsMassPerCubicFoot
Pounds mass per cubic foot.
Public property Static member PoundsMassPerCubicInch
Pounds mass per cubic inch.
Public property Static member PoundsMassPerFoot
Pounds mass per foot.
Public property Static member PoundsMassPerFootHour
Pounds mass per foot hour.
Public property Static member PoundsMassPerFootSecond
Pounds mass per foot second.
Public property Static member PoundsMassPerHour
Pounds mass per hour.
Public property Static member PoundsMassPerMinute
Pounds mass per minute.
Public property Static member PoundsMassPerPoundDegreeFahrenheit
Pounds mass per pound degree Fahrenheit.
Public property Static member PoundsMassPerSecond
Pounds mass per second.
Public property Static member PoundsMassPerSquareFoot
Pounds mass per square foot.
Public property Static member Radians
Public property Static member RadiansPerSecond
Radians per second.
Public property Static member Rankine
Public property Static member RankineInterval
Rankine interval.
Public property Static member RatioTo1
Ratio : 1.
Public property Static member RatioTo10
Ratio : 10.
Public property Static member RatioTo12
Ratio : 12.
Public property Static member RevolutionsPerMinute
Revolutions per minute.
Public property Static member RevolutionsPerSecond
Revolutions per second.
Public property Static member RiseDividedBy1000Millimeters
Rise / 1000 millimeters.
Public property Static member RiseDividedBy10Feet
Rise / 10 feet.
Public property Static member RiseDividedBy120Inches
Rise / 120 inches.
Public property Static member RiseDividedBy12Inches
Rise / 12 inches.
Public property Static member RiseDividedBy1Foot
Rise / 1 foot.
Public property Static member Seconds
Public property Static member SlopeDegrees
Public property Static member SquareCentimeters
Square centimeters.
Public property Static member SquareCentimetersPerMeter
Square centimeters per meter.
Public property Static member SquareFeet
Square feet.
Public property Static member SquareFeetPer1000BritishThermalUnitsPerHour
Square feet per thousand British thermal units per hour.
Public property Static member SquareFeetPerFoot
Square feet per foot.
Public property Static member SquareFeetPerKip
Square feet per kip.
Public property Static member SquareFeetPerSecond
Square feet per second.
Public property Static member SquareFeetPerTonOfRefrigeration
Square feet per ton of refrigeration.
Public property Static member SquareInches
Square inches.
Public property Static member SquareInchesPerFoot
Square inches per foot.
Public property Static member SquareMeterKelvinsPerWatt
Square meter kelvins per watt.
Public property Static member SquareMeters
Square meters.
Public property Static member SquareMetersPerKilonewton
Square meters per kilonewton.
Public property Static member SquareMetersPerKilowatt
Square meters per kilowatt.
Public property Static member SquareMetersPerMeter
Square meters per meter.
Public property Static member SquareMetersPerSecond
Square meters per second.
Public property Static member SquareMillimeters
Square millimeters.
Public property Static member SquareMillimetersPerMeter
Square millimeters per meter.
Public property Static member StationingFeet
Public property Static member StationingMeters
Public property Static member StationingSurveyFeet
US survey feet.
Public property Static member Therms
Public property Static member ThousandBritishThermalUnitsPerHour
Thousand British thermal units per hour.
Public property Static member TonneForceMeters
Tonne force meters.
Public property Static member TonneForceMetersPerMeter
Tonne force meters per meter.
Public property Static member Tonnes
Public property Static member TonnesForce
Tonnes force.
Public property Static member TonnesForcePerMeter
Tonnes force per meter.
Public property Static member TonnesForcePerSquareMeter
Tonnes force per square meter.
Public property Static member TonsOfRefrigeration
Tons of refrigeration.
Public property Static member UsGallons
US gallons.
Public property Static member UsGallonsPerHour
US gallons per hour.
Public property Static member UsGallonsPerMinute
US gallons per minute.
Public property Static member UsSurveyFeet
US survey feet.
Public property Static member UsTonnesForce
US tonnes force.
Public property Static member UsTonnesMass
US tonnes mass.
Public property Static member VoltAmperes
Volt amperes.
Public property Static member Volts
Public property Static member Watts
Public property Static member WattsPerCubicFoot
Watts per cubic foot.
Public property Static member WattsPerCubicFootPerMinute
Watts per cubic foot per minute.
Public property Static member WattsPerCubicMeter
Watts per cubic meter.
Public property Static member WattsPerCubicMeterPerSecond
Watts per cubic meter per second.
Public property Static member WattsPerFoot
Watts per foot.
Public property Static member WattsPerMeter
Watts per meter.
Public property Static member WattsPerMeterKelvin
Watts per meter kelvin.
Public property Static member WattsPerSquareFoot
Watts per square foot.
Public property Static member WattsPerSquareMeter
Watts per square meter.
Public property Static member WattsPerSquareMeterKelvin
Watts per square meter kelvin.

See Also