GetCenterlineCurves Method (Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, MultiplanarOption, Int32)

A chain of curves representing the centerline of the rebar.

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
Since: 2017


public IList<Curve> GetCenterlineCurves(
	bool adjustForSelfIntersection,
	bool suppressHooks,
	bool suppressBendRadius,
	MultiplanarOption multiplanarOption,
	int barPositionIndex
Visual Basic
Public Function GetCenterlineCurves ( _
	adjustForSelfIntersection As Boolean, _
	suppressHooks As Boolean, _
	suppressBendRadius As Boolean, _
	multiplanarOption As MultiplanarOption, _
	barPositionIndex As Integer _
) As IList(Of Curve)
Visual C++
IList<Curve^>^ GetCenterlineCurves(
	bool adjustForSelfIntersection, 
	bool suppressHooks, 
	bool suppressBendRadius, 
	MultiplanarOption multiplanarOption, 
	int barPositionIndex


Type: System Boolean
If the curves overlap, as in a planar stirrup, this parameter controls whether they should be adjusted to avoid intersection (as in fine views), or kept in a single plane for simplicity (as in coarse views).
Type: System Boolean
Identifies if the chain will include hooks curves.
Type: System Boolean
Identifies if the connected chain will include unfilleted curves.
Type: Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure MultiplanarOption
If the Rebar is a multi-planar shape, this parameter controls whether to generate only the curves in the primary plane (IncludeOnlyPlanarCurves), or to generate all curves, (IncludeAllMultiplanarCurves) including the out-of-plane connector segments as well as multi-planar copies of the primary plane curves. This argument is ignored for planar shapes.
Type: System Int32
An index between 0 and (NumberOfBarPositions-1). Use the barPositionIndex to obtain all the curves at a specific index in the distribution. You can use GetNumberOfBarPositions() to verify if a specific rebar has more than one bar positions. Use GetDistributionType() to probe if the bars in a specific rebar have a varying shape. If so, you can retrieve the centerline curve geometry of that particular bar, by passing the appropriate index. When the distribution type of a rebar set is uniform, the form of the bars does not vary from one index to another.

Return Value

The centerline curves or empty array if the curves cannot be computed because the parameters values are inconsistent with the constraints of the RebarShape definition.


This method will return the centerline curves for bar at barPositionIndex even if this bar isn't included.


Exception Condition
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException barPositionIndex is not in the range [ 0, NumberOfBarPositions-1 ]. -or- A value passed for an enumeration argument is not a member of that enumeration

See Also