Load Method

Loads or reloads the Revit link from its currently-stored location. If the link is an external resource, Revit will contact the IExternalResourceServer to get the latest version of the link.

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
Since: 2014


public LinkLoadResult Load()
Visual Basic
Public Function Load As LinkLoadResult
Visual C++
LinkLoadResult^ Load()

Return Value

An object containing the ElementId of the link and an enum value indicating any errors which occurred while trying to load. LinkLoadResultType.LinkLoaded indicates success.


If the link is currently loaded, Revit must unload the link before reloading it. Any changes made in-memory to the link's shared coordinates will be discarded.

This function regenerates the document.

The document's Undo history will be cleared by this command. As a result, this command and others executed before it cannot be undone. All transaction phases (e.g. transactions transaction groups and sub-transaction) that were explicitly started must be finished prior to calling this method.


Exception Condition
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions FileAccessException The model cannot be accessed due to lack of access privileges.
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions ForbiddenForDynamicUpdateException The element "this RevitLinkType" is in a ducument which is in dynamic update.
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions InvalidOperationException The element "this RevitLinkType" is in a family document or a document in in-place edit mode. -or- The element "this RevitLinkType" is in a document which is in an edit mode or is in family mode. -or- The element "this RevitLinkType" is in a read-only document. -or- This RevitLinkType is not a top-level link. -or- The link "this RevitLinkType" is loaded into multiple documents and cannot be reloaded. -or- The element "this RevitLinkType" is in a closed workset. -or- There is a transaction phase left open (such as a transaction, sub-transaction of transaction group) at the time of invoking this method.

See Also