BuiltInFailures.SiteFailures Members

Provides a container of all Revit built-in FailureDefinitionId instances.

The BuiltInFailures SiteFailures type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Static member BuildingPadNotConnected
Can't create a single Pad with several connected regions.
Public property Static member BuildingPadOverlap
Pads can't overlap (but can share edges).
Public property Static member CannotComputeProperArea
Property Lines must close. Area will not be computed.
Public property Static member CannotIntersectSiteRegions
Subregions cannot intersect.
Public property Static member CannotMakeSurface
Can't construct surface.
Public property Static member ContourLabelEmpty
Contour Label doesn't intersect any contours.
Public property Static member EnterValueOrFormula
Enter a value or a formula starting with '='.
Public property Static member GradingInSamePhase
The Surface being Graded was created in the current Phase. Grading it will result in it being created and destroyed in the same Phase.
Public property Static member NoHostForSubregion
This Subregion now does not appear to overlap any Toposurface with an appropriate Phase and Design Option.
Public property Static member NoHostForSubregionWarn
This Subregion now does not appear to overlap any Toposurface with an appropriate Phase and Design Option.
Public property Static member NotEnoughPointsInSurface
The surface must have at least three distinct Points.
Public property Static member PointNotInSurface
A Point is outside of the Surface boundary. Insert the Point on the boundary instead, and then drag it to the desired location.
Public property Static member PointRelativeOutside
In order to place Points relative to the existing Surface, the Point must be placed within the area of the existing Surface. The height of the new Point will be relative to the current Surface elevation at that Point.
Public property Static member PropertyIntersect
Property lines intersect. Area calculations will not be precise.
Public property Static member RegionPhaseMismatch
Subregions must have the same Phase Created parameter and Phase Demolished parameter as the host Toposurface. Subregion phase will be set to match the Toposurface.
Public property Static member ResetToposurfacePhaseCreated
The parameter Phase Created of the Toposurface is not set to the first Phase. No pre-existing toposurface were detected. The parameter will be reset to the first Phase unless Keep Phase Created option is picked.
Public property Static member SiteEditPointsClipped
Portions of the topographic surface or points on the surface may not be visible in this view due to clipping by the view.
Public property Static member SiteEditPointsInvisible
Topographic elements are not visible in your current view. You can modify View Range settings in the view's Properties or Visibility settings in Visibility/Graphics. It is often easier to edit topography in a Site view or a 3D view.
Public property Static member SiteMergeDisconnected
The two surfaces you are trying to merge are disconnected from one another. They should overlap, or at least share edges.
Public property Static member SitePhasesDontOverlap
The phases of the two surfaces you are merging do not overlap. You can continue the operation, or cancel it and select a different pair of surfaces.
Public property Static member SiteRegionOptionConflict
Subregions must be in the same Design Option as their Toposurface.
Public property Static member SurfaceSelfIntersection
The splitting boundary drawn would result in a self-intersection of the surface boundary. Please edit your splitting lines to correct the problem.
Public property Static member SurfaceSplit
The splitting boundary must split the Surface into exactly two pieces.
Public property Static member SurfaceSplitError
The splitting boundary must split the Surface into exactly two pieces.
Public property Static member SurfaceSplitNoIntersection
The splitting boundary must divide the Surface into separate pieces. There may be a gap in the splitting Lines or the Sketch may be incomplete.
Public property Static member SurfaceTriangulationFailed
The Site Surface failed to triangulate.

See Also