BuiltInFailures.FabricFailures Members

Provides a container of all Revit built-in FailureDefinitionId instances.

The BuiltInFailures FabricFailures type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Static member BendDiameterNegative
Fabric Bend Diameter is negative.
Public property Static member BendPolylineInvalid
The bend profile contains too short of a segment to apply the wire bend diameter. Cannot create a bent fabric sheet for this type.
Public property Static member BentHiddenWires
The wires of this custom fabric sheet type are longer than the bending sketch. The linear quantities shown in schedules and tags are not accurate.
Public property Static member CannotPlaceFabricArea
Can't find a host for Fabric Area.
Public property Static member CannotPlaceFabricAreaWarn
Can't find a host for Fabric Area.
Public property Static member CannotPlaceFabricSheet
Can't find a host for Fabric Sheet.
Public property Static member CannotPlaceFabricSheetWarn
Can't find a host for Fabric Sheet.
Public property Static member CoverOffsetTooLong
Cover offset is greater than host thickness.
Public property Static member CoverOffsetTooLongTemp
Cover offset is greater than host thickness - support for transient Single Fabric Sheet in editor.
Public property Static member FabricAreaWrongHost
Fabric Area can be placed only in Structural Floors and straight Structural Walls.
Public property Static member FabricAreaWrongLapSplice
Fabric Area Sheet lap splice is incorrect. Can't create Fabric Area.
Public property Static member FabricAreaWrongSheetAlignment
Fabric Area Sheet Alignment is incorrect. Can't create Fabric Area.
Public property Static member FabricSheetWrongHost
Fabric Sheet can be placed only in Structural Floors and straight Structural Walls.
Public property Static member MajorLapSpliceFailure
The lap splice in the major direction is greater than the half of the overall length.
Public property Static member MajorOverhangFailure
At least one of the overhangs in the major direction is lower than radius of the wire in the minor direction.
Public property Static member MajorSpacingFailure
The spacing in the major direction is lower than diameter of the wire in the minor direction.
Public property Static member MinorLapSpliceFailure
The lap splice in the minor direction is greater than the half of the overall width.
Public property Static member MinorOverhangFailure
At least one of the overhangs in the minor direction is lower than radius of the wire in the major direction.
Public property Static member MinorSpacingFailure
The spacing in the minor direction is lower than diameter of the wire in the major direction.
Public property Static member NoSurfPatternOnWire
Wire elements do not support surface patterns. The surface pattern associated with this material will not be displayed on the indicated Fabric Sheet Type.
Public property Static member NoWireMaterialDensity
Material does not have a density defined. The weight of the Fabric Sheet cannot be computed.
Public property Static member WireDiameterTooLarge
Fabric Wire Diameter is too large.
Public property Static member WrongFabricSheetEndOverhang
Wrong Start Overhang of the Fabric Sheet Type.
Public property Static member WrongFabricSheetLayoutPattern
The Layout Pattern cannot accommodate the current data. Try decreasing the Number of Wires/Spacing.
Public property Static member WrongFabricSheetNumberOfWires
Wrong Number of Wires of the Fabric Sheet Type.
Public property Static member WrongFabricSheetOverallLength
Wrong Overall Length/Width of the Fabric Sheet Type.
Public property Static member WrongFabricSheetSpacing
Wrong Spacing of the Fabric Sheet Type.
Public property Static member WrongFabricSheetStartOverhang
Wrong Start Overhang of the Fabric Sheet Type.

See Also