ElementId Members

The ElementId type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method ElementId(Int32) Obsolete.
Create an ElementId handle with the given 32-bit integer id.
Public method ElementId(Int64)
Create an ElementId handle with the given 64-bit integer id.
Public method ElementId(BuiltInCategory)
Create an ElementId handle with the given BuiltInCategory id.
Public method ElementId(BuiltInParameter)
Create an ElementId handle with the given BuiltInParameter id.


Name Description
Public method Compare
Compares two element ids.
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Overrides Object Equals(Object) .)
Public method GetHashCode
Gets the value of the id as hash code
(Overrides Object GetHashCode .)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method Static member Parse
Parse the string representation of the id into a corresponding ElementId.
Public method ToString
Gets a String representation of the value of the id.
(Overrides Object ToString .)
Public method Static member TryParse
Parse the string representation of the id into a corresponding ElementId.


Name Description
Public operator Static member Equality
Determines whether these two ElementIds are the same.
Public operator Static member GreaterThan
Determines whether one element id is greater than another element id.
Public operator Static member GreaterThanOrEqual
Determines whether one element id is not less than another element id.
Public operator Static member Inequality
Determines whether these two ElementIds are different.
Public operator Static member LessThan
Determines whether this element id is less than another element id.
Public operator Static member LessThanOrEqual
Determines whether one element id is not greater than another element id.


Name Description
Public property IntegerValue Obsolete.
Provides the value of the element id as a 32-bit integer.
Public property Static member InvalidElementId
Get the invalid ElementId whose value is -1.
Public property Value
Provides the value of the element id as a 64-bit integer.

See Also