Group Class

An element representing a single instance of a group of elements that may be placed many times in a project or family.

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (


public class Group : Element
Visual Basic
Public Class Group _
	Inherits Element
Visual C++
public ref class Group : public Element


Grouping elements is useful when you need to create entities that represent repeating layouts or are common to many building projects, such as hotel rooms, apartments, or repeating floors.


Copy C#
private void ShowGroupInformation(Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document document, Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element element)
    // Get group information for the selected element
    String prompt = null;
    if (element.GroupId.Equals(ElementId.InvalidElementId))
        prompt = "The element isn't in any group.";
       Autodesk.Revit.DB.Group group = document.GetElement(element.GroupId) as Autodesk.Revit.DB.Group;

        prompt = "The element " + element.Id.ToString() + " is in a group.";
        prompt += "\nThe group id is " + group.Id.ToString();
        prompt += "\nThe group's category is " + group.Category.Name;
        prompt += "\nAll group contained element ids are:";
        IList<ElementId> memberIds = group.GetMemberIds();
        foreach (ElementId id in memberIds)
            prompt += "\n\t" + id.ToString();

Copy C#
// Change the default group name to a new name �MyGroup�
group.GroupType.Name = "MyGroup";
Copy C#
public void GetInfo_Group(Group group)
    string message = "Group : ";

    // Show the group type name
    message += "\nGroup type name is : " + group.GroupType.Name;

    // Show the name of the elements contained in the group
    message += "\nThe members contained in this group are:";
    IList<ElementId> groupMembers = group.GetMemberIds();
    foreach (ElementId memberId in groupMembers)

        message += "\n\tGroup member id : " + memberId.ToString();

    message += "\nAll member will now be removed from group.";

Private Sub ShowGroupInformation(document As Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document, element As Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element)
    ' Get group information for the selected element
    Dim prompt As [String] = Nothing
    If element.GroupId.Equals(ElementId.InvalidElementId) Then
        prompt = "The element isn't in any group."
        Dim group As Autodesk.Revit.DB.Group = TryCast(document.GetElement(element.GroupId), Autodesk.Revit.DB.Group)

        prompt = "The element " & element.Id.ToString() & " is in a group."
        prompt += vbLf & "The group id is " + group.Id.ToString()
        prompt += vbLf & "The group's category is " + group.Category.Name
        prompt += vbLf & "All group contained element ids are:"
        Dim memberIds As IList(Of ElementId) = group.GetMemberIds()
        For Each id As ElementId In memberIds
            prompt += vbLf & vbTab + id.ToString()
    End If

    TaskDialog.Show("Revit", prompt)
End Sub
' Change the default group name to a new name �MyGroup�
group.GroupType.Name = "MyGroup"
Public Sub GetInfo_Group(group As Group)
    Dim message As String = "Group : "

    ' Show the group type name
    message += vbLf & "Group type name is : " & Convert.ToString(group.GroupType.Name)

    ' Show the name of the elements contained in the group
    message += vbLf & "The members contained in this group are:"
    Dim groupMembers As IList(Of ElementId) = group.GetMemberIds()
    For Each memberId As ElementId In groupMembers

        message += vbLf & vbTab & "Group member id : " + memberId.ToString()

    message += vbLf & "All member will now be removed from group."

    TaskDialog.Show("Revit", message)
End Sub

Inheritance Hierarchy

System Object
Autodesk.Revit.DB Element
Autodesk.Revit.DB Group

See Also