The element type group.
(in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
C# |
Visual Basic |
Visual C++ |
Member name | Description |
RailingsTypeForStairs | The railings type for stairs. |
RailingsTypeForRamps | The railings type for ramps. |
WallType | The wall type. |
RoofType | The roof type. |
FloorType | The floor type. |
FootingSlabType | The footing slab type. |
CeilingType | The ceiling type. |
StairsBySketchType | The stairs by sketch type. |
GridType | The Grid Type. |
LevelType | The Level Type |
LinearDimensionType | The linear dimension type. |
SpotElevationType | The spot elevation type. |
TextNoteType | The text note type. |
TagNoteType | The tag note type. |
ModelTextType | The model text type. |
CorniceType | The cornice type. |
RevealType | The reveal type. |
ViewportType | The viewport type. |
ReferenceViewerType | The reference viewer type. |
CalloutType | The callout view type. |
RampType | The ramp type. |
StairsRailingType | The stairs railing type. |
ModelGroupType | The model group type. |
DetailGroupType | The detail group type. |
AttachedDetailGroupType | The attached detail group type. |
FilledRegionType | The filled region type. |
RadialDimensionType | The radial dimension type. |
AngularDimensionType | The angular dimension type. |
ArcLengthDimensionType | The arc length dimension type. |
BuildingPadType | The building pad type. |
DecalType | The decal type. |
ContourLabelingType | The contour labeling type. |
RoofSoffitType | The roof soffit type. |
FasciaType | The fascial type. |
GutterType | The gutter type. |
EdgeSlabType | The slab edge type. |
RepeatingDetailType | The repeating detail type. |
BeamSystemType | The beam system type. |
CurtainSystemType | The curtain system type. |
ViewType3D | The 3D view type. |
ViewTypeWalkthrough | The walkthrough view type. |
ViewTypeRendering | The rendering view type. |
ViewTypeSchedule | The schedule view type. |
ViewTypeLegend | The legend view type. |
ViewTypeCostReport | The cost report view type. |
ViewTypeSheet | The sheet view type. |
ViewTypeDrafting | The drafting view type. |
ViewTypeStructuralPlan | The structural plan view type. |
ViewTypeFloorPlan | The floor plan view type. |
ViewTypeCeilingPlan | The ceiling plan view type. |
ViewTypeSection | The section view type. |
ViewTypeDetailView | The detail view type. |
ViewTypeElevation | The elevation view type. |
ViewTypeStructuralElevation | The structrual elevation view type. |
ViewTypeLoadsReport | The loads report view type. |
ViewTypePressureLossReport | The pressure loss report view type. |
ViewTypePanelSchedule | The panel schedule view type. |
AreaLoadType | The area load type. |
LineLoadType | The line load type. |
PointLoadType | The point load type. |
RebarBarType | The rebar bar type. |
AreaReinforcementType | Area reinforcement type. |
PathReinforcementType | Path reinforcement type. |
FabricAreaType | The fabric area type. |
FabricSheetType | The fabric sheet type. |
DuctType | The duct type. |
FlexDuctType | The flex duct type. |
PipeType | The pipe type. |
FlexPipeType | The flex pipe type. |
WireType | The wire type. |
SpotCoordinateType | The spot coordinate type. |
ViewTypeGraphScheduleColumn | The graph schedule column view type. |
SpotSlopeType | The spot slope type. |
WallFoundationType | The wall foundation type. |
PipeInsulationType | The pipe insulation type. |
DuctInsulationType | The duct insulation type. |
DuctLiningType | The duct lining type. |
CableTrayType | The cable tray type. |
ConduitType | The conduilt type. |
DiameterDimensionType | The diameter dimension type. |
StairsType | The stairs type. |
AnalyticalLinkType | The analytical link type. |
MultiReferenceAnnotationType | The multi-reference annotation type. |
ColorFillType | The color fill legend type. |
RebarContainerType | The Rebar Container Type. |
StructuralConnectionHandlerType | The Structural Connection Handler Type. |
EndTreatmentType | The End Treatment Type. |
ViewTypeSystemsAnalysisReport | The system analysis report view type. |
AlignmentStationLabelType | The alignment station label type. |