Class | Description | |
AnalysisDisplayColoredSurfaceSettings |
Contains colored surface settings for analysis display style element.
AnalysisDisplayColorEntry |
Contains one entry of intermediate colors in color settings for analysis display style.
AnalysisDisplayColorSettings |
Contains color settings for analysis display style element.
AnalysisDisplayDeformedShapeSettings |
Contains deformed shape settings for analysis display style element.
AnalysisDisplayDiagramSettings |
Contains diagram settings for analysis display style element.
AnalysisDisplayLegend |
The legend that describes an Analysis Visualization.
AnalysisDisplayLegendSettings |
Contains legend settings for analysis display style element.
AnalysisDisplayMarkersAndTextSettings |
Contains markers and text settings for analysis display style element.
AnalysisDisplayStyle |
Exposes API for manipulation of analysis display style.
AnalysisDisplayVectorSettings |
Contains vector settings for analysis display style element.
AnalysisResultSchema |
Contains all information about one analysis result. Each result may contain several measurements.
BuildingEnvelopeAnalyzer |
Analyzes which elements are part of the building envelope, the building elements exposed to the outside.
BuildingEnvelopeAnalyzerOptions |
Specific options for the method analyzing the building elements for the building envelope.
ConceptualConstructionType |
This element is used to describe the conceptual physical, construction, and energy properties in a manner
that can be understood by both the Revit BIM model and Green Building Studio/Green Building XML.
For serialization
ConceptualSurfaceType |
This element represents a conceptual BIM object category to assign to faces in Mass geometries.
There is one ConceptualSurfaceType element for each of the Mass Surface Subcategories.
for serialization
EnergyAnalysisDetailModel |
Manage the analytical thermal model.
EnergyAnalysisDetailModelOptions |
Options that govern the calculations for the generation of the energy analysis detail model.
EnergyAnalysisOpening |
Analytical opening.
EnergyAnalysisSpace |
Analytical space.
EnergyAnalysisSurface |
Analytical surface.
The collection of analytic openings belonging to this analytical parent surface
EnergyDataSettings |
This element contains settings for gbXML Export and Heating and Cooling Load Calculations
and project level settings for Conceptual Energy Analysis.
for serialization
FieldDomainPoints |
Abstract base class for various classes of field domain points
FieldDomainPointsByParameter |
Represents a set of one-dimensional point coordinates (defined usually on curve)
FieldDomainPointsByUV |
Represents a set of two-dimensional point coordinates (defined usually on surface)
FieldDomainPointsByXYZ |
Represents a set of three-dimensional point coordinates
FieldValues |
Contains values corresponding to domain points.
Each domain point may have an array of values, each corresponding to a separate "measurement" for which this value was calculated.
HVACLoadBuildingType |
The type element of building.
HVACLoadSpaceType |
The type element of space.
HVACLoadType |
The base class for building type and space type.
MassEnergyAnalyticalModel |
This class associates a mass instance with an energy analytical model data and geometry.
MassGBXMLExportOptions |
Options used when exporting a gbXML file from a mass model document.
MassLevelData |
MassLevelData is a conceptual representation of an occupiable floor (Mass Floor) in a conceptual building model.
It is defined by associating a particular level with a particular mass element in a Revit project.
MassSurfaceData |
Holds properties and other data about a face in the MassEnergyAnalyticalModel element.
MassZone |
MassZones are created from the MassEnergyAnalyticalModel. They are conceptual representations of individually heated and cooled sub-volumes of a building.
Polyloop |
A Polyloop represent a planar polygon with ordered points.
SpatialFieldManager |
Exposes all API for an external analysis application.
Its primary role is creation, deletion and modification of SpatialFieldElement elements.
ValueAtPoint |
Stores values at one domain point.
Each value corresponds to a "measurement" for which this value was calculated.
VectorAtPoint |
Stores vectors at one domain point.
Each vector corresponds to a "measurement" for which this vector was calculated.
Enumeration | Description | |
AnalysisDisplayStyleColorSettingsType |
Defines types for color settings of analysis display style.
AnalysisDisplayStyleDeformedShapeTextLabelType |
Defines text visualization types for deformed shape settings of analysis display style.
AnalysisDisplayStyleDiagramFenceType |
Defines fence visualization types for diagram settings of analysis display style.
AnalysisDisplayStyleDiagramTextLabelType |
Defines text label visualization types for diagram settings of analysis display style.
AnalysisDisplayStyleMarkerTextLabelType |
Text label visualization types for Markers and Text settings of analysis display style.
AnalysisDisplayStyleMarkerType |
Marker types for Markers and Text settings of analysis display style.
AnalysisDisplayStyleVectorArrowheadScale |
Defines arrow head scaling for vector settings of analysis display style.
AnalysisDisplayStyleVectorOrientation |
Defines vector orientation for vector settings of analysis display style.
AnalysisDisplayStyleVectorPosition |
Defines vector position for vector settings of analysis display style.
AnalysisDisplayStyleVectorTextType |
Defines text visualization types for vector settings of analysis display style.
AnalysisMode |
This enum is used to define the Energy Analysis Model.
ConceptualConstructionFloorSlabType |
ConceptualConstructionType values for Floors.
ConceptualConstructionOpeningType |
ConceptualConstructionType values for Openings.
ConceptualConstructionRoofType |
ConceptualConstructionType values for Roofs.
ConceptualConstructionShadeType |
ConceptualConstructionType values for Shades.
ConceptualConstructionWallType |
ConceptualConstructionType values for Walls.
ConceptualConstructionWindowSkylightType |
ConceptualConstructionType values for Windows and Skylights
ConstructionType |
This enumeration specifies the available analytical construction types
like external walls, windows etc. for use in the detailed analytical
energy model.
EnergyAnalysisDetailModelTier |
Level of computation for energy analysis model.
EnergyAnalysisOpeningType |
Energy analysis opening type.
EnergyAnalysisSurfaceType |
Analytical surface types.
EnergyModelType |
This enum is used to define if the energy model is based on rooms/spaces or building elements.
gbXMLBuildingHVACSystem |
Enumerations for gbXML (Green Building XML) format, used for energy
analysis, schema version 0.34.
gbXMLBuildingOperatingSchedule |
Enumerations for gbXML (Green Building XML) format, used for energy
analysis, schema version 0.34.
gbXMLBuildingType |
Enumerations for gbXML (Green Building XML) format, used for energy
analysis, schema version 0.34.
gbXMLConditionType |
This enumeration corresponds to the conditionType attribute in gbXML.
The enumerated attribute identifies the type of heating, cooling,
or ventilation the space has.
gbXMLExportBuildingEnvelope |
Indicates the determination method for the building envelope
gbXMLExportComplexity |
This enumeration specifies the level of detail of the exported analytical energy model in gbXML.
Complex means that Curtain Walls and Curtain Systems are exported as several openings, panel by panel;
a curtain wall with 50 panels gets exported as 50 openings. Simple means that one "huge" opening with
the total opening area equal to the 50 panels is exported. This is more appropriate for most energy analysis.
Mullions mean that Mullions in Curtain Walls and Systems are exported as shading surfaces. A "simplified"
analytical shading surface is produced from a mullion based on its centerline, thickness and offset.
gbXMLOpeningType |
This enumeration corresponds to the openingType attribute in gbXML
and identifies the type of opening defined.
gbXMLServiceType |
This enumeration corresponds to the systemType attribute in gbXML
and is used for specifying the service for the building or space.
gbXMLSpaceType |
This enumeration corresponds to the spaceType attribute in gbXML.
The enumerated attribute identifies the type of space defined and
allows to better approximate the actual internal loads and schedules
associated with the defined space type.
gbXMLSurfaceType |
This enumeration corresponds to the surfaceType attribute in gbXML
and identifies the type of surface defined.
HVACLoadConstructionClass |
Enumerated type listing options for construction class for HVAC analysis.
HVACLoadLoadsReportType |
Enumerated type listing possible types of reports generated for HVAC loads.
MassSurfaceDataMaterialType |
Indicates how the visualization material for the MassSurfaceData is calculated.
MassSurfaceDataSource |
Indicates whether values for the properties of the MassSurfaceData
are synchronized with the EnergyDataSettings of the
document or instead, serve as overrides of those settings.
MassZoneLevelCutState |
The relationship between lower level or upper level and the MassZone.
The MassZone is not intersected by this level, this level just happens to be the nearest upper or lower level.
The MassZone was created by cutting its source geometry with this level. The level cuts through the MassZone geometry.
One or more faces of the MassZone are coincident with this level and the level does not otherwise cut through or intersect
the MassZone geometry.
MassZoneMaterialType |
MassZone material type.
OutdoorAirFlowStandard |
An enumerated type listing all the possible outdoor airflow standard for a space type.
SpatialFieldPrimitiveHideMode |
Defines modes which can be used by a SpatialFieldPrimitive to hide the original referenced element.