PanelScheduleData Members

The PanelScheduleData type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method AddLoadClassification
Add a Load Classification Id to the array of Load Classifications.
Public method Dispose (Inherited from TableData .)
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetLoadClassifications
Gets an array of the load classifications associated with this panel schedule
Public method GetNumberOfCircuitRows
Gets the number of rows in the circuit table
Public method GetSectionData(Int32)
Returns the section data array element at the specified index.
(Inherited from TableData .)
Public method GetSectionData(SectionType)
Returns the pointer to the section data array element at the specified section type.
(Inherited from TableData .)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method IsEqual
Checks if this element is equal in value to the other element.
(Inherited from TableData .)
Public method IsSymmetric
Check if this panel schedule is symmetric
Public method IsValidZoomLevel
Verifies if the value of zoom level is valid.
(Inherited from TableData .)
Public method RemoveLoadClassification
Remove a Load Classification Id from the array of Load Classifications
Public method SetBorderAroundSchedule
Adds a border around the schedule
Public method SetBorderAroundSections
Adds a border around the sections
Public method SetLoadClassifications
Sets the Load Classifications associated with this panel schedule
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method UpdateCircuitTableForInstance
Redraw the circuit table for the given panel with the given parameter updates
Public method UpdateCircuitTableForTemplate
Redraw the circuit table for a template with the given parameter updates
Public method UpdateIsSectionHidden
Update if this section is hidden or not
Public method UpdateLoadSummary
Update the load summary section
Public method UpdateVerticalHeadersInSection
Sets if this header should have vertical text


Name Description
Public property BodyShowsVerticalHeaders
Shows text in the Load Summary section's headers vertically instead of horizontally
Public property BorderAroundSchedule
Places a border (GraphicStyle element) around the entire schedule, visible only on the instance and sheet
Public property BorderAroundSections
Places a border (GraphicStyle element) around each section, visible only on the instance and sheet
Public property FreezeColumnsAndRows
set to true if the columns and rows should be unmovable by the slider grips
(Inherited from TableData .)
Public property IsAutoShadingForLoadDisplay
Display shading of load cells automatically or not.
Public property IsFooterSectionHidden
True if the user wishes to hide the footer section; setting this value must go through the appropriate update function
Public property IsHeaderSectionHidden
True if the user wishes to hide the header section; setting this value must go through the appropriate update function
Public property IsPanelSinglePhase
Identifies if the panel is single phase.
Public property IsSummarySectionHidden
True if the user wishes to hide the summary section; setting this value must go through the appropriate update function
Public property IsUnusedPhaseHidden
True if the user wishes to hide the unused phase column of a single phase panel, false otherwise.
Public property IsValidObject
Specifies whether the .NET object represents a valid Revit entity.
(Inherited from TableData .)
Public property NumberOfSections
Gets the number of items in section data array.
(Inherited from TableData .)
Public property NumberOfSlots
The number of slots in the panel schedule; setting this value must go through the appropriate update function
Public property PanelConfiguration
The panel configuration of this panel schedule
Public property PhaseLoadType
This property determines the layout of the phase load columns; setting this value must go through the updateCircuitTable function
Public property PhasesAsCurrents
If true, the phase columns are currents (A), otherwise they are loads (VA); setting this value must go through the appropriate update function
Public property ScheduleType
The panel schedule type of this panel schedule
Public property ShowCircuitNumberOnOneRowForMultiphaseCircuits
Shows the circuit number broken up on each row of the multiphase circuit rows if true, all on the first row otherwise
Public property ShowMultipleRowsForMultiphaseCircuits
shows extra rows below multiphase circuits to indicate how many slots they take up if true, all on a single row otherwise
Public property ShowSlotFromDeviceInsteadOfTemplate
When true, the number of rows in an instance will be the number of poles on the associated device, not a set number
Public property SummaryShowsGroups
Show groups of load classifications in the load summary section
Public property SummaryShowsOnlyConnectedLoads
Show only the connected load classifications in the summary section
Public property SummaryShowsVerticalHeaders
Shows text in the Load Summary section's headers vertically instead of horizontally
Public property Width
Gets or sets the table width in feet
(Inherited from TableData .)
Public property WidthInPixels
Gets the width of the panel schedule in logical pixels
(Inherited from TableData .)
Public property ZoomLevel
The value of zoom level for corresponding TableView.
(Inherited from TableData .)

See Also