The Application type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Dispose |
Causes the object to release immediately any resources it may be utilizing.
(Inherited from
Equals |
Determines whether the specified
is equal to the current
(Inherited from
GetHashCode |
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from
GetType |
Gets the
of the current instance.
(Inherited from
NewAreaCreationData |
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of Area for batch creation.
NewBoundingBoxUV |
Creates an empty two-dimensional rectangle.
NewBoundingBoxUV(Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Creates a two-dimensional rectangle with supplied values.
NewBoundingBoxXYZ |
Creates a three-dimensional rectangular box.
NewCategorySet |
Creates a new instance of a set specifically for holding category objects.
NewColor |
Returns a new color object.
NewCombinableElementArray |
Returns an array that can hold combinable element objects.
NewCurveArrArray |
Creates an empty array that can store geometric curve loops.
NewCurveArray |
Creates an empty array that can store geometric curves.
NewCurveLoopsProfile |
Creates a new CurveLoopsProfile object.
NewDoubleArray |
Creates a new instance of a double array.
NewDWFExportOptions |
Creates DWF Export options.
NewDWFXExportOptions |
Creates DWFX Export options.
NewElementId |
Creates a new Autodesk::Revit::DB::ElementId^ object.
NewElementSet |
Creates a new instance of a set specifically for holding elements.
NewFaceArray |
Creates a new instance of a face array.
NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(FamilySymbol, IList XYZ ) |
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(Face, Line, FamilySymbol) |
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(XYZ, FamilySymbol, StructuralType) |
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(Curve, FamilySymbol, Level, StructuralType) |
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(Face, XYZ, XYZ, FamilySymbol) |
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(XYZ, FamilySymbol, Element, StructuralType) |
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(XYZ, FamilySymbol, Level, StructuralType) |
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(XYZ, FamilySymbol, Element, Level, StructuralType) |
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
NewFamilyInstanceCreationData(XYZ, FamilySymbol, XYZ, Element, StructuralType) |
Creates an object which wraps the arguments of NewFamilyInstance() for batch creation.
NewFamilySymbolProfile |
Creates a new FamilySymbolProfile object.
NewFBXExportOptions |
Creates 3D-Studio Max (FBX) Export options.
NewGBXMLImportOptions |
Creates Green-Building XML Import options.
NewGeometryOptions |
Creates an object to specify user preferences in parsing of geometry.
NewInstanceBinding |
Creates a new empty instance binding object.
NewInstanceBinding(CategorySet) |
Creates a new instance binding object containing the categories passed as a parameter.
NewIntersectionResultArray |
Creates a new instance of an IntersectionResult array.
NewPointOnEdge |
Create a PointOnEdge object which is used to define the placement of a ReferencePoint.
NewPointOnEdgeEdgeIntersection |
Construct a PointOnEdgeEdgeIntersection object which is used to define the placement of a ReferencePoint given two references to edge.
NewPointOnEdgeFaceIntersection |
Construct a PointOnEdgeFaceIntersection object which is used to define the placement of a ReferencePoint given a references to edge and a reference to face.
NewPointOnFace |
Construct a PointOnFace object which is used to define the placement of a ReferencePoint given a reference and a location on the face.
NewPointOnPlane |
Construct a PointOnPlane object which is used to define the placement of a ReferencePoint from its property values.
NewPointRelativeToPoint |
Create a PointRelativeToPoint object, which is used to define
the placement of a ReferencePoint relative to a host point.
NewProjectPosition |
Creates a new project position object.
NewReferenceArray |
Creates a new instance of a reference array.
NewReferencePointArray |
Creates an empty array that can store ReferencePoint objects.
NewSpaceSet |
Creates a new instance of a space set.
NewTypeBinding |
Creates a new empty type binding object.
NewTypeBinding(CategorySet) |
Creates a new type binding object containing the categories passed as a parameter.
NewUV |
Creates a UV object at the origin.
NewUV(UV) |
Creates a UV object by copying the supplied UV object.
NewUV(Double, Double) |
Creates a UV object representing coordinates in 2-space with supplied values.
NewVertexIndexPair |
Creates a new VertexIndexPair object.
NewVertexIndexPairArray |
Returns an array that can hold VertexIndexPair objects.
NewViewSet |
Creates a new instance of a View set.
NewXYZ |
Creates a XYZ object at the origin.
Creates a XYZ object by copying the supplied XYZ object.
NewXYZ(Double, Double, Double) |
Creates a XYZ object representing coordinates in 3-space with supplied values.
ToString |
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from
Name | Description | |
IsReadOnly |
Identifies if the object is read-only or modifiable.
(Inherited from