BuiltInFailures.WallFailures Members

Provides a container of all Revit built-in FailureDefinitionId instances.

The BuiltInFailures WallFailures type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Static member CannotChangeSubwall
Changing the type of a subwall is not allowed. Edit the stacked wall type instead.
Public property Static member CannotChangeTypeOfOldCurtainPanel
Cannot change the type of curtain panels in walls created with early versions of Revit. To change the panels of this curtain wall, wall must be recreated.
Public property Static member CannotMaintainKeyReference
Can't maintain the position of the Location Line in this Wall.
Public property Static member CannotMirrorWallPanel
Cannot mirror wall panels.
Public property Static member CannotRedoFaceBased
Faces defining this Element cannot be reacquired.
Public property Static member CannotRedoFaceBasedWarn
Faces defining this Element cannot be reacquired.
Public property Static member CannotRedoFaceRoof
"Faces defining this Roof cannot be reacquired. Either delete the Roof or leave as it is.
Public property Static member CannotSlantStackedWallError
Cannot slant a stacked wall with rectangular openings. Please delete the openings first.
Public property Static member CannotSplitJoinHostsInplaceFamilies
Can't split/join this host because there are instances of In-place Families that cut openings into it. Edit or delete instances first so they don't cut into the host to be split or joined.
Public property Static member CannotSplitVerticallyCompoundWall
Can't divide Wall's face to assign different materials to a vertically compound Wall.
Public property Static member CannotToSplitWallPanels
Unable to split wall panel(s).
Public property Static member CannotUpdateWallPanel
Unable to update wall panel.
Public property Static member ChangingWallsweepType
This wall sweep instance has different profile or material than its type. You may delete the sweep, or if you ignore this warning, it will be regenerated according to its type.
Public property Static member ConstrainedToWall
Sketch Lines created with Pick Wall must remain parallel to the Wall.
Public property Static member ConstrainedToWallError
Sketch Lines created with Pick Wall must remain parallel to the Wall.
Public property Static member ContFootingCannotJoin
Miter plane for Wall Foundation join is too far away; Bisecting plane will be used instead.
Public property Static member ContFootingRadiusTooSmall
Can't display the Wall Foundation, because the Wall's radius is too small. Please increase the radius to display the Wall Foundation.
Public property Static member CurtainOrStackedWallDisallowedForCrossSectionType
Curtain wall types and Stacked wall types are not allowed for this wall's cross-section type.
Public property Static member DisallowedPathCurve
Cannot create stacked elliptical wall with offsets.
Public property Static member EmbeddedButShouldNotBe
Conditions for wall embedding are no longer satisfied.
Public property Static member ExtrudedWallDisallowedForCrossSectionType
Edited profiles are not allowed for this wall's cross-section type.
Public property Static member FaceBecameVertical
Face defining this non-vertical Wall is vertical.
Public property Static member FaceIsNoGoodForWall
Defining face is not suitable for walls.
Public property Static member FaceIsNoLongerVertical
Face defining this vertical Wall is no longer vertical.
Public property Static member FaceWallBadType
Wall type '[Type Name]' is incompatible with picked face. Only basic wall types are accepted.
Public property Static member FaceWallComplexType
Vertically compound wall type features sweeps, reveals, or split layers are not supported on non-vertical face. Consider using a simplified type.
Public property Static member FaceWallFailedToMake
Can't make Face Wall shape.
Public property Static member FaceWallMissingFace
No picked face found.
Public property Static member FailedConvertWallToPanel
Unable to convert wall to panel.
Public property Static member FailedToChangeInstSymbol
Failed to change symbol of instance.
Public property Static member FailedToStoreSideFace
Failed to store wall side face. Wall sweeps on this wall will fail to regenerate.
Public property Static member InvalidBaseConstraintForLevel
Base Constraint is invalid for the Level.
Public property Static member InvalidCompoundStructure
Invalid compound structure.
Public property Static member InvalidTargetPosition
Joining the highlighted wall to the highlighted element moves the wall's top below its bottom or its bottom above its top, or interferes with wall joins or holes in the wall.
Public property Static member InvalidTargetPositionError
Joining the highlighted wall to the highlighted element moves the wall's top below its bottom or its bottom above its top, or interferes with wall joins or holes in the wall.
Public property Static member InvalidTopConstraintForLevel
Top Constraint is invalid for the Level.
Public property Static member LostEditsJoinsRedoFaceBased
Previous edits and /or wall joins will not be preserved on this operation.
Public property Static member ParameterChangeNotAffectingGeometry
Changing this element's parameter has no effect on its current position or geometry. Check to see if the element is constrained either in the project view or in the element's sketch.
Public property Static member RecursionParameterIgnored
Parameter-defined type of curtain panels defined in a circular way and will be ignored.
Public property Static member RemapConstrainLocationLine
Existing locked constraints to the Location Line will be transferred to the new Location Line position. Press "Unconstrain" to remove the constraint rather than transferring it.
Public property Static member ShorterThanMinWall
Wall is shorter than minimum height allowed by its type.\nIt is [Length] and must be at least [Length].
Public property Static member ShorterThanMinWallError
Wall is shorter than minimum height allowed by its type.\nIt is [Length] and must be at least [Length].
Public property Static member ShorterThanMinWallFailure
Wall is shorter than minimum height allowed by its type.\nIt is [Length] and must be at least [Length].
Public property Static member ShouldAdjustWallParameters
The best way to control top and base of the Wall is to modify the Constraints and Offset Parameters in Properties dialog.
Public property Static member StackedWallNeedsUnjoin
A subwall of this stacked wall is unjoined from its neighbors because it was pulled too far.
Public property Static member SubwallOfStackedWallDeleted
This stacked wall will be deleted because a subwall could not be created.
Public property Static member TaperedWallAnglesControlledByType
Cannot set angles on a tapered wall which has angles controlled by the type.
Public property Static member TooShortStackedWall
Stacked wall instance is too short.
Public property Static member UnableToCreateWallForPanel
Unable to create wall for curtain wall panel.
Public property Static member UnableToDeleteWallForPanel
Unable to delete curtain panel wall.
Public property Static member UnjoinOnEditWallChange
Line associated with a joined face has been moved. This action will cause the other walls to become disjoined from this face. [Description]
Public property Static member VerticalLayerExtensionFailure
Cannot extend layer(s) of the highlighted vertically compound wall.
Public property Static member VerticalLayerExtensionFailureError
Cannot extend layer(s) of the highlighted vertically compound wall.
Public property Static member WallCutoutForInsertionFailure
Can't cut wall for inserted objects
Public property Static member WallLacksCurve
Wall does not have both a curve driver and a curve!!!!
Public property Static member WallNegativeHeight
The top of the Wall is lower than the base of the Wall.
Public property Static member WallSettingsChanged
Default wall settings will be changed (Base Constraint: [Base Level], Base Offset: [Base Offset], Top Constraint: [Top Level], Top Offset: [Top Offset])
Public property Static member WallTypeIncompatibleWithTapered
This wall's type is not compatible with the Tapered cross-section. Tapered walls require a variable thickness layer.

See Also