Application Members

The Application type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method Dispose
Causes the object to release immediately any resources it may be utilizing.
(Inherited from APIObject .)
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method NewAreaCreationData
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of Area for batch creation.
Public method NewBoundingBoxUV
Creates an empty two-dimensional rectangle.
Public method NewBoundingBoxUV(Double, Double, Double, Double)
Creates a two-dimensional rectangle with supplied values.
Public method NewBoundingBoxXYZ
Creates a three-dimensional rectangular box.
Public method NewCategorySet
Creates a new instance of a set specifically for holding category objects.
Public method NewColor
Returns a new color object.
Public method NewCombinableElementArray
Returns an array that can hold combinable element objects.
Public method NewCurveArrArray
Creates an empty array that can store geometric curve loops.
Public method NewCurveArray
Creates an empty array that can store geometric curves.
Public method NewCurveLoopsProfile
Creates a new CurveLoopsProfile object.
Public method NewDoubleArray
Creates a new instance of a double array.
Public method NewDWFExportOptions
Creates DWF Export options.
Public method NewDWFXExportOptions
Creates DWFX Export options.
Public method NewElementId
Creates a new Autodesk::Revit::DB::ElementId^ object.
Public method NewElementSet
Creates a new instance of a set specifically for holding elements.
Public method NewFaceArray
Creates a new instance of a face array.
Public method NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(FamilySymbol, IList XYZ )
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
Public method NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(Face, Line, FamilySymbol)
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
Public method NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(XYZ, FamilySymbol, StructuralType)
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
Public method NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(Curve, FamilySymbol, Level, StructuralType)
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
Public method NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(Face, XYZ, XYZ, FamilySymbol)
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
Public method NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(XYZ, FamilySymbol, Element, StructuralType)
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
Public method NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(XYZ, FamilySymbol, Level, StructuralType)
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
Public method NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(XYZ, FamilySymbol, Element, Level, StructuralType)
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
Public method NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(XYZ, FamilySymbol, XYZ, Element, StructuralType)
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
Public method NewFamilySymbolProfile
Creates a new FamilySymbolProfile object.
Public method NewFBXExportOptions
Creates 3D-Studio Max (FBX) Export options.
Public method NewGBXMLImportOptions
Creates Green-Building XML Import options.
Public method NewGeometryOptions
Creates an object to specify user preferences in parsing of geometry.
Public method NewInstanceBinding
Creates a new empty instance binding object.
Public method NewInstanceBinding(CategorySet)
Creates a new instance binding object containing the categories passed as a parameter.
Public method NewIntersectionResultArray
Creates a new instance of an IntersectionResult array.
Public method NewPointOnEdge
Create a PointOnEdge object which is used to define the placement of a ReferencePoint.
Public method NewPointOnEdgeEdgeIntersection
Construct a PointOnEdgeEdgeIntersection object which is used to define the placement of a ReferencePoint given two references to edge.
Public method NewPointOnEdgeFaceIntersection
Construct a PointOnEdgeFaceIntersection object which is used to define the placement of a ReferencePoint given a references to edge and a reference to face.
Public method NewPointOnFace
Construct a PointOnFace object which is used to define the placement of a ReferencePoint given a reference and a location on the face.
Public method NewPointOnPlane
Construct a PointOnPlane object which is used to define the placement of a ReferencePoint from its property values.
Public method NewPointRelativeToPoint
Create a PointRelativeToPoint object, which is used to define the placement of a ReferencePoint relative to a host point.
Public method NewProjectPosition
Creates a new project position object.
Public method NewReferenceArray
Creates a new instance of a reference array.
Public method NewReferencePointArray
Creates an empty array that can store ReferencePoint objects.
Public method NewSpaceSet
Creates a new instance of a space set.
Public method NewTypeBinding
Creates a new empty type binding object.
Public method NewTypeBinding(CategorySet)
Creates a new type binding object containing the categories passed as a parameter.
Public method NewUV
Creates a UV object at the origin.
Public method NewUV(UV)
Creates a UV object by copying the supplied UV object.
Public method NewUV(Double, Double)
Creates a UV object representing coordinates in 2-space with supplied values.
Public method NewVertexIndexPair
Creates a new VertexIndexPair object.
Public method NewVertexIndexPairArray
Returns an array that can hold VertexIndexPair objects.
Public method NewViewSet
Creates a new instance of a View set.
Public method NewXYZ
Creates a XYZ object at the origin.
Public method NewXYZ(XYZ)
Creates a XYZ object by copying the supplied XYZ object.
Public method NewXYZ(Double, Double, Double)
Creates a XYZ object representing coordinates in 3-space with supplied values.
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object .)


Name Description
Public property IsReadOnly
Identifies if the object is read-only or modifiable.
(Inherited from APIObject .)

See Also