Class for 3D views
(in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
private void Getinfo_View3D(View3D view3D)
string message = "View3D: ";
// The position of the camera.
XYZ eyePosition = view3D.GetOrientation().EyePosition;
message += "\nCamera position: " + eyePosition;
// Identifies whether the view is a perspective view.
if (view3D.IsPerspective)
message += "\nThe view is a perspective view.";
// The section box of the 3D view can cut the model.
if (view3D.IsSectionBoxActive)
BoundingBoxXYZ sectionBox = view3D.GetSectionBox();
// Note that the section box can be rotated and transformed.
// So the min/max corners coordinates relative to the model must be computed via the transform.
Transform trf = sectionBox.Transform;
XYZ max = sectionBox.Max; //Maximum coordinates (upper-right-front corner of the box before transform is applied).
XYZ min = sectionBox.Min; //Minimum coordinates (lower-left-rear corner of the box before transform is applied).
// Transform the min and max to model coordinates
XYZ maxInModelCoords = trf.OfPoint(max);
XYZ minInModelCoords = trf.OfPoint(min);
message += "\nView has an active section box: ";
message += "\n'Maximum' coordinates: " + maxInModelCoords;
message += "\n'Minimum' coordinates: " + minInModelCoords;
TaskDialog.Show("Revit", message);
Private Sub Getinfo_View3D(view3D As View3D)
Dim message As String = "View3D: "
' The position of the camera.
Dim eyePosition As XYZ = view3D.GetOrientation().EyePosition
message += ((vbLf & "Camera position: (" + eyePosition.X & ", ") + eyePosition.Y & ", ") + eyePosition.Z & ")"
' Identifies whether this is a perspective view.
If view3D.IsPerspective Then
message += vbLf & "The view is a perspective."
End If
' The section box of the 3D view cuts the model by its bounds.
Dim sectionBox As BoundingBoxXYZ = view3D.GetSectionBox()
Dim max As XYZ = sectionBox.Max
'Maximum coordinates (upper-right-front corner of the box).
Dim min As XYZ = sectionBox.Min
'Minimum coordinates (lower-left-rear corner of the box).
message += vbLf & "Section Box: "
message += ((vbLf & "Maximum coordinates: (" + max.X & ", ") + max.Y & ", ") + max.Z & ")"
message += ((vbLf & "Minimum coordinates: (" + min.X & ", ") + min.Y & ", ") + min.Z & ")"
TaskDialog.Show("Revit", message)
End Sub