Autodesk.Revit.UI Namespace


Class Description
Public class AddInCommandBinding
This object represents a binding between a Revit command and one or more handlers which override the behavior of the command in Revit.
Public class ButtonData
Base class used to contain information necessary to construct a button in the Ribbon.
Public class ColorSelectionDialog
Allows display of the Revit Color dialog.
Public class ComboBox
This class represents a selection control with a drop-down list that can be shown or hidden by clicking the arrow.
Public class ComboBoxData
This class contains information necessary to construct a combo box in the Ribbon.
Public class ComboBoxMember
This class represents an item in the drop-down list of a ComboBox.
Public class ComboBoxMemberData
This class contains information necessary to construct a ComboBoxMember.
Public class ContextualHelp
Contains the details for how Revit should allow invocation of contextual help for an item added by an application.
Public class DockablePane
A user interface pane that participates in Revit's docking window system.
Public class DockablePaneId
Identifier for a pane that participates in the Revit docking window system.
Public class DockablePaneProviderData
Information about a new dockable pane being added to the Revit user interface.
Public class DockablePanes
Provides a container of all Revit built-in DockablePaneId instances.
Public class DockablePanes BuiltInDockablePanes
A collection of ids of the dockable panes provided by Revit.
Public class DockablePaneState
Describes where a dockable pane window should appear in the Revit user interface.
Public class DoubleClickOptions
Provides access to settings that control what happens when the current user double-clicks on an element.
Public class EditorInteraction
Wraps the EditorInteractionType for the Pane to allow for clients to override their type dynamically if need be.
Public class ExternalApplicationArray
An array that can contain any number of IExternalApplication objects.
Public class ExternalApplicationArrayIterator
An iterator to an array of IExternalApplication objects..
Public class ExternalCommandData
A class contains reference to Application and View which are needed by external command.
Public class ExternalEvent
A class that represent an external event.
Public class FamilyInstancePlacingArgs
The class is used to access necessary data during the placement of a FamilyInstance.
Public class FileDialog
Base class supporting display of the dialog used to navigate to and select a file from Autodesk Revit.
Public class FileOpenDialog
This class allows an add-in to prompt the user with the Revit dialog used to navigate to and select an existing file path. This dialog is typically used to select a file for opening or importing.
Public class FileSaveDialog
This class allows an add-in to prompt the user with the Revit dialog used to navigate to and select an existing or new file path. This dialog is typically used to enter a file name for saving or exporting.
Public class FilterDialog
Allows display of the dialog used to create and edit FilterElements in Autodesk Revit.
Public class PreviewControl
Presents a preview control to browse the Revit model.
Public class PromptForFamilyInstancePlacementOptions
This class contains options to control the behavior of interactive placement of family instances.
Public class PulldownButton
The PulldownButton object represents a button with a drop-down list on RibbonPanel.
Public class PulldownButtonData
This class contains information necessary to construct a pulldown button in the Ribbon.
Public class PushButton
The PushButton object represents an button on a RibbonPanel.
Public class PushButtonData
This class contains information necessary to construct a push button in the Ribbon.
Public class RadioButtonGroup
Represents a group of related buttons in the Ribbon.
Public class RadioButtonGroupData
This class contains information necessary to construct a ribbon gallery in the Ribbon.
Public class RevitCommandId
Represents a command id in Autodesk Revit.
Public class RevitLinkUIUtils
A class containing functions for displaying user interface related to Revit links.
Public class RibbonButton
This class is the base class of PushButton and PulldownButton.
Public class RibbonItem
The RibbonItem object represents an item on RibbonPanel, can be a push-button or a pull-down which should contain the information for creating one RibbonItem.
Public class RibbonItemData
Base class used to contain information necessary to construct a RibbonItem in the Ribbon.
Public class RibbonPanel
Represents a panel added by an External Application or External Command into the Add-Ins tab.
Public class SelectionUIOptions
Provides access to user settings related to how selection will behave in Revit's UI.
Public class SetupEnergySimulationDialog
The Revit dialog which typically precedes invocation of an Energy Simulation run on the Green Building Studio server.
Public class SplitButton
The SplitButton object represents a button with a clickable button appearing above a pulldown.
Public class SplitButtonData
This class contains information necessary to construct a split button in the Ribbon.
Public class TabbedDialogExtension
Contains the information required to create and implement the behavior for the new tab inside the Revit options dialog.
Public class TableViewUIUtils
This utility class contains members that involve the Revit UI and operate on schedule views or MEP electrical panel schedules.
Public class TaskDialog
A task dialog is a dialog box that can be used to display information and receive simple input from the user. It has a common set of controls that are arranged in a standard order to assure consistent look and feel.
Public class TextBox
The TextBox object represents text-based control that allows the user to enter text.
Public class TextBoxData
This class contains information necessary to construct a text box in the Ribbon.
Public class TextEditorOptions
Provides access to settings that control Revit's Text Editor appearance and functionality.
Public class ThinLinesOptions
A utility class containing setting related to the Thin Lines option which affects the display in the UI.
Public class ToggleButton
The ToggleButton object represents a button that has been added to a RadioButtonGroup.
Public class ToggleButtonData
This class contains information necessary to construct a toggle button in a RadioButtonGroup.
Public class UIApplication
Represents an active session of the Autodesk Revit user interface, providing access to UI customization methods, events, and the active document.
Public class UIControlledApplication
Represents the Autodesk Revit user interface, providing access to UI customization methods and events.
Public class UIDocument
An object that represents an Autodesk Revit project opened in the Revit user interface.
Public class UIFabricationUtils
General Fabrication UI utility methods in Revit UI.
Public class UISaveAsOptions
This class contains UI options available for saving a document to disk with a new filename.
Public class UIThemeManager
Manager object for the UITheme class.
Public class UIView
A class containing data about view windows in the Revit user interface.


Interface Description
Public interface IControllableDropHandler
An interface to be executed when custom data is dragged and dropped onto the Revit user interface. This interface is different from IDropHandler in that it allows the handler to verify whether the drop event can be executed on the given view.
Public interface IDockablePaneProvider
Interface that the Revit UI will call during initialization of the user interface to gather information about add-in dockable pane windows.
Public interface IDropHandler
An interface to be executed when custom data is dragged and dropped onto the Revit user interface.
Public interface IExternalApplication
An interface that supports addition of external applications to Revit.
Public interface IExternalCommand
An interface that should be implemented to provide the implementation for a Revit add-in External Command.
Public interface IExternalCommandAvailability
An interface that should be implemented to provide the implementation for a accessibility check for a Revit add-in External Command.
Public interface IExternalEventHandler
An interface to be executed when an external event is raised.
Public interface IExternalResourceUIServer
The interface used to provide custom handling of UI operations related to external resources.


Delegate Description
Public delegate TabbedDialogAction
Delegate for tabbed dialog actions, such as OnOK, OnCancel and RestoreDefaults.


Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ContextualHelpType
Represents the contextual help type.
Public enumeration DockPosition
Which part of the Revit application frame the pane should dock to.
Public enumeration DoubleClickAction
Possible actions Revit can take in response to the user double-clicking on an element.
Public enumeration DoubleClickTarget
Elements that support double-click in Revit. Note that this is meant to cover cases where the element itself is a double-click target. Individual controls that are targets are handled separately.
Public enumeration EditorInteractionType
Defines the type of interactions a pane has with the active editor when it becomes active in the Revit UI.
Public enumeration ExternalEventRequest
Represents the possible outcomes of a request for raising an external event.
Public enumeration FaceBasedPlacementType
This enumerated type specifies options available for placement of a face-based family instance.
Public enumeration ItemSelectionDialogResult
An enumerated type listing the possible responses from a prompted dialog where the user is asked to select one or more items.
Public enumeration PostableCommand
Enumerates all of the built-in commands which can be posted by an API application.
Public enumeration Result
Informs Autodesk Revit of the status of your application after execution.
Public enumeration RibbonItemType
An enumerated type listing all the toolbar item styles.
Public enumeration ScrollbarVisibility
Lists all the visibility types of the scrollbar in the preview view.
Public enumeration SetupEnergySimulationDialogResult
Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of the SetupEnergySimulationDialog
Public enumeration SketchGalleryOptions
Enumerates all the sketch options.
Public enumeration Tab
An enumerated type listing static tabs which support addition of panels via the API.
Public enumeration TaskDialogCommandLinkId
Enum to specify the Id of CommandLink.
Public enumeration TaskDialogCommonButtons
A enumerated type containing the standard buttons available for Task Dialogs.
Public enumeration TaskDialogIcon
Standard icons to be used in the task dialog.
Public enumeration TaskDialogResult
Enum to specify the task dialog result.
Public enumeration UITheme
The application frame theme.